.. _pyside6-rcc: pyside6-rcc =========== .. note:: This tool is automatically called by :ref:`pyside6-project` so you don't need to call it manually. *Qt Creator* will take care of this step as well while executing a project. ``pyside6-rcc`` is a command line tool for converting ``.qrc`` files into ``.py`` files, so they can be used within your Python code. The tool is a wrapper around the `rcc`_ tool, which was originally designed to generate C++ code, but it also has Python support. Even though the equivalent of ``pyside6-rcc`` is running ``rcc -g python`` we strongly recommend you to rely on ``pyside6-rcc`` in order to avoid mismatches between versions for the generated code. Usage ----- Once you have gathered your resources on a qrc file, you can transform your ``.qrc`` file with the following command: .. code-block:: bash pyside6-rcc your_file.qrc -o rc_your_file.py It is important to use the ``-o`` option to generate the Python file with the conversion, otherwise you will receive all the output as stdout in your terminal. To enable the usage of those resources in your program, you need to import the file: .. code-block:: Python import rc_your_file then you can use a specific resource, for example an image, with the prefix ``:/``, for example: .. code-block:: Python pixmap = QPixmap(":/icons/image.png") For additional options, you can use ``pyside6-rcc -h`` in order to get more information about additional options. Visit the tutorial :ref:`using_qrc_files` for a hands-on example. .. _`rcc`: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/rcc.html