'''Test cases for QWebView''' import unittest import sys from PySide.QtCore import QObject, SIGNAL, QUrl from PySide.QtWebKit import * from helper import adjust_filename, TimedQApplication class testWebPage(QWebPage): def sayMyName(self): return 'testWebPage' class TestLoadFinished(TimedQApplication): '''Test case for signal QWebView.loadFinished(bool)''' def setUp(self): #Acquire resources TimedQApplication.setUp(self, timeout=1000) self.view = QWebView() QObject.connect(self.view, SIGNAL('loadFinished(bool)'), self.load_finished) self.called = False def tearDown(self): #Release resources del self.view self.called = False TimedQApplication.tearDown(self) def testLoadFinishedFromFile(self): url = QUrl.fromLocalFile(adjust_filename('fox.html', __file__)) self.view.setUrl(url) self.app.exec_() self.assert_(self.called) def testSetPageAndGetPage(self): twp = testWebPage() self.view.setPage(twp) del twp p = self.view.page() self.assertEqual(p.sayMyName(), 'testWebPage') # Setting the same webpage should not incref the python obj refCount = sys.getrefcount(p) self.view.setPage(p) self.assertEquals(sys.getrefcount(p), refCount) # Changing the webpage obj should decref the old one twp2 = testWebPage() self.view.setPage(twp2) self.assertEquals(sys.getrefcount(p), refCount - 1) def load_finished(self, ok): #Callback to check if load was successful self.app.quit() if ok: self.called = True if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()