Specifying Types ---------------- .. _typesystem: typesystem ^^^^^^^^^^ This is the root node containing all the type system information. It can have a number of attributes, described below. .. code-block:: xml The **package** attribute is a string describing the package to be used, e.g. "QtCore". The *optional* **default-superclass** attribute is the canonical C++ base class name of all objects, e.g., "object". The *optional* attributes **allow-thread** and **exception-handling** specify the default handling for the corresponding function modification (see :ref:`modify-function`). load-typesystem ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The load-typesystem node specifies which type systems to load when mapping multiple libraries to another language or basing one library on another, and it is a child of the typesystem node. .. code-block:: xml The **name** attribute is the filename of the typesystem to load, the **generate** attribute specifies whether code should be generated or not. The later must be specified when basing one library on another, making the generator able to understand inheritance hierarchies, primitive mapping, parameter types in functions, etc. Most libraries will be based on both the QtCore and QtGui modules, in which case code generation for these libraries will be disabled. rejection ^^^^^^^^^ The rejection node rejects the given class, or the specified function or field, and it is a child of the typesystem node. .. code-block:: xml The **class** attribute is the C++ class name of the class to reject. Use the *optional* **function-name** or **field-name** attributes to reject a particular function or field. Note that the **field-name** and **function-name** cannot be specified at the same time. To remove all occurrences of a given field or function, set the class attribute to \*. .. _primitive-type: primitive-type ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The primitive-type node describes how a primitive type is mapped from C++ to the target language, and is a child of the typesystem node. Note that most primitives are already specified in the QtCore typesystem. .. code-block:: xml The **name** attribute is the name of the primitive in C++, the optional, **target-name** attribute is the name of the primitive type in the target language. If the later two attributes are not specified their default value will be the same as the **name** attribute. The *optional* **since** value is used to specify the API version of this type. If the *optional* **preferred-conversion** attribute is set to *no*, it indicates that this version of the primitive type is not the preferred C++ equivalent of the target language type. For example, in Python both "qint64" and "long long" become "long" but we should prefer the "qint64" version. For this reason we mark "long long" with preferred-conversion="no". The *optional* **default-constructor** specifies the minimal constructor call to build one value of the primitive-type. This is not needed when the primitive-type may be built with a default constructor (the one without arguments). The *optional* **preferred-conversion** attribute tells how to build a default instance of the primitive type. It should be a constructor call capable of creating a instance of the primitive type. Example: a class "Foo" could have a **preferred-conversion** value set to "Foo()". Usually this attribute is used only for classes declared as primitive types and not for primitive C++ types, but that depends on the application using *ApiExtractor*. .. _namespace: namespace-type ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The namespace-type node maps the given C++ namespace to the target language, and it is a child of the typesystem node. Note that within namespaces, the generator only supports enums (i.e., no functions or classes). .. code-block:: xml The **name** attribute is the name of the namespace, e.g., "Qt". The *optional* **generate** attribute is used to inform if you need to prepend the given namespace into each generated class. Its default value is **yes**. The **package** attribute can be used to override the package of the type system. The *optional* **since** value is used to specify the API version of this type. The **revision** attribute can be used to specify a revision for each type, easing the production of ABI compatible bindings. enum-type ^^^^^^^^^ The enum-type node maps the given enum from C++ to the target language, and it is a child of the typesystem node. Use the reject-enum-value to reject values. .. code-block:: xml The **name** attribute is the fully qualified C++ name of the enum (e.g.,"Qt::FillRule"). If the *optional* **flags** attribute is set to *yes* (the default is *no*), the generator will expect an existing QFlags for the given enum type. The **lower-bound** and **upper-bound** attributes are used to specify runtime bounds checking for the enum value. The value must be a compilable target language statement, such as "QGradient.Spread.PadSpread" (taking again Python as an example). If the **force-integer** attribute is set to *yes* (the default is *no*), the generated target language code will use the target language integers instead of enums. And finally, the **extensible** attribute specifies whether the given enum can be extended with user values (the default is *no*). The *optional* **since** value is used to specify the API version of this type. The attribute **identified-by-value** helps to specify anonymous enums using the name of one of their values, which is unique for the anonymous enum scope. Notice that the **enum-type** tag can either have **name** or **identified-by-value** but not both. The **revision** attribute can be used to specify a revision for each type, easing the production of ABI compatible bindings. The **flags-revision** attribute has the same purposes of **revision** attribute but is used for the QFlag related to this enum. reject-enum-value ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The reject-enum-value node rejects the enum value specified by the **name** attribute, and it is a child of the enum-type node. .. code-block:: xml This node is used when a C++ enum implementation has several identical numeric values, some of which are typically obsolete. .. _value-type: value-type ^^^^^^^^^^ The value-type node indicates that the given C++ type is mapped onto the target language as a value type. This means that it is an object passed by value on C++, i.e. it is stored in the function call stack. It is a child of the :ref:`typesystem` node. .. code-block:: xml The **name** attribute is the fully qualified C++ class name, such as "QMatrix" or "QPainterPath::Element". The **copyable** attribute is used to force or not specify if this type is copyable. The *optional* **hash-function** attribute informs the function name of a hash function for the type. The *optional* attribute **stream** specifies whether this type will be able to use externally defined operators, like QDataStream << and >>. If equals to **yes**, these operators will be called as normal methods within the current class. The *optional* **since** value is used to specify the API version of this type. The *optional* **default-constructor** specifies the minimal constructor call to build one instance of the value-type. This is not needed when the value-type may be built with a default constructor (the one without arguments). Usually a code generator may guess a minimal constructor for a value-type based on its constructor signatures, thus **default-constructor** is used only in very odd cases. The **revision** attribute can be used to specify a revision for each type, easing the production of ABI compatible bindings. The *optional* attributes **allow-thread** and **exception-handling** specify the default handling for the corresponding function modification (see :ref:`modify-function`). .. _object-type: object-type ^^^^^^^^^^^ The object-type node indicates that the given C++ type is mapped onto the target language as an object type. This means that it is an object passed by pointer on C++ and it is stored on the heap. It is a child of the :ref:`typesystem` node. .. code-block:: xml The **name** attribute is the fully qualified C++ class name. If there is no C++ base class, the default-superclass attribute can be used to specify a superclass for the given type, in the generated target language API. The **copyable** and **hash-function** attributes are the same as described for :ref:`value-type`. The *optional* attribute **stream** specifies whether this type will be able to use externally defined operators, like QDataStream << and >>. If equals to **yes**, these operators will be called as normal methods within the current class. The *optional* **since** value is used to specify the API version of this type. The **revision** attribute can be used to specify a revision for each type, easing the production of ABI compatible bindings. The *optional* attributes **allow-thread** and **exception-handling** specify the default handling for the corresponding function modification (see :ref:`modify-function`). interface-type ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The interface-type node indicates that the given class is replaced by an interface pattern when mapping from C++ to the target language. Using the interface-type node implicitly makes the given type an :ref:`object-type`. .. code-block:: xml The **name** attribute is the fully qualified C++ class name. The *optional* **package** attribute can be used to override the package of the type system. If there is no C++ base class, the *optional* **default-superclass** attribute can be used to specify a superclass in the generated target language API, for the given class. The *optional* **since** value is used to specify the API version of this interface. The **revision** attribute can be used to specify a revision for each type, easing the production of ABI compatible bindings. .. _container-type: container-type ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The container-type node indicates that the given class is a container and must be handled using one of the conversion helpers provided by attribute **type**. .. code-block:: xml The **name** attribute is the fully qualified C++ class name. The **type** attribute is used to indicate what conversion rule will be applied to the container. It can be: *list*, *string-list*, *linked-list*, *vector*, *stack*, *queue*, *set*, *map*, *multi-map*, *hash*, *multi-hash* or *pair*. The *optional* **since** value is used to specify the API version of this container. typedef-type ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The typedef-type allows for specifying typedefs in the typesystem. They are mostly equivalent to spelling out the typedef in the included header, which is often complicated when trying to wrap libraries whose source code cannot be easily extended. .. code-block:: xml The **source** attribute is the source. Example: .. code-block:: xml \n" is equivalent to .. code-block:: c++ typedef std::optional IntOptional; The *optional* **since** value is used to specify the API version of this type. .. _custom-type: custom-type ^^^^^^^^^^^ The custom-type node simply makes the parser aware of the existence of a target language type, thus avoiding errors when trying to find a type used in function signatures and other places. The proper handling of the custom type is meant to be done by a generator using the APIExractor. .. code-block:: xml The **name** attribute is the name of the custom type, e.g., "PyObject". .. _smart-pointer-type: smart-pointer-type ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The smart pointer type node indicates that the given class is a smart pointer and requires inserting calls to **getter** to access the pointeee. Currently, only the **type** *shared* is supported and the usage is limited to function return values. **ref-count-method** specifies the name of the method used to do reference counting. .. code-block:: xml .. _function: function ^^^^^^^^ The function node indicates that the given C++ global function is mapped onto the target language. .. code-block:: xml This tag has some limitations, it doesn't support function modifications, besides you can't add a function overload using :ref:`add-function` tag to an existent function. These limitation will be addressed in future versions of ApiExtractor. The function tag has two *optional* attributes: **since**, whose value is used to specify the API version of this function, and **rename**, to modify the function name.