find_program(SPHINX sphinx-build DOC "Path to sphinx-build binary.") if (SPHINX) message("-- sphinx-build - found") configure_file( @ONLY) add_custom_target(doc ${SPHINX} -b html -c . ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} html ) add_dependencies(doc doc_apiextractor) else() message("-- sphinx-build - not found! doc target disabled") if (WIN32) # if jom is used and we have no sphinx, then jom will crash. # so for windows, we always create a doc target (until jom gets fixed...) add_custom_target(doc echo. COMMAND echo +++ This is a fake build, to make 'jom' happy. COMMAND echo +++ The documentation was _not_ built! COMMAND echo. ) endif() endif() if (NOT WIN32) file(GLOB manpages "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/*.1") install(FILES ${manpages} DESTINATION share/man/man1) endif()