Shiboken ******** .. ifconfig:: output_format == 'html' Shiboken is a fundamental piece on the `Qt for Python <../index.html>`__ project that serves two purposes: .. ifconfig:: output_format == 'qthelp' Shiboken is a fundamental piece on the `Qt for Python <../pyside6/index.html>`__ project that serves two purposes: * Generator_: Extract information from C or C++ headers and generate CPython_ code that allow to bring C or C++ projects to Python. This process uses a library called ApiExtractor_ which internally uses Clang_. * Module_: An utility Python module that exposed new Python types, functions to handle pointers, among other things, that is written in CPython_ and can use independently of the generator. .. _Generator: shibokengenerator.html .. _Module: shibokenmodule.html .. _CPython: .. _Clang: .. _ApiExtractor: typesystem.html Documentation ============= .. ifconfig:: output_format == 'html' .. panels:: :body: text-center :container: container-lg pb-3 :column: col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 p-2 Install and build from source. +++ .. link-button:: gettingstarted :type: ref :text: Getting Started :classes: btn-qt btn-block stretched-link --- Binding generator executable. +++ .. link-button:: shibokengenerator :type: ref :text: Shiboken Generator :classes: btn-qt btn-block stretched-link --- Python utility module. +++ .. link-button:: shibokenmodule :type: ref :text: Shiboken Module :classes: btn-qt btn-block stretched-link --- Reference and functionallities. +++ .. link-button:: typesystem :type: ref :text: Type System :classes: btn-qt btn-block stretched-link --- Using Shiboken. +++ .. link-button:: examples/index :type: ref :text: Examples :classes: btn-qt btn-block stretched-link --- Known issues and FAQ. +++ .. link-button:: considerations :type: ref :text: Considerations :classes: btn-qt btn-block stretched-link .. ifconfig:: output_format == 'qthelp'

Getting Started
Install and build from source.

Shiboken Generator
Binding generator executable.

Shiboken Module
Python utility module.

Type System
Reference and functionality.

Using Shiboken.

Known issues and FAQ.

.. toctree:: :hidden: :glob: gettingstarted.rst shibokengenerator.rst shibokenmodule.rst typesystem.rst examples/index.rst considerations.rst