// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "qtdocparser.h" #include "classdocumentation.h" #include "abstractmetaargument.h" #include "abstractmetaenum.h" #include "abstractmetafunction.h" #include "abstractmetalang.h" #include "abstractmetatype.h" #include "documentation.h" #include "modifications.h" #include "messages.h" #include "propertyspec.h" #include "reporthandler.h" #include "flagstypeentry.h" #include "complextypeentry.h" #include "qtcompat.h" #include #include #include using namespace Qt::StringLiterals; enum { debugFunctionSearch = 0 }; static inline QString briefStartElement() { return QStringLiteral(""); } static inline QString briefEndElement() { return QStringLiteral(""); } Documentation QtDocParser::retrieveModuleDocumentation() { return retrieveModuleDocumentation(packageName()); } static void formatPreQualifications(QTextStream &str, const AbstractMetaType &type) { if (type.isConstant()) str << "const " ; } static void formatPostQualifications(QTextStream &str, const AbstractMetaType &type) { if (type.referenceType() == LValueReference) str << " &"; else if (type.referenceType() == RValueReference) str << " &&"; else if (type.indirections()) str << ' ' << QByteArray(type.indirections(), '*'); } static void formatFunctionUnqualifiedArgTypeQuery(QTextStream &str, const AbstractMetaType &metaType) { switch (metaType.typeUsagePattern()) { case AbstractMetaType::FlagsPattern: { // Modify qualified name "QFlags" with name "Alignment" // to "Qt::Alignment" as seen by qdoc. const auto flagsEntry = qSharedPointerCast(metaType.typeEntry()); QString name = flagsEntry->qualifiedCppName(); if (name.endsWith(u'>') && name.startsWith(u"QFlags<")) { const int lastColon = name.lastIndexOf(u':'); if (lastColon != -1) { name.replace(lastColon + 1, name.size() - lastColon - 1, metaType.name()); name.remove(0, 7); } else { name = metaType.name(); // QFlags<> of enum in global namespace } } str << name; } break; case AbstractMetaType::ContainerPattern: { // QVector str << metaType.typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName() << '<'; const auto instantiations = metaType.instantiations(); for (qsizetype i = 0, size = instantiations.size(); i < size; ++i) { if (i) str << ", "; const auto &instantiation = instantiations.at(i); formatPreQualifications(str, instantiation); str << instantiation.typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName(); formatPostQualifications(str, instantiation); } str << '>'; } break; default: // Fully qualify enums (Qt::AlignmentFlag), nested classes, etc. str << metaType.typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName(); break; } } static QString formatFunctionArgTypeQuery(const AbstractMetaType &metaType) { QString result; QTextStream str(&result);formatPreQualifications(str, metaType); formatFunctionUnqualifiedArgTypeQuery(str, metaType); formatPostQualifications(str, metaType); return result; } QString QtDocParser::functionDocumentation(const QString &sourceFileName, const ClassDocumentation &classDocumentation, const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass, const AbstractMetaFunctionCPtr &func, QString *errorMessage) { errorMessage->clear(); const QString docString = queryFunctionDocumentation(sourceFileName, classDocumentation, metaClass, func, errorMessage); const auto funcModifs = DocParser::getDocModifications(metaClass, func); return docString.isEmpty() || funcModifs.isEmpty() ? docString : applyDocModifications(funcModifs, docString); } QString QtDocParser::queryFunctionDocumentation(const QString &sourceFileName, const ClassDocumentation &classDocumentation, const AbstractMetaClass *metaClass, const AbstractMetaFunctionCPtr &func, QString *errorMessage) { // Properties if (func->isPropertyReader() || func->isPropertyWriter() || func->isPropertyResetter()) { const QPropertySpec &prop = metaClass->propertySpecs().at(func->propertySpecIndex()); const auto index = classDocumentation.indexOfProperty(prop.name()); if (index == -1) { *errorMessage = msgCannotFindDocumentation(sourceFileName, func.data()); return {}; } return classDocumentation.properties.at(index).description; } // Search candidates by name and const-ness FunctionDocumentationList candidates = classDocumentation.findFunctionCandidates(func->name(), func->isConstant()); if (candidates.isEmpty()) { *errorMessage = msgCannotFindDocumentation(sourceFileName, func.data()) + u" (no matches)"_s; return {}; } // Try an exact query FunctionDocumentationQuery fq; fq.name = func->name(); fq.constant = func->isConstant(); for (const auto &arg : func->arguments()) fq.parameters.append(formatFunctionArgTypeQuery(arg.type())); const auto funcFlags = func->flags(); // Re-add arguments removed by the metabuilder to binary operator functions if (funcFlags.testFlag(AbstractMetaFunction::Flag::OperatorLeadingClassArgumentRemoved) || funcFlags.testFlag(AbstractMetaFunction::Flag::OperatorTrailingClassArgumentRemoved)) { QString classType = metaClass->qualifiedCppName(); if (!funcFlags.testFlag(AbstractMetaFunction::Flag::OperatorClassArgumentByValue)) { classType.prepend(u"const "_s); classType.append(u" &"_s); } if (funcFlags.testFlag(AbstractMetaFunction::Flag::OperatorLeadingClassArgumentRemoved)) fq.parameters.prepend(classType); else fq.parameters.append(classType); } const qsizetype index = ClassDocumentation::indexOfFunction(candidates, fq); if (debugFunctionSearch) { qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << metaClass->name() << fq << funcFlags << "returns" << index << "\n " << candidates.value(index) << "\n " << candidates; } if (index != -1) return candidates.at(index).description; // Fallback: Try matching by argument count const auto parameterCount = func->arguments().size(); auto pend = std::remove_if(candidates.begin(), candidates.end(), [parameterCount](const FunctionDocumentation &fd) { return fd.parameters.size() != parameterCount; }); candidates.erase(pend, candidates.end()); if (candidates.size() == 1) { const auto &match = candidates.constFirst(); QTextStream(errorMessage) << msgFallbackForDocumentation(sourceFileName, func.data()) << "\n Falling back to \"" << match.signature << "\" obtained by matching the argument count only."; return candidates.constFirst().description; } QTextStream(errorMessage) << msgCannotFindDocumentation(sourceFileName, func.data()) << " (" << candidates.size() << " candidates matching the argument count)"; return {}; } // Extract the section from a WebXML (class) documentation and remove it // from the source. static QString extractBrief(QString *value) { const auto briefStart = value->indexOf(briefStartElement()); if (briefStart < 0) return {}; const auto briefEnd = value->indexOf(briefEndElement(), briefStart + briefStartElement().size()); if (briefEnd < briefStart) return {}; const auto briefLength = briefEnd + briefEndElement().size() - briefStart; QString briefValue = value->mid(briefStart, briefLength); briefValue.insert(briefValue.size() - briefEndElement().size(), u" More_..."_s); value->remove(briefStart, briefLength); return briefValue; } void QtDocParser::fillDocumentation(AbstractMetaClass *metaClass) { if (!metaClass) return; auto *context = metaClass->enclosingClass(); while(context) { if (context->enclosingClass() == nullptr) break; context = context->enclosingClass(); } QString sourceFileRoot = documentationDataDirectory() + u'/' + metaClass->qualifiedCppName().toLower(); sourceFileRoot.replace(u"::"_s, u"-"_s); QFileInfo sourceFile(sourceFileRoot + QStringLiteral(".webxml")); if (!sourceFile.exists()) sourceFile.setFile(sourceFileRoot + QStringLiteral(".xml")); if (!sourceFile.exists()) { qCWarning(lcShibokenDoc).noquote().nospace() << "Can't find qdoc file for class " << metaClass->name() << ", tried: " << QDir::toNativeSeparators(sourceFile.absoluteFilePath()); return; } const QString sourceFileName = sourceFile.absoluteFilePath(); QString errorMessage; const ClassDocumentation classDocumentation = parseWebXml(sourceFileName, &errorMessage); if (!classDocumentation) { qCWarning(lcShibokenDoc, "%s", qPrintable(errorMessage)); return; } for (const auto &p : classDocumentation.properties) { Documentation doc(p.description, p.brief); metaClass->setPropertyDocumentation(p.name, doc); } QString docString = applyDocModifications(metaClass->typeEntry()->docModifications(), classDocumentation.description); if (docString.isEmpty()) { QString className = metaClass->name(); qCWarning(lcShibokenDoc, "%s", qPrintable(msgCannotFindDocumentation(sourceFileName, "class", className, {}))); } const QString brief = extractBrief(&docString); Documentation doc; if (!brief.isEmpty()) doc.setValue(brief, Documentation::Brief); doc.setValue(docString); metaClass->setDocumentation(doc); //Functions Documentation const auto &funcs = DocParser::documentableFunctions(metaClass); for (const auto &func : funcs) { const QString detailed = functionDocumentation(sourceFileName, classDocumentation, metaClass, func, &errorMessage); if (!errorMessage.isEmpty()) qCWarning(lcShibokenDoc, "%s", qPrintable(errorMessage)); const Documentation documentation(detailed, {}); qSharedPointerConstCast(func)->setDocumentation(documentation); } #if 0 // Fields const AbstractMetaFieldList &fields = metaClass->fields(); for (AbstractMetaField *field : fields) { if (field->isPrivate()) return; QString query = "/doxygen/compounddef/sectiondef/memberdef/name[text()=\"" + field->name() + "\"]/.."; Documentation doc = getDocumentation(DocModificationList(), xquery, query); field->setDocumentation(doc); } #endif // Enums for (AbstractMetaEnum &meta_enum : metaClass->enums()) { Documentation enumDoc; const auto index = classDocumentation.indexOfEnum(meta_enum.name()); if (index != -1) { QString doc = classDocumentation.enums.at(index).description; const auto firstPara = doc.indexOf(u""); if (firstPara != -1) { const QString baseClass = QtDocParser::enumBaseClass(meta_enum); if (baseClass != u"Enum") { const QString note = u"(inherits enum."_s + baseClass + u") "_s; doc.insert(firstPara + 6, note); } } enumDoc.setValue(doc); meta_enum.setDocumentation(enumDoc); } else { qCWarning(lcShibokenDoc, "%s", qPrintable(msgCannotFindDocumentation(sourceFileName, metaClass, meta_enum, {}))); } } } static QString qmlReferenceLink(const QFileInfo &qmlModuleFi) { QString result; QTextStream(&result) << "The module also provides QML types."; return result; } Documentation QtDocParser::retrieveModuleDocumentation(const QString& name) { // TODO: This method of acquiring the module name supposes that the target language uses // dots as module separators in package names. Improve this. QString moduleName = name; moduleName.remove(0, name.lastIndexOf(u'.') + 1); if (moduleName == u"QtQuickControls2") moduleName.chop(1); const QString prefix = documentationDataDirectory() + u'/' + moduleName.toLower(); const QString sourceFile = prefix + u"-index.webxml"_s; if (!QFile::exists(sourceFile)) { qCWarning(lcShibokenDoc).noquote().nospace() << "Can't find qdoc file for module " << name << ", tried: " << QDir::toNativeSeparators(sourceFile); return Documentation(); } QString errorMessage; QString docString = webXmlModuleDescription(sourceFile, &errorMessage); if (!errorMessage.isEmpty()) { qCWarning(lcShibokenDoc, "%s", qPrintable(errorMessage)); return {}; } Documentation doc(docString, {}); if (doc.isEmpty()) { qCWarning(lcShibokenDoc, "%s", qPrintable(msgCannotFindDocumentation(sourceFile, "module", name))); return doc; } // If a QML module info file exists, insert a link to the Qt docs. const QFileInfo qmlModuleFi(prefix + u"-qmlmodule.webxml"_s); if (qmlModuleFi.isFile()) { QString docString = doc.detailed(); const int pos = docString.lastIndexOf(u""); if (pos != -1) { docString.insert(pos, qmlReferenceLink(qmlModuleFi)); doc.setDetailed(docString); } } return doc; }