/* * This file is part of the API Extractor project. * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). * * Contact: PySide team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ #include "typedatabase.h" #include "typesystem.h" #include "typesystem_p.h" #include #include #include "reporthandler.h" // #include #include TypeDatabase::TypeDatabase() : m_suppressWarnings(true), m_apiVersion(0) { addType(new VoidTypeEntry()); addType(new VarargsTypeEntry()); } TypeDatabase* TypeDatabase::instance(bool newInstance) { static TypeDatabase* db = 0; if (!db || newInstance) { if (db) delete db; db = new TypeDatabase; } return db; } QString TypeDatabase::normalizedSignature(const char* signature) { QString normalized = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(signature); if (!instance() || !QString(signature).contains("unsigned")) return normalized; QStringList types; types << "char" << "short" << "int" << "long"; foreach (const QString& type, types) { if (instance()->findType(QString("u%1").arg(type))) continue; normalized.replace(QRegExp(QString("\\bu%1\\b").arg(type)), QString("unsigned %1").arg(type)); } return normalized; } QStringList TypeDatabase::requiredTargetImports() const { return m_requiredTargetImports; } void TypeDatabase::addRequiredTargetImport(const QString& moduleName) { if (!m_requiredTargetImports.contains(moduleName)) m_requiredTargetImports << moduleName; } void TypeDatabase::addTypesystemPath(const QString& typesystem_paths) { #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) char* path_splitter = const_cast(";"); #else char* path_splitter = const_cast(":"); #endif m_typesystemPaths += typesystem_paths.split(path_splitter); } IncludeList TypeDatabase::extraIncludes(const QString& className) const { ComplexTypeEntry* typeEntry = findComplexType(className); if (typeEntry) return typeEntry->extraIncludes(); else return IncludeList(); } ContainerTypeEntry* TypeDatabase::findContainerType(const QString &name) const { QString template_name = name; int pos = name.indexOf('<'); if (pos > 0) template_name = name.left(pos); TypeEntry* type_entry = findType(template_name); if (type_entry && type_entry->isContainer()) return static_cast(type_entry); return 0; } FunctionTypeEntry* TypeDatabase::findFunctionType(const QString& name) const { TypeEntry* entry = findType(name); if (entry && entry->type() == TypeEntry::FunctionType) return static_cast(entry); return 0; } PrimitiveTypeEntry* TypeDatabase::findTargetLangPrimitiveType(const QString& targetLangName) const { foreach (QList entries, m_entries.values()) { foreach (TypeEntry* e, entries) { if (e && e->isPrimitive()) { PrimitiveTypeEntry *pe = static_cast(e); if (pe->targetLangName() == targetLangName && pe->preferredConversion()) return pe; } } } return 0; } TypeEntry* TypeDatabase::findType(const QString& name) const { QList entries = findTypes(name); foreach (TypeEntry *entry, entries) { if (entry && (!entry->isPrimitive() || static_cast(entry)->preferredTargetLangType())) { return entry; } } return 0; } SingleTypeEntryHash TypeDatabase::entries() const { TypeEntryHash entries = allEntries(); SingleTypeEntryHash returned; QList keys = entries.keys(); foreach (QString key, keys) returned[key] = findType(key); return returned; } QList TypeDatabase::primitiveTypes() const { TypeEntryHash entries = allEntries(); QList returned; foreach(QString key, entries.keys()) { foreach(const TypeEntry* typeEntry, entries[key]) { if (typeEntry->isPrimitive()) returned.append((PrimitiveTypeEntry*) typeEntry); } } return returned; } QList TypeDatabase::containerTypes() const { TypeEntryHash entries = allEntries(); QList returned; foreach(QString key, entries.keys()) { foreach(const TypeEntry* typeEntry, entries[key]) { if (typeEntry->isContainer()) returned.append((ContainerTypeEntry*) typeEntry); } } return returned; } void TypeDatabase::addRejection(const QString& className, const QString& functionName, const QString& fieldName, const QString& enumName) { TypeRejection r; r.class_name = className; r.function_name = functionName; r.field_name = fieldName; r.enum_name = enumName; m_rejections << r; } bool TypeDatabase::isClassRejected(const QString& className) const { if (!m_rebuildClasses.isEmpty()) return !m_rebuildClasses.contains(className); foreach (const TypeRejection& r, m_rejections) if (r.class_name == className && r.function_name == "*" && r.field_name == "*" && r.enum_name == "*") return true; return false; } bool TypeDatabase::isEnumRejected(const QString& className, const QString& enumName) const { foreach (const TypeRejection& r, m_rejections) { if (r.enum_name == enumName && (r.class_name == className || r.class_name == "*")) { return true; } } return false; } bool TypeDatabase::isFunctionRejected(const QString& className, const QString& functionName) const { foreach (const TypeRejection& r, m_rejections) if (r.function_name == functionName && (r.class_name == className || r.class_name == "*")) return true; return false; } bool TypeDatabase::isFieldRejected(const QString& className, const QString& fieldName) const { foreach (const TypeRejection& r, m_rejections) if (r.field_name == fieldName && (r.class_name == className || r.class_name == "*")) return true; return false; } FlagsTypeEntry* TypeDatabase::findFlagsType(const QString &name) const { FlagsTypeEntry* fte = (FlagsTypeEntry*) findType(name); if (!fte) { fte = (FlagsTypeEntry*) m_flagsEntries.value(name); if (!fte) { //last hope, search for flag without scope inside of flags hash foreach(QString key, m_flagsEntries.keys()) { if (key.endsWith(name)) { fte = (FlagsTypeEntry*) m_flagsEntries.value(key); break; } } } } return fte; } AddedFunctionList TypeDatabase::findGlobalUserFunctions(const QString& name) const { AddedFunctionList addedFunctions; foreach (AddedFunction func, m_globalUserFunctions) { if (func.name() == name) addedFunctions.append(func); } return addedFunctions; } QString TypeDatabase::globalNamespaceClassName(const TypeEntry * /*entry*/) { return QLatin1String("Global"); } FunctionModificationList TypeDatabase::functionModifications(const QString& signature) const { FunctionModificationList lst; for (int i = 0; i < m_functionMods.count(); ++i) { const FunctionModification& mod = m_functionMods.at(i); if (mod.signature == signature) lst << mod; } return lst; } bool TypeDatabase::isSuppressedWarning(const QString& s) const { if (!m_suppressWarnings) return false; foreach (const QString &_warning, m_suppressedWarnings) { QString warning(QString(_warning).replace("\\*", "&place_holder_for_asterisk;")); QStringList segs = warning.split("*", QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (!segs.size()) continue; int i = 0; int pos = s.indexOf(QString(segs.at(i++)).replace("&place_holder_for_asterisk;", "*")); //qDebug() << "s == " << s << ", warning == " << segs; while (pos != -1) { if (i == segs.size()) return true; pos = s.indexOf(QString(segs.at(i++)).replace("&place_holder_for_asterisk;", "*"), pos); } } return false; } QString TypeDatabase::modifiedTypesystemFilepath(const QString& tsFile) const { if (!QFile::exists(tsFile)) { int idx = tsFile.lastIndexOf('/'); QString fileName = idx >= 0 ? tsFile.right(tsFile.length() - idx - 1) : tsFile; foreach (const QString &path, m_typesystemPaths) { QString filepath(path + '/' + fileName); if (QFile::exists(filepath)) return filepath; } } return tsFile; } bool TypeDatabase::parseFile(const QString &filename, bool generate) { QString filepath = modifiedTypesystemFilepath(filename); if (m_parsedTypesystemFiles.contains(filepath)) return m_parsedTypesystemFiles[filepath]; QFile file(filepath); if (!file.exists()) { ReportHandler::warning("Can't find " + filename+", typesystem paths: "+m_typesystemPaths.join(", ")); return false; } int count = m_entries.size(); bool ok = parseFile(&file, generate); m_parsedTypesystemFiles[filepath] = ok; int newCount = m_entries.size(); ReportHandler::debugSparse(QString::fromLatin1("Parsed: '%1', %2 new entries") .arg(filename) .arg(newCount - count)); return ok; } bool TypeDatabase::parseFile(QIODevice* device, bool generate) { QXmlInputSource source(device); QXmlSimpleReader reader; Handler handler(this, generate); reader.setContentHandler(&handler); reader.setErrorHandler(&handler); return reader.parse(&source, false); } PrimitiveTypeEntry *TypeDatabase::findPrimitiveType(const QString& name) const { QList entries = findTypes(name); foreach (TypeEntry* entry, entries) { if (entry && entry->isPrimitive() && static_cast(entry)->preferredTargetLangType()) return static_cast(entry); } return 0; } ComplexTypeEntry* TypeDatabase::findComplexType(const QString& name) const { QList entries = findTypes(name); foreach (TypeEntry* entry, entries) { if (entry && entry->isComplex()) return static_cast(entry); } return 0; } ObjectTypeEntry* TypeDatabase::findObjectType(const QString& name) const { QList entries = findTypes(name); foreach (TypeEntry* entry, entries) { if (entry && entry->isObject()) return static_cast(entry); } return 0; } NamespaceTypeEntry* TypeDatabase::findNamespaceType(const QString& name) const { QList entries = findTypes(name); foreach (TypeEntry* entry, entries) { if (entry && entry->isNamespace()) return static_cast(entry); } return 0; } bool TypeDatabase::supportedApiVersion(double version) const { return version <= m_apiVersion; } bool TypeDatabase::shouldDropTypeEntry(const QString& fullTypeName) const { return m_dropTypeEntries.contains(fullTypeName); } void TypeDatabase::setDropTypeEntries(QStringList dropTypeEntries) { m_dropTypeEntries = dropTypeEntries; m_dropTypeEntries.sort(); } // Using std::pair to save some memory // the pair means (revision, typeIndex) // This global variable exists only because we can't break the ABI typedef QHash > TypeRevisionMap; Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(TypeRevisionMap, typeEntryFields); static bool computeTypeIndexes = true; static int maxTypeIndex; int getTypeRevision(const TypeEntry* typeEntry) { return typeEntryFields()->value(typeEntry).first; } void setTypeRevision(TypeEntry* typeEntry, int revision) { (*typeEntryFields())[typeEntry].first = revision; computeTypeIndexes = true; } static bool compareTypeEntriesByName(const TypeEntry* t1, const TypeEntry* t2) { return t1->qualifiedCppName() < t2->qualifiedCppName(); } static void _computeTypeIndexes() { TypeDatabase* tdb = TypeDatabase::instance(); typedef QMap > GroupedTypeEntries; GroupedTypeEntries groupedEntries; // Group type entries by revision numbers TypeEntryHash allEntries = tdb->allEntries(); foreach (QList entryList, allEntries) { foreach (TypeEntry* entry, entryList) { if (entry->isPrimitive() || entry->isContainer() || entry->isFunction() || !entry->generateCode() || entry->isEnumValue() || entry->isVarargs() || entry->isTypeSystem() || entry->isVoid() || entry->isCustom()) continue; groupedEntries[getTypeRevision(entry)] << entry; } } maxTypeIndex = 0; GroupedTypeEntries::iterator it = groupedEntries.begin(); for (; it != groupedEntries.end(); ++it) { // Remove duplicates QList::iterator newEnd = std::unique(it.value().begin(), it.value().end()); it.value().erase(newEnd, it.value().end()); // Sort the type entries by name qSort(it.value().begin(), newEnd, compareTypeEntriesByName); foreach (TypeEntry* entry, it.value()) { (*typeEntryFields())[entry].second = maxTypeIndex++; } } computeTypeIndexes = false; } int getTypeIndex(const TypeEntry* typeEntry) { if (computeTypeIndexes) _computeTypeIndexes(); return typeEntryFields()->value(typeEntry).second; } int getMaxTypeIndex() { if (computeTypeIndexes) _computeTypeIndexes(); return maxTypeIndex; }