'''Test cases for parent-child relationship''' import unittest from PySide.QtCore import QObject, QCoreApplication class ChildrenCoreApplication(unittest.TestCase): '''Test case for calling QObject.children after creating a QCoreApp''' def testQCoreAppChildren(self): #QObject.children() after creating a QCoreApplication # Minimal test: # 1- Create QCoreApp # 2- Create parent and childrens # 3- While keeping the children alive, call parent.children() # 4- Delete parent app = QCoreApplication([]) parent = QObject() children = [QObject(parent) for x in range(25)] # Uncomment the lines below to make the test pass # del children # del child2 del parent # XXX Segfaults here self.assert_(True) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()