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New testing policy: ------------------- The tests are now run 5 times, and errors are reported when they appear at least 3 times. With the variable COIN_RERUN_FAILED_ONLY it is possible to configure if all tests should be rerun or the failed ones, only. The full mode can be tested locally by setting export COIN_RERUN_FAILED_ONLY=0 """ import argparse import os import sys from collections import OrderedDict from textwrap import dedent from timeit import default_timer as timer from .blacklist import BlackList from .buildlog import builds from .helper import decorate, script_dir from .parser import TestParser from .runner import TestRunner # Should we repeat only failed tests? COIN_RERUN_FAILED_ONLY = True COIN_THRESHOLD = 3 # report error if >= COIN_TESTING = 5 # number of runs TIMEOUT = 20 * 60 if os.environ.get("COIN_RERUN_FAILED_ONLY", "1").lower() in "0 f false n no".split(): COIN_RERUN_FAILED_ONLY = False def test_project(project, args, blacklist, runs): ret = [] if "pypy" in builds.classifiers: # As long as PyPy has so many bugs, we use 1 test only... global COIN_TESTING COIN_TESTING = runs = 1 # ...and extend the timeout. global TIMEOUT TIMEOUT = 100 * 60 # remove files from a former run for idx in range(runs): index = idx + 1 runner = TestRunner(builds.selected, project, index) if os.path.exists(runner.logfile) and not args.skip: os.unlink(runner.logfile) # now start the real run rerun_list = None for idx in range(runs): index = idx + 1 runner = TestRunner(builds.selected, project, index) print() print(f"********* Start testing of {project} *********") print("Config: Using", " ".join(builds.classifiers)) print() if os.path.exists(runner.logfile) and args.skip: print("Parsing existing log file:", runner.logfile) else: if index > 1 and COIN_RERUN_FAILED_ONLY: rerun = rerun_list if not rerun: print(f"--- no re-runs found, stopping before test {index} ---") break else: rerun = None runner.run(f"RUN {idx + 1}:", rerun, TIMEOUT) results = TestParser(runner.logfile) r = 5 * [0] rerun_list = [] print() fatal = False for item in results.iter_blacklist(blacklist): res = item.rich_result sharp = f"#{item.sharp}" mod_name = decorate(item.mod_name) print(f"RES {index}: Test {sharp:>4}: {res:<6} {mod_name}()") r[0] += 1 if res == "PASS" else 0 r[1] += 1 if res == "FAIL!" else 0 r[2] += 1 if res == "SKIPPED" else 0 # not yet supported r[3] += 1 if res == "BFAIL" else 0 r[4] += 1 if res == "BPASS" else 0 if res not in ("PASS", "BPASS"): rerun_list.append(item.mod_name) # PYSIDE-1229: When a fatal error happens, bail out immediately! if item.fatal: fatal = item print() print( f"Totals: {sum(r)} tests. " f"{r[0]} passed, {r[1]} failed, {r[2]} skipped, {r[3]} blacklisted, {r[4]} bpassed." ) print() print(f"********* Finished testing of {project} *********") print() ret.append(r) if fatal: print("FATAL ERROR:", fatal) print("Repetitions cancelled!") break return ret, fatal, runs def main(): # create the top-level command parser start_time = timer() all_projects = "shiboken6 pyside6".split() tested_projects = "shiboken6 pyside6".split() tested_projects_quoted = " ".join("'i'" for i in tested_projects) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=dedent( """\ Run the tests for some projects, default = {tested_projects_quoted}. Testing is now repeated up to {COIN_TESTING} times, and errors are only reported if they occur {COIN_THRESHOLD} or more times. The environment variable COIN_RERUN_FAILED_ONLY controls if errors are only repeated if there are errors. The default is "1". """ ), ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="subparser_name") # create the parser for the "test" command parser_test = subparsers.add_parser("test") group = parser_test.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False) blacklist_default = os.path.join(script_dir, "build_history", "blacklist.txt") group.add_argument( "--blacklist", "-b", type=argparse.FileType("r"), default=blacklist_default, help=f"a Qt blacklist file (default: {blacklist_default})", ) parser_test.add_argument( "--skip", action="store_true", help="skip the tests if they were run before" ) parser_test.add_argument( "--environ", nargs="+", help="use name=value ... to set environment variables" ) parser_test.add_argument( "--buildno", default=-1, type=int, help="use build number n (0-based), latest = -1 (default)", ) parser_test.add_argument( "--projects", nargs="+", type=str, default=tested_projects, choices=all_projects, help=f"use {tested_projects_quoted} (default) or other projects", ) parser_getcwd = subparsers.add_parser("getcwd") parser_getcwd.add_argument( "filename", type=argparse.FileType("w"), help="write the build dir name into a file" ) parser_getcwd.add_argument( "--buildno", default=-1, type=int, help="use build number n (0-based), latest = -1 (default)", ) args = parser.parse_args() if hasattr(args, "buildno"): try: builds.set_buildno(args.buildno) except IndexError: print(f"history out of range. Try '{__file__} list'") sys.exit(1) if args.subparser_name == "getcwd": print(builds.selected.build_dir, file=args.filename) print(builds.selected.build_dir, "written to file", args.filename.name) sys.exit(0) elif args.subparser_name == "test": pass # we do it afterwards elif args.subparser_name == "list": rp = os.path.relpath print() print("History") print("-------") for idx, build in enumerate(builds.history): print(idx, rp(build.log_dir), rp(build.build_dir)) print() print("Note: only the last history entry of a folder is valid!") sys.exit(0) else: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if args.blacklist: args.blacklist.close() bl = BlackList(args.blacklist.name) else: bl = BlackList(None) if args.environ: for line in args.environ: things = line.split("=") if len(things) != 2: raise ValueError("you need to pass one or more name=value pairs.") key, value = things os.environ[key] = value version = sys.version.replace("\n", " ") print( dedent( f"""\ System: Platform={sys.platform} Executable={sys.executable} Version={version} API version={sys.api_version} Environment:""" ) ) for key, value in sorted(os.environ.items()): print(f" {key}={value}") print() q = 5 * [0] runs = COIN_TESTING fail_crit = COIN_THRESHOLD # now loop over the projects and accumulate fatal = False for project in args.projects: res, fatal, runs = test_project(project, args, bl, runs) if fatal: runs = 1 for idx, r in enumerate(res): q = list(map(lambda x, y: x + y, r, q)) if len(args.projects) > 1: print( f"All above projects: {sum(q)} tests. " f"{q[0]} passed, {q[1]} failed, {q[2]} skipped, {q[3]} blacklisted, {q[4]} bpassed." ) print() tot_res = OrderedDict() for project in args.projects: for idx in range(runs): index = idx + 1 runner = TestRunner(builds.selected, project, index) results = TestParser(runner.logfile) for item in results.iter_blacklist(bl): key = f"{project}:{item.mod_name}" tot_res.setdefault(key, []) tot_res[key].append(item.rich_result) tot_flaky = 0 print("*" * 79) print("**") print("* Summary Of All Tests") print("*") empty = True for test, res in tot_res.items(): pass__c = res.count("PASS") bpass_c = res.count("BPASS") fail__c = res.count("FAIL!") bfail_c = res.count("BFAIL") fail2_c = fail__c + bfail_c fatal_c = res.count("FATAL") if pass__c == len(res): continue elif bpass_c >= runs and runs > 1: msg = "Remove blacklisting; test passes" elif fail__c >= runs: msg = "Newly detected Real test failure!" elif bfail_c >= runs: msg = "Keep blacklisting ;-(" elif fail2_c > 0 and fail2_c < len(res): msg = "Flaky test" tot_flaky += 1 elif fatal_c: msg = "FATAL format error, repetitions aborted!" else: continue empty = False padding = 6 * runs txt = " ".join((f"{piece:<5}" for piece in res)) txt = (f"{txt}{padding * ' '}")[:padding] testpad = 36 if len(test) < testpad: test += (testpad - len(test)) * " " print(txt, decorate(test), msg) if empty: print("* (empty)") print("*") print("**") print("*" * 79) print() if runs > 1: print(f"Total flaky tests: errors but not always = {tot_flaky}") print() else: print("For info about flaky tests, we need to perform more than one run.") print("Please activate the COIN mode: 'export QTEST_ENVIRONMENT=ci'") print() # nag us about unsupported projects ap, tp = set(all_projects), set(tested_projects) if ap != tp: print("+++++ Note: please support", " ".join(ap - tp), "+++++") print() stop_time = timer() used_time = stop_time - start_time # Now create an error if the criterion is met: try: if fatal: raise ValueError(f"FATAL format error: {fatal}") err_crit = f"'FAIL! >= {fail_crit}'" fail_count = 0 for res in tot_res.values(): if res.count("FAIL!") >= fail_crit: fail_count += 1 if fail_count == 1: raise ValueError(f"A test was not blacklisted and met the criterion {err_crit}") elif fail_count > 1: raise ValueError( f"{fail_count} failures were not blacklisted " f"and met the criterion {err_crit}" ) print(f"No test met the error criterion {err_crit}") finally: print() print(f"Total time of whole Python script = {used_time:0.2f} sec") print() # eof