#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 import os import sys import unittest from pathlib import Path sys.path.append(os.fspath(Path(__file__).resolve().parents[1])) from init_paths import init_test_paths init_test_paths(False) from PySide6.QtCore import QObject, Slot, Signal class Sender(QObject): mySignal = Signal() class MyObject(QObject): def __init__(self, parent=None): QObject.__init__(self, parent) self._slotCalledCount = 0 @Slot() def mySlot(self): self._slotCalledCount = self._slotCalledCount + 1 @Slot(int) @Slot('QString') def mySlot2(self, arg0): self._slotCalledCount = self._slotCalledCount + 1 @Slot(name='mySlot3') def foo(self): self._slotCalledCount = self._slotCalledCount + 1 @Slot(str, int) def mySlot4(self, a, b): self._slotCalledCount = self._slotCalledCount + 1 @Slot(result=int) def mySlot5(self): self._slotCalledCount = self._slotCalledCount + 1 @Slot(result=QObject) def mySlot6(self): self._slotCalledCount = self._slotCalledCount + 1 class StaticMetaObjectTest(unittest.TestCase): def testSignalPropagation(self): o = MyObject() m = o.metaObject() self.assertTrue(m.indexOfSlot('mySlot()') > 0) self.assertTrue(m.indexOfSlot('mySlot2(int)') > 0) self.assertTrue(m.indexOfSlot('mySlot2(QString)') > 0) self.assertTrue(m.indexOfSlot('mySlot3()') > 0) self.assertTrue(m.indexOfSlot('mySlot4(QString,int)') > 0) def testEmission(self): sender = Sender() o = MyObject() sender.mySignal.connect(o.mySlot) sender.mySignal.emit() self.assertTrue(o._slotCalledCount == 1) def testResult(self): o = MyObject() mo = o.metaObject() i = mo.indexOfSlot('mySlot5()') m = mo.method(i) self.assertEqual(m.typeName(), "int") def testResultObject(self): o = MyObject() mo = o.metaObject() i = mo.indexOfSlot('mySlot6()') m = mo.method(i) self.assertEqual(m.typeName(), "QObject*") class SlotWithoutArgs(unittest.TestCase): def testError(self): # It should be an error to call the slot without the # arguments, as just @Slot would end up in a slot # accepting argument functions self.assertRaises(TypeError, Slot, lambda: 3) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()