# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only """ This script is used by Coin (coin_test_instructions.py specifically) to test installation of generated wheels, and test building of the "buildable" examples samplebinding and scriptableapplication. It can also be invoked regularly from the command line via python testing/wheel_tester.py --qmake=some-value --cmake=some-value The qmake and cmake arguments can also be omitted, and they will be looked up in your PATH. Make sure that some generated wheels already exist in the dist/ directory (e.g. setup.py bdist_wheel was already executed). """ import os import platform import shutil import sys import tempfile import logging from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawTextHelpFormatter from pathlib import Path from configparser import ConfigParser try: this_file = __file__ except NameError: this_file = sys.argv[0] this_file = os.path.abspath(this_file) this_dir = os.path.dirname(this_file) setup_script_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(this_dir, "..")) sys.path.append(setup_script_dir) from build_scripts.utils import (find_files_using_glob, find_glob_in_path, remove_tree, run_process, run_process_output) from build_scripts.log import log log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) NEW_WHEELS = False def find_executable(executable, command_line_value): value = command_line_value option_str = f"--{executable}" if value: log.info(f"{option_str} option given: {value}") if not os.path.exists(value): raise RuntimeError(f"No executable exists at: {value}") else: log.info(f"No {option_str} option given, trying to find {executable} in PATH.") paths = find_glob_in_path(executable) log.info(f"{executable} executables found in PATH: {paths}") if not paths: raise RuntimeError( f"No {option_str} option was specified and no {executable} was " "found in PATH." ) else: value = paths[0] log.info(f"Using {executable} found in PATH: {value}") log.info("") return value QMAKE_PATH = None CMAKE_PATH = None def get_wheels_dir(dir_name): return os.path.join(setup_script_dir, dir_name) def get_examples_dir(): return os.path.join(setup_script_dir, "examples") def package_prefix_names(): # Note: shiboken6_generator is not needed for compile_using_nuitka, # but building modules with cmake needs it. if NEW_WHEELS: return ["shiboken6", "shiboken6_generator", "PySide6_Essentials", "PySide6_Addons", "PySide6"] else: return ["shiboken6", "shiboken6_generator", "PySide6"] def clean_egg_info(): # After a successful bdist_wheel build, some .egg-info directories # are left over, which confuse pip when invoking it via # python -m pip, making pip think that the packages are already # installed in the root source directory. # Clean up the .egg-info directories to fix this, it should be # safe to do so. paths = find_files_using_glob(setup_script_dir, "*.egg-info") for p in paths: log.info(f"Removing {p}") remove_tree(p) def install_wheel(wheel_path): log.info(f"Installing wheel: {wheel_path}") exit_code = run_process([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", wheel_path]) log.info("") if exit_code: raise RuntimeError(f"Error while installing wheel {wheel_path}") def try_install_wheels(wheels_dir, py_version): clean_egg_info() all_wheels_pattern = "*.whl" all_wheels = find_files_using_glob(wheels_dir, all_wheels_pattern) if len(all_wheels) > 1: log.info(f"Found the following wheels in {wheels_dir}: ") for wheel in all_wheels: log.info(wheel) else: log.info(f"No wheels found in {wheels_dir}") log.info("") for p in package_prefix_names(): log.info(f"Trying to install {p}:") pattern = f"{p}-*cp{int(float(py_version))}*.whl" files = find_files_using_glob(wheels_dir, pattern) if files and len(files) == 1: wheel_path = files[0] install_wheel(wheel_path) elif len(files) > 1: raise RuntimeError(f"More than one wheel found for specific {p} version.") else: raise RuntimeError( f"No {p} wheels compatible with Python {py_version} found " f"for testing." ) def generate_build_cmake(): # Specify prefix path so find_package(Qt6) works. qmake_dir = Path(QMAKE_PATH).resolve().parent.parent args = [CMAKE_PATH, "-G", "Ninja", "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release", f"-Dpython_interpreter={sys.executable}", f"-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH={qmake_dir}", ".."] exit_code = run_process(args) if exit_code: raise RuntimeError("Failure while running cmake.") log.info("") def raise_error_pyinstaller(msg): print() print(f"PYINST: {msg}") print(f"PYINST: sys.version = {sys.version.splitlines()[0]}") print(f"PYINST: platform.platform() = {platform.platform()}") print("PYINST: See the error message above.") print() for line in run_process_output([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "list"]): print(f"PyInstaller pip list: {line}") print() raise (RuntimeError(msg)) def compile_using_pyinstaller(): _ = os.path.join("..", "hello.py") spec_path = os.path.join("..", "hello_app.spec") exit_code = run_process([sys.executable, "-m", "PyInstaller", spec_path]) # to create the spec file, this setting was used: # "--name=hello_app", "--console", "--log-level=DEBUG", src_path]) # By using a spec file, we avoid all the probing that might disturb certain # platforms and also save some analysis time. if exit_code: # 2019-04-28 Raising on error is again enabled raise_error_pyinstaller("Failure while compiling script using PyInstaller.") log.info("") def test_nuitka(example): testprog = "Nuitka" name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(example))[0] print(f"Running {testprog} test of {name}") current_dir = os.getcwd() result = False tmpdirname = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: os.chdir(tmpdirname) cmd = [sys.executable, "-m", "nuitka", "--run", example] # , "--standalone"] _ = run_process(cmd) result = True except RuntimeError as e: print(str(e)) finally: os.chdir(current_dir) print(f"Executable is in {tmpdirname}") return result def run_nuitka_test(example): if test_nuitka(example): log.info("") else: raise RuntimeError(f"Failure running {example} with Nuitka.") def _run_deploy_test(example, tmpdirname): """Helper for running deployment and example.""" main_file = None for py_file in example.glob("*.py"): shutil.copy(py_file, tmpdirname) if not main_file or py_file.name == "main.py": main_file = py_file deploy_tool = Path(sys.executable).parent / "pyside6-deploy" cmd = [os.fspath(deploy_tool), "-f", main_file.name, "--init"] if run_process(cmd) != 0: raise RuntimeError("Error creating pysidedeploy.spec") config_file = Path(tmpdirname) / "pysidedeploy.spec" parser = ConfigParser(comment_prefixes="/", allow_no_value=True) parser.read(config_file) parser.set("nuitka", "extra_args", "--verbose --assume-yes-for-downloads") with open(config_file, "w+") as config_file_writer: parser.write(config_file_writer, space_around_delimiters=True) cmd = [os.fspath(deploy_tool), "-f", "-c", os.fspath(config_file)] if run_process(cmd) != 0: raise RuntimeError("Error deploying") suffix = "exe" if sys.platform == "win32" else "bin" binary = f"{tmpdirname}/{main_file.stem}.{suffix}" if run_process([binary]) != 0: raise RuntimeError("Error running the deployed example") return True def run_deploy_test(example): """Test pyside6-deploy.""" log.info(f"Running deploy test of {example}") current_dir = Path.cwd() result = False with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: try: os.chdir(tmpdirname) result = _run_deploy_test(example, tmpdirname) except RuntimeError as e: log.error(str(e)) raise e finally: os.chdir(os.fspath(current_dir)) state = "succeeded" if result else "failed" log.info(f"Deploy test {state}") return result def run_ninja(): args = ["ninja"] exit_code = run_process(args) if exit_code: raise RuntimeError(f"Failure while running {' '.join(args)}.") log.info("") def run_ninja_install(): args = ["ninja", "install"] exit_code = run_process(args) if exit_code: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed while running {' '.join(args)} install.") log.info("") def run_compiled_script(binary_path): args = [binary_path] exit_code = run_process(args) if exit_code: raise_error_pyinstaller(f"Failure while executing compiled script: {binary_path}") log.info("") def execute_script(script_path, *extra): args = list(map(str, (sys.executable, script_path) + extra)) exit_code = run_process(args) if exit_code: raise RuntimeError(f"Failure while executing script: {script_path}") log.info("") def prepare_build_folder(src_path, build_folder_name): build_path = os.path.join(src_path, build_folder_name) # The script can be called for Python 3 wheels, so # preparing a build folder should clean any previous existing build. if os.path.exists(build_path): log.info(f"Removing {build_path}") remove_tree(build_path) log.info(f"Creating {build_path}") os.makedirs(build_path) os.chdir(build_path) def try_build_examples(): examples_dir = get_examples_dir() # Disabled PyInstaller until it supports PySide 6 if False: # But because it is most likely to break, we put it here for now. log.info("Attempting to build hello.py using PyInstaller.") # PyInstaller is loaded by coin_build_instructions.py, but not when # testing directly this script. src_path = os.path.join(examples_dir, "installer_test") prepare_build_folder(src_path, "pyinstaller") compile_using_pyinstaller() run_compiled_script(os.path.join(src_path, "pyinstaller", "dist", "hello_app", "hello_app")) log.info("Attempting to build hello.py using Nuitka.") src_path = Path(examples_dir) / "installer_test" # disable for windows as it Nuitka --onefile deployment in Windows # requires DependencyWalker. Download and installing will slow down # Coin if sys.platform != "win32": run_deploy_test(src_path) if False: # pre 6.4.1, kept for reference # Nuitka is loaded by coin_build_instructions.py, but not when # testing directly this script. run_nuitka_test(os.fspath(src_path / "hello.py")) log.info("Attempting to build and run samplebinding using cmake.") src_path = os.path.join(examples_dir, "samplebinding") prepare_build_folder(src_path, "cmake") generate_build_cmake() run_ninja() run_ninja_install() execute_script(os.path.join(src_path, "main.py")) log.info("Attempting to build scriptableapplication using cmake.") src_path = os.path.join(examples_dir, "scriptableapplication") prepare_build_folder(src_path, "cmake") generate_build_cmake() run_ninja() if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 7): log.info("Checking Python Interface Files in Python 3 with all features selected") with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: src_path = Path(tmpdirname) / "pyi_test" pyi_script_dir = Path(setup_script_dir) / "sources" / "pyside6" / "PySide6" / "support" execute_script( pyi_script_dir / "generate_pyi.py", "all", "--outpath", src_path, "--feature", "snake_case", "true_property", ) from PySide6 import __all__ as modules for modname in modules: # PYSIDE-1735: pyi files are no longer compatible with Python. # XXX Maybe add a test with Mypy here? pass # execute_script(src_path / f"{modname}.pyi") def run_wheel_tests(install_wheels, wheels_dir_name): wheels_dir = get_wheels_dir(wheels_dir_name) py_version = f"{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}" if install_wheels: log.info("Attempting to install wheels.\n") try_install_wheels(wheels_dir, py_version) log.info("Attempting to build examples.\n") bin_dir = os.fspath(Path(sys.executable).parent) path = os.environ["PATH"] if bin_dir not in path: log.info(f"Adding {bin_dir} to PATH...") os.environ["PATH"] = f"{bin_dir}{os.pathsep}{path}" try_build_examples() log.info("All tests passed!") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = ArgumentParser(description="wheel_tester", formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument( "--no-install-wheels", "-n", action="store_true", help="Do not install wheels" " (for developer builds with virtualenv)", ) parser.add_argument("--qmake", type=str, help="Path to qmake") parser.add_argument("--cmake", type=str, help="Path to cmake") parser.add_argument("--wheels-dir", type=str, help="Path to where the wheels are", default="dist") parser.add_argument("--new", action="store_true", help="Option to test new wheels") options = parser.parse_args() QMAKE_PATH = find_executable("qmake", options.qmake) CMAKE_PATH = find_executable("cmake", options.cmake) NEW_WHEELS = options.new run_wheel_tests(not options.no_install_wheels, options.wheels_dir)