Chapter 6 - Plot the data in the ChartView =========================================== The last step of this tutorial is to plot the CSV data inside our QChart. For this, you need to go over our data and include the data on a QLineSeries. After adding the data to the series, you can modify the axis to properly display the QDateTime on the X-axis, and the magnitude values on the Y-axis. Here is the updated :code:`` that includes an additional function to plot data using a QLineSeries: .. literalinclude:: datavisualize6/ :language: python :linenos: :lines: 3- :emphasize-lines: 33,56-91 Now, run the application to visualize the earthquake magnitudes data at different times. .. image:: images/datavisualization_app.png :width: 600 :alt: Data Visualization Screenshot Try modifying the sources to get different output. For example, you could try to plot more data from the CSV.