include(CMakeParseArguments) macro(shiboken_parse_all_arguments prefix type flags options multiopts) cmake_parse_arguments(${prefix} "${flags}" "${options}" "${multiopts}" ${ARGN}) if(DEFINED ${prefix}_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown arguments were passed to ${type} (${${prefix}_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}).") endif() endmacro() macro(shiboken_check_if_limited_api) # On Windows, PYTHON_LIBRARIES can be a list. Example: # optimized;C:/Python36/libs/python36.lib;debug;C:/Python36/libs/python36_d.lib # On other platforms, this result is not used at all. execute_process( COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "if True: for lib in '${PYTHON_LIBRARIES}'.split(';'): if '/' in lib: prefix, py = lib.rsplit('/', 1) if py.startswith('python3'): print(prefix + '/python3.lib') break " OUTPUT_VARIABLE PYTHON_LIMITED_LIBRARIES OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(FORCE_LIMITED_API STREQUAL "yes") if (${PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR} EQUAL 3 AND ${PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR} GREATER 4) # GREATER_EQUAL is available only from cmake 3.7 on. We mean python 3.5 . set(PYTHON_LIMITED_API 1) endif() if(WIN32) if (${PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR} EQUAL 3 AND ${PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR} GREATER 4) # PYSIDE-560: XXX maybe add an option to as override set(SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_LIBRARIES ${PYTHON_LIMITED_LIBRARIES}) endif() endif() endif() endmacro() macro(shiboken_find_required_python) if(${ARGC} GREATER 0) find_package(PythonInterp ${ARGV0} REQUIRED) find_package(PythonLibs ${ARGV0} REQUIRED) else() # If no version is specified, just use any interpreter that can be found (from PATH). # This is useful for super-project builds, so that the default system interpeter # gets picked up (e.g. /usr/bin/python and not /usr/bin/python2.7). find_package(PythonInterp REQUIRED) find_package(PythonLibs REQUIRED) endif() shiboken_validate_python_version() set(SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_INTERPRETER "${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_INTERPRETER "${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}") endmacro() macro(shiboken_validate_python_version) if((PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR EQUAL "2" AND PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR LESS "7") OR (PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR EQUAL "3" AND PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR LESS "5")) message(FATAL_ERROR "Shiboken requires Python 2.7+ or Python 3.5+.") endif() endmacro() macro(shiboken_compute_python_includes) shiboken_parse_all_arguments( "SHIBOKEN_COMPUTE_INCLUDES" "shiboken_compute_python_includes" "IS_CALLED_FROM_EXPORT" "" "" ${ARGN}) # If the installed shiboken config file is used, # append the found Python include dirs as an interface property on the libshiboken target. # This needs to be dynamic because the user of the library might have python installed # in a different path than when shiboken was originally built. # Otherwise if shiboken is currently being built itself (either as standalone, or super project # build) append the include dirs as PUBLIC. if (SHIBOKEN_COMPUTE_INCLUDES_IS_CALLED_FROM_EXPORT) #TODO target_include_directories works on imported targets only starting with v3.11.0. set_property(TARGET Shiboken2::libshiboken APPEND PROPERTY INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ${PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS}) else() target_include_directories(libshiboken PUBLIC $) endif() set(SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS "${PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS}") message(STATUS "SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS computed to value: '${SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS}'") endmacro() # Given a list of the following form: # optimized;C:/Python36/libs/python36.lib;debug;C:/Python36/libs/python36_d.lib # choose the correpsonding library to use, based on the current configuration type. function(shiboken_get_library_for_current_config library_list current_config out_var) list(FIND library_list "optimized" optimized_found) list(FIND library_list "general" general_found) list(FIND library_list "debug" debug_found) if (optimized_found OR general_found OR debug_found) # Iterate over library list to find the most appropriate library. foreach(token ${library_list}) if(token STREQUAL "optimized" OR token STREQUAL "general") set(is_debug 0) set(token1 1) set(lib "") elseif(token STREQUAL "debug") set(is_debug 1) set(token1 1) set(lib "") elseif(EXISTS ${token}) set(lib ${token}) set(token2 1) else() set(token1 0) set(token2 0) set(lib "") endif() if(token1 AND token2) if((is_debug AND lib AND current_config STREQUAL "Debug") OR (NOT is_debug AND lib AND (NOT current_config STREQUAL "Debug"))) set(${out_var} ${lib} PARENT_SCOPE) return() endif() endif() endforeach() else() # No configuration specific libraries found, just set the original value. set(${out_var} "${library_list}" PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() macro(shiboken_compute_python_libraries) shiboken_parse_all_arguments( "SHIBOKEN_COMPUTE_LIBS" "shiboken_compute_python_libraries" "IS_CALLED_FROM_EXPORT" "" "" ${ARGN}) if (NOT SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_LIBRARIES) set(SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_LIBRARIES "") endif() if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug") if(WIN32 AND NOT SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_LIBRARIES) set(SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_LIBRARIES ${PYTHON_DEBUG_LIBRARIES}) endif() endif() if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Release") if(WIN32 AND NOT SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_LIBRARIES) set(SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_LIBRARIES ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES}) endif() endif() # If the resulting variable # contains a "debug;X;optimized;Y" list like described in shiboken_check_if_limited_api, # make sure to pick just one, so that the final generator expressions are valid. shiboken_get_library_for_current_config("${SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_LIBRARIES}" ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} "SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_LIBRARIES") if(APPLE) set(SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_LIBRARIES "-undefined dynamic_lookup") endif() # If the installed shiboken config file is used, # append the computed Python libraries as an interface property on the libshiboken target. # This needs to be dynamic because the user of the library might have python installed # in a different path than when shiboken was originally built. # Otherwise if shiboken is currently being built itself (either as standalone, or super project # build) append the libraries as PUBLIC. if (SHIBOKEN_COMPUTE_LIBS_IS_CALLED_FROM_EXPORT) #TODO target_link_libraries works on imported targets only starting with v3.11.0. set_property(TARGET Shiboken2::libshiboken APPEND PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES ${SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_LIBRARIES}) else() target_link_libraries(libshiboken PUBLIC $) endif() message(STATUS "SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_LIBRARIES computed to value: '${SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_LIBRARIES}'") endmacro() function(shiboken_check_if_built_and_target_python_are_compatible) if(NOT SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR STREQUAL PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR) message(FATAL_ERROR "The detected Python major version is not \ compatible with the Python major version which was used when Shiboken was built. Built with: '${SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}.${SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR}' \ Detected: '${PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR}'") else() if(NOT SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_LIMITED_API AND NOT SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR STREQUAL PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR) message(FATAL_ERROR "The detected Python minor version is not compatible with the Python minor \ version which was used when Shiboken was built. Consider building shiboken with \ FORCE_LIMITED_API set to '1', so that only the Python major version matters. Built with: '${SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}.${SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR}' \ Detected: '${PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR}'") endif() endif() endfunction()