// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "globalreceiverv2.h" #include "pysideweakref.h" #include "pysidestaticstrings.h" #include "pysideutils.h" #include "signalmanager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #define RECEIVER_DESTROYED_SLOT_NAME "__receiverDestroyed__(QObject*)" namespace PySide { size_t qHash(const GlobalReceiverKey &k, size_t seed) { QtPrivate::QHashCombine hash; seed = hash(seed, k.object); seed = hash(seed, k.method); return seed; } class DynamicSlotDataV2 { Q_DISABLE_COPY(DynamicSlotDataV2) public: DynamicSlotDataV2(PyObject *callback, GlobalReceiverV2 *parent); ~DynamicSlotDataV2(); int addSlot(const char *signature); int id(const char *signature) const; PyObject *callback(); GlobalReceiverKey key() const { return {m_pythonSelf, m_callback}; } void notify(); static void onCallbackDestroyed(void *data); static GlobalReceiverKey key(PyObject *callback); private: bool m_isMethod; PyObject *m_callback; PyObject *m_pythonSelf = nullptr; PyObject *m_pyClass = nullptr; PyObject *m_weakRef = nullptr; QMap m_signatures; GlobalReceiverV2 *m_parent; }; } using namespace PySide; DynamicSlotDataV2::DynamicSlotDataV2(PyObject *callback, GlobalReceiverV2 *parent) : m_parent(parent) { Shiboken::GilState gil; if (PyMethod_Check(callback)) { m_isMethod = true; // To avoid increment instance reference keep the callback information m_callback = PyMethod_GET_FUNCTION(callback); Py_INCREF(m_callback); m_pythonSelf = PyMethod_GET_SELF(callback); //monitor class from method lifetime m_weakRef = WeakRef::create(m_pythonSelf, DynamicSlotDataV2::onCallbackDestroyed, this); } else if (PySide::isCompiledMethod(callback)) { // PYSIDE-1523: PyMethod_Check is not accepting compiled form, we just go by attributes. m_isMethod = true; m_callback = PyObject_GetAttr(callback, PySide::PySideName::im_func()); Py_DECREF(m_callback); m_pythonSelf = PyObject_GetAttr(callback, PySide::PySideName::im_self()); Py_DECREF(m_pythonSelf); //monitor class from method lifetime m_weakRef = WeakRef::create(m_pythonSelf, DynamicSlotDataV2::onCallbackDestroyed, this); } else { m_isMethod = false; m_callback = callback; Py_INCREF(m_callback); } } GlobalReceiverKey DynamicSlotDataV2::key(PyObject *callback) { Shiboken::GilState gil; if (PyMethod_Check(callback)) { // PYSIDE-1422: Avoid hash on self which might be unhashable. return {PyMethod_GET_SELF(callback), PyMethod_GET_FUNCTION(callback)}; } else if (PySide::isCompiledMethod(callback)) { // PYSIDE-1589: Fix for slots in compiled functions Shiboken::AutoDecRef self(PyObject_GetAttr(callback, PySide::PySideName::im_self())); Shiboken::AutoDecRef func(PyObject_GetAttr(callback, PySide::PySideName::im_func())); return {self, func}; } // PYSIDE-2299: Callbacks can have the same code, but we only need one GlobalReceiverV2 for all // of them. If we used the callback itself instead of the code object, we would // create a new GlobalReceiverV2 for each in SignalManager::globalReceiver() // (signalmanager.cpp), leaking memory. return {nullptr, PyFunction_GetCode(callback)}; } PyObject *DynamicSlotDataV2::callback() { PyObject *callback = m_callback; //create a callback based on method data if (m_isMethod) callback = Py_TYPE(m_callback)->tp_descr_get(m_callback, m_pythonSelf, nullptr); else Py_INCREF(callback); return callback; } int DynamicSlotDataV2::id(const char *signature) const { const auto it = m_signatures.constFind(signature); return it != m_signatures.cend() ? it.value() : -1; } int DynamicSlotDataV2::addSlot(const char *signature) { int index = id(signature); if (index == -1) index = m_signatures[signature] = m_parent->metaObjectBuilder().addSlot(signature); return index; } void DynamicSlotDataV2::onCallbackDestroyed(void *data) { auto self = reinterpret_cast(data); self->m_weakRef = nullptr; Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS SignalManager::instance().deleteGobalReceiver(self->m_parent); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS } DynamicSlotDataV2::~DynamicSlotDataV2() { Shiboken::GilState gil; Py_XDECREF(m_weakRef); m_weakRef = nullptr; Py_DECREF(m_callback); } const char *GlobalReceiverV2::senderDynamicProperty = "_q_pyside_sender"; GlobalReceiverV2::GlobalReceiverV2(PyObject *callback, QObject *receiver) : QObject(nullptr), m_metaObject("__GlobalReceiver__", &QObject::staticMetaObject), m_receiver(receiver) { m_data = new DynamicSlotDataV2(callback, this); } GlobalReceiverV2::~GlobalReceiverV2() { m_refs.clear(); // Remove itself from map. // Suppress handling of destroyed() for objects whose last reference is contained inside // the callback object that will now be deleted. The reference could be a default argument, // a callback local variable, etc. // The signal has to be suppressed because it would lead to the following situation: // Callback is deleted, hence the last reference is decremented, // leading to the object being deleted, which emits destroyed(), which would try to invoke // the already deleted callback, and also try to delete the object again. DynamicSlotDataV2 *data = m_data; m_data = nullptr; delete data; } int GlobalReceiverV2::addSlot(const char *signature) { return m_data->addSlot(signature); } void GlobalReceiverV2::incRef(const QObject *link) { Q_ASSERT(link); m_refs.append(link); } void GlobalReceiverV2::decRef(const QObject *link) { Q_ASSERT(link); m_refs.removeOne(link); } void GlobalReceiverV2::notify() { purgeDeletedSenders(); } static bool isNull(const QPointer &p) { return p.isNull(); } void GlobalReceiverV2::purgeDeletedSenders() { m_refs.erase(std::remove_if(m_refs.begin(), m_refs.end(), isNull), m_refs.end()); } bool GlobalReceiverV2::isEmpty() const { return std::all_of(m_refs.cbegin(), m_refs.cend(), isNull); } GlobalReceiverKey GlobalReceiverV2::key() const { return m_data->key(); } GlobalReceiverKey GlobalReceiverV2::key(PyObject *callback) { return DynamicSlotDataV2::key(callback); } const QMetaObject *GlobalReceiverV2::metaObject() const { return const_cast(this)->m_metaObject.update(); } int GlobalReceiverV2::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call call, int id, void **args) { Shiboken::GilState gil; Q_ASSERT(call == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod); Q_ASSERT(id >= QObject::staticMetaObject.methodCount()); QMetaMethod slot = metaObject()->method(id); Q_ASSERT(slot.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Slot); if (!m_data) { const QByteArray message = "PySide6 Warning: Skipping callback call " + slot.methodSignature() + " because the callback object is being destructed."; PyErr_WarnEx(PyExc_RuntimeWarning, message.constData(), 0); return -1; } const bool setSenderDynamicProperty = !m_receiver.isNull(); if (setSenderDynamicProperty) m_receiver->setProperty(senderDynamicProperty, QVariant::fromValue(sender())); const bool isShortCuit = std::strchr(slot.methodSignature(), '(') == nullptr; Shiboken::AutoDecRef callback(m_data->callback()); SignalManager::callPythonMetaMethod(slot, args, callback, isShortCuit); if (setSenderDynamicProperty) m_receiver->setProperty(senderDynamicProperty, QVariant{}); // SignalManager::callPythonMetaMethod might have failed, in that case we have to print the // error so it considered "handled". if (PyErr_Occurred()) { int reclimit = Py_GetRecursionLimit(); // Inspired by Python's errors.c: PyErr_GivenExceptionMatches() function. // Temporarily bump the recursion limit, so that PyErr_Print will not raise a recursion // error again. Don't do it when the limit is already insanely high, to avoid overflow. if (reclimit < (1 << 30)) Py_SetRecursionLimit(reclimit + 5); PyErr_Print(); Py_SetRecursionLimit(reclimit); } return -1; }