Chapter 3: Port ``bookdwindow.cpp`` to ```` ********************************************************* After the bookdelegate, port the C++ code for the ``BookWindow`` class. It offers a QMainWindow, containing a ``QTableView`` to present the books data, and a **Details** section with a set of input fields to edit the selected row in the table. To begin with, create the ```` and add the following imports to it: .. literalinclude:: :language: python :linenos: :lines: 40-53 .. note:: The imports include the ``BookDelegate`` you ported earlier and the ``Ui_BookWindow``. The pyside-uic tool generates the ``ui_bookwindow`` Python code based on the ``bookwindow.ui`` XML file. To generate this Python code, run the following command on the prompt: .. code-block:: pyside6-uic bookwindow.ui > Try porting the remaining code now. To begin with, here is how both the versions of the constructor code looks: C++ version ------------ .. literalinclude:: bookwindow.cpp :language: c++ :linenos: :lines: 57-140 Python version --------------- .. literalinclude:: :language: python :linenos: :lines: 53-116 .. note:: The Python version of the ``BookWindow`` class definition inherits from both ``QMainWindow`` and ``Ui_BookWindow``, which is defined in the ```` file that you generated earlier. Here is how the rest of the code looks like: C++ version ------------ .. literalinclude:: bookwindow.cpp :language: c++ :linenos: :lines: 115- Python version --------------- .. literalinclude:: :language: python :linenos: :lines: 117- Now that all the necessary pieces are in place, try to put them together in ````. .. literalinclude:: :language: python :linenos: :lines: 40- Try running this to see if you get the following output: .. image:: images/chapter3-books.png :alt: BookWindow with a QTableView and a few input fields Now, if you look back at :doc:`chapter2 <../chapter2/chapter2>`, you'll notice that the ```` loads the ``star.png`` from the filesytem. Instead, you could add it to a ``qrc`` file, and load from it. The later approach is rececommended if your application is targeted for different platforms, as most of the popular platforms employ stricter file access policy these days. To add the ``star.png`` to a ``.qrc``, create a file called ``books.qrc`` and the following XML content to it: .. literalinclude:: books.qrc :linenos: This is a simple XML file defining a list all resources that your application needs. In this case, it is the ``star.png`` image only. Now, run the ``pyside6-rcc`` tool on the ``books.qrc`` file to generate ````. .. code-block:: pyside6-rcc books.qrc > Once you have the Python script generated, make the following changes to ```` and ````: .. literalinclude:: :diff: ../chapter2/ .. literalinclude:: :diff: Although there will be no noticeable difference in the UI after these changes, using a ``.qrc`` is a better approach. Now that you have successfully ported the SQL Books example, you know how easy it is. Try porting another C++ application.