/* * This file is part of the API Extractor project. * * Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). * * Contact: PySide team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ #include "typesystem.h" #include "reporthandler.h" #include QString strings_Object = QLatin1String("Object"); QString strings_String = QLatin1String("String"); QString strings_Thread = QLatin1String("Thread"); QString strings_char = QLatin1String("char"); QString stringsJavaLang = QLatin1String("java.lang"); QString strings_jchar = QLatin1String("jchar"); QString strings_jobject = QLatin1String("jobject"); class StackElement { public: enum ElementType { None = 0x0, // Type tags (0x1, ... , 0xff) ObjectTypeEntry = 0x1, ValueTypeEntry = 0x2, InterfaceTypeEntry = 0x3, NamespaceTypeEntry = 0x4, ComplexTypeEntryMask = 0x7, // Non-complex type tags (0x8, 0x9, ... , 0xf) PrimitiveTypeEntry = 0x8, EnumTypeEntry = 0x9, ContainerTypeEntry = 0xa, TypeEntryMask = 0xf, // Documentation tags InjectDocumentation = 0x10, ModifyDocumentation = 0x20, DocumentationMask = 0xf0, // Simple tags (0x100, 0x200, ... , 0xf00) ExtraIncludes = 0x100, Include = 0x200, ModifyFunction = 0x300, ModifyField = 0x400, Root = 0x500, CustomMetaConstructor = 0x600, CustomMetaDestructor = 0x700, ArgumentMap = 0x800, SuppressedWarning = 0x900, Rejection = 0xa00, LoadTypesystem = 0xb00, RejectEnumValue = 0xc00, Template = 0xd00, TemplateInstanceEnum = 0xe00, Replace = 0xf00, SimpleMask = 0xf00, // Code snip tags (0x1000, 0x2000, ... , 0xf000) InjectCode = 0x1000, InjectCodeInFunction = 0x2000, CodeSnipMask = 0xf000, // Function modifier tags (0x010000, 0x020000, ... , 0xf00000) Access = 0x010000, Removal = 0x020000, Rename = 0x040000, ModifyArgument = 0x080000, Thread = 0x100000, FunctionModifiers = 0xff0000, // Argument modifier tags (0x01000000 ... 0xf0000000) ConversionRule = 0x01000000, ReplaceType = 0x02000000, ReplaceDefaultExpression = 0x04000000, RemoveArgument = 0x08000000, DefineOwnership = 0x10000000, RemoveDefaultExpression = 0x20000000, NoNullPointers = 0x40000000, #if 0 ReferenceCount = 0x80000000, #endif ParentOwner = 0x80000000, ArgumentModifiers = 0xff000000 }; StackElement(StackElement *p) : entry(0), type(None), parent(p) { } TypeEntry *entry; ElementType type; StackElement *parent; union { TemplateInstance *templateInstance; TemplateEntry *templateEntry; CustomFunction *customFunction; } value; }; class Handler : public QXmlDefaultHandler { public: Handler(TypeDatabase *database, bool generate) : m_database(database), m_generate(generate ? TypeEntry::GenerateAll : TypeEntry::GenerateForSubclass) { m_currentEnum = 0; current = 0; tagNames["rejection"] = StackElement::Rejection; tagNames["primitive-type"] = StackElement::PrimitiveTypeEntry; tagNames["container-type"] = StackElement::ContainerTypeEntry; tagNames["object-type"] = StackElement::ObjectTypeEntry; tagNames["value-type"] = StackElement::ValueTypeEntry; tagNames["interface-type"] = StackElement::InterfaceTypeEntry; tagNames["namespace-type"] = StackElement::NamespaceTypeEntry; tagNames["enum-type"] = StackElement::EnumTypeEntry; tagNames["extra-includes"] = StackElement::ExtraIncludes; tagNames["include"] = StackElement::Include; tagNames["inject-code"] = StackElement::InjectCode; tagNames["modify-function"] = StackElement::ModifyFunction; tagNames["modify-field"] = StackElement::ModifyField; tagNames["access"] = StackElement::Access; tagNames["remove"] = StackElement::Removal; tagNames["rename"] = StackElement::Rename; tagNames["typesystem"] = StackElement::Root; tagNames["custom-constructor"] = StackElement::CustomMetaConstructor; tagNames["custom-destructor"] = StackElement::CustomMetaDestructor; tagNames["argument-map"] = StackElement::ArgumentMap; tagNames["suppress-warning"] = StackElement::SuppressedWarning; tagNames["load-typesystem"] = StackElement::LoadTypesystem; tagNames["define-ownership"] = StackElement::DefineOwnership; tagNames["replace-default-expression"] = StackElement::ReplaceDefaultExpression; tagNames["reject-enum-value"] = StackElement::RejectEnumValue; tagNames["replace-type"] = StackElement::ReplaceType; tagNames["conversion-rule"] = StackElement::ConversionRule; tagNames["modify-argument"] = StackElement::ModifyArgument; tagNames["remove-argument"] = StackElement::RemoveArgument; tagNames["remove-default-expression"] = StackElement::RemoveDefaultExpression; tagNames["template"] = StackElement::Template; tagNames["insert-template"] = StackElement::TemplateInstanceEnum; tagNames["replace"] = StackElement::Replace; tagNames["no-null-pointer"] = StackElement::NoNullPointers; #if 0 tagNames["reference-count"] = StackElement::ReferenceCount; #endif tagNames["parent"] = StackElement::ParentOwner; tagNames["inject-documentation"] = StackElement::InjectDocumentation; tagNames["modify-documentation"] = StackElement::ModifyDocumentation; } bool startElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName, const QString &qName, const QXmlAttributes &atts); bool endElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName, const QString &qName); QString errorString() const { return m_error; } bool error(const QXmlParseException &exception); bool fatalError(const QXmlParseException &exception); bool warning(const QXmlParseException &exception); bool characters(const QString &ch); private: void fetchAttributeValues(const QString &name, const QXmlAttributes &atts, QHash *acceptedAttributes); bool importFileElement(const QXmlAttributes &atts); bool convertBoolean(const QString &, const QString &, bool); TypeDatabase *m_database; StackElement* current; QString m_defaultPackage; QString m_defaultSuperclass; QString m_error; TypeEntry::CodeGeneration m_generate; EnumTypeEntry *m_currentEnum; CodeSnipList m_codeSnips; FunctionModificationList m_functionMods; FieldModificationList m_fieldMods; DocModificationList m_docModifications; QHash tagNames; QString m_currentSignature; }; bool Handler::error(const QXmlParseException &e) { qWarning("Error: line=%d, column=%d, message=%s\n", e.lineNumber(), e.columnNumber(), qPrintable(e.message())); return false; } bool Handler::fatalError(const QXmlParseException &e) { qWarning("Fatal error: line=%d, column=%d, message=%s\n", e.lineNumber(), e.columnNumber(), qPrintable(e.message())); return false; } bool Handler::warning(const QXmlParseException &e) { qWarning("Warning: line=%d, column=%d, message=%s\n", e.lineNumber(), e.columnNumber(), qPrintable(e.message())); return false; } void Handler::fetchAttributeValues(const QString &name, const QXmlAttributes &atts, QHash *acceptedAttributes) { Q_ASSERT(acceptedAttributes); for (int i = 0; i < atts.length(); ++i) { QString key = atts.localName(i).toLower(); QString val = atts.value(i); if (!acceptedAttributes->contains(key)) ReportHandler::warning(QString("Unknown attribute for '%1': '%2'").arg(name).arg(key)); else (*acceptedAttributes)[key] = val; } } bool Handler::endElement(const QString &, const QString &localName, const QString &) { QString tagName = localName.toLower(); if (tagName == "import-file") return true; if (!current) return true; switch (current->type) { case StackElement::ObjectTypeEntry: case StackElement::ValueTypeEntry: case StackElement::InterfaceTypeEntry: case StackElement::NamespaceTypeEntry: { ComplexTypeEntry *centry = static_cast(current->entry); centry->setFunctionModifications(m_functionMods); centry->setFieldModifications(m_fieldMods); centry->setCodeSnips(m_codeSnips); centry->setDocModification(m_docModifications); if (centry->designatedInterface()) { centry->designatedInterface()->setCodeSnips(m_codeSnips); centry->designatedInterface()->setFunctionModifications(m_functionMods); } m_codeSnips = CodeSnipList(); m_functionMods = FunctionModificationList(); m_fieldMods = FieldModificationList(); m_docModifications = DocModificationList(); } break; case StackElement::CustomMetaConstructor: { current->entry->setCustomConstructor(*current->value.customFunction); delete current->value.customFunction; } break; case StackElement::CustomMetaDestructor: { current->entry->setCustomDestructor(*current->value.customFunction); delete current->value.customFunction; } break; case StackElement::EnumTypeEntry: current->entry->setDocModification(m_docModifications); m_docModifications = DocModificationList(); m_currentEnum = 0; break; case StackElement::Template: m_database->addTemplate(current->value.templateEntry); break; case StackElement::TemplateInstanceEnum: if (current->parent->type == StackElement::InjectCode) m_codeSnips.last().addTemplateInstance(current->value.templateInstance); else if (current->parent->type == StackElement::Template) current->parent->value.templateEntry->addTemplateInstance(current->value.templateInstance); else if (current->parent->type == StackElement::CustomMetaConstructor || current->parent->type == StackElement::CustomMetaConstructor) current->parent->value.customFunction->addTemplateInstance(current->value.templateInstance); else if (current->parent->type == StackElement::ConversionRule) m_functionMods.last().argument_mods.last().conversion_rules.last().addTemplateInstance(current->value.templateInstance); else if (current->parent->type == StackElement::InjectCodeInFunction) m_functionMods.last().snips.last().addTemplateInstance(current->value.templateInstance); break; default: break; } StackElement *child = current; current = current->parent; delete(child); return true; } bool Handler::characters(const QString &ch) { if (current->type == StackElement::Template) { current->value.templateEntry->addCode(ch); return true; } if (current->type == StackElement::CustomMetaConstructor || current->type == StackElement::CustomMetaDestructor) { current->value.customFunction->addCode(ch); return true; } if (current->type == StackElement::ConversionRule && current->parent->type == StackElement::ModifyArgument) { m_functionMods.last().argument_mods.last().conversion_rules.last().addCode(ch); return true; } if (current->parent) { if ((current->type & StackElement::CodeSnipMask)) { switch (current->parent->type) { case StackElement::Root: ((TypeSystemTypeEntry *) current->parent->entry)->codeSnips().last().addCode(ch); break; case StackElement::ModifyFunction: m_functionMods.last().snips.last().addCode(ch); m_functionMods.last().modifiers |= FunctionModification::CodeInjection; break; case StackElement::NamespaceTypeEntry: case StackElement::ObjectTypeEntry: case StackElement::ValueTypeEntry: case StackElement::InterfaceTypeEntry: m_codeSnips.last().addCode(ch); break; default: Q_ASSERT(false); }; return true; } } if (current->type & StackElement::DocumentationMask) m_docModifications.last().setCode(ch); return true; } bool Handler::importFileElement(const QXmlAttributes &atts) { QString fileName = atts.value("name"); if (fileName.isEmpty()) { m_error = "Required attribute 'name' missing for include-file tag."; return false; } QFile file(fileName); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { file.setFileName(":/trolltech/generator/" + fileName); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { m_error = QString("Could not open file: '%1'").arg(fileName); return false; } } QString quoteFrom = atts.value("quote-after-line"); bool foundFromOk = quoteFrom.isEmpty(); bool from = quoteFrom.isEmpty(); QString quoteTo = atts.value("quote-before-line"); bool foundToOk = quoteTo.isEmpty(); bool to = true; QTextStream in(&file); while (!in.atEnd()) { QString line = in.readLine(); if (from && to && line.contains(quoteTo)) { to = false; foundToOk = true; break; } if (from && to) characters(line + "\n"); if (!from && line.contains(quoteFrom)) { from = true; foundFromOk = true; } } if (!foundFromOk || !foundToOk) { QString fromError = QString("Could not find quote-after-line='%1' in file '%2'.").arg(quoteFrom).arg(fileName); QString toError = QString("Could not find quote-before-line='%1' in file '%2'.").arg(quoteTo).arg(fileName); if (!foundToOk) m_error = toError; if (!foundFromOk) m_error = fromError; if (!foundFromOk && !foundToOk) m_error = fromError + " " + toError; return false; } return true; } bool Handler::convertBoolean(const QString &_value, const QString &attributeName, bool defaultValue) { QString value = _value.toLower(); if (value == "true" || value == "yes") return true; else if (value == "false" || value == "no") return false; else { QString warn = QString("Boolean value '%1' not supported in attribute '%2'. Use 'yes' or 'no'. Defaulting to '%3'.") .arg(value).arg(attributeName).arg(defaultValue ? "yes" : "no"); ReportHandler::warning(warn); return defaultValue; } } bool Handler::startElement(const QString &, const QString &n, const QString &, const QXmlAttributes &atts) { QString tagName = n.toLower(); if (tagName == "import-file") return importFileElement(atts); StackElement *element = new StackElement(current); if (!tagNames.contains(tagName)) { m_error = QString("Unknown tag name: '%1'").arg(tagName); return false; } element->type = tagNames[tagName]; if (element->type & StackElement::TypeEntryMask) { if (current->type != StackElement::Root) { m_error = "Nested types not supported"; return false; } QHash attributes; attributes["name"] = QString(); switch (element->type) { case StackElement::PrimitiveTypeEntry: attributes["target-lang-name"] = QString(); attributes["target-lang-api-name"] = QString(); attributes["preferred-conversion"] = "yes"; attributes["preferred-target-lang-type"] = "yes"; break; case StackElement::ContainerTypeEntry: attributes["type"] = QString(); break; case StackElement::EnumTypeEntry: attributes["flags"] = "no"; attributes["upper-bound"] = QString(); attributes["lower-bound"] = QString(); attributes["force-integer"] = "no"; attributes["extensible"] = "no"; break; case StackElement::ObjectTypeEntry: case StackElement::ValueTypeEntry: attributes["force-abstract"] = QString("no"); attributes["deprecated"] = QString("no"); attributes["hash-function"] = QString(""); // fall throooough case StackElement::InterfaceTypeEntry: attributes["default-superclass"] = m_defaultSuperclass; attributes["polymorphic-id-expression"] = QString(); attributes["delete-in-main-thread"] = QString("no"); attributes["held-type"] = QString(); attributes["copyable"] = QString(); // fall through case StackElement::NamespaceTypeEntry: attributes["target-lang-name"] = QString(); attributes["package"] = m_defaultPackage; attributes["expense-cost"] = "1"; attributes["expense-limit"] = "none"; attributes["polymorphic-base"] = QString("no"); attributes["generate"] = QString("yes"); attributes["target-type"] = QString(); attributes["generic-class"] = QString("no"); break; default: { } // nada }; fetchAttributeValues(tagName, atts, &attributes); QString name = attributes["name"]; // We need to be able to have duplicate primitive type entries, // or it's not possible to cover all primitive target language // types (which we need to do in order to support fake meta objects) if (element->type != StackElement::PrimitiveTypeEntry) { TypeEntry *tmp = m_database->findType(name); if (tmp) ReportHandler::warning(QString("Duplicate type entry: '%1'").arg(name)); } if (name.isEmpty()) { m_error = "no 'name' attribute specified"; return false; } switch (element->type) { case StackElement::PrimitiveTypeEntry: { QString targetLangName = attributes["target-lang-name"]; QString targetLangApiName = attributes["target-lang-api-name"]; QString preferredConversion = attributes["preferred-conversion"].toLower(); QString preferredTargetLangType = attributes["preferred-target-lang-type"].toLower(); if (targetLangName.isEmpty()) targetLangName = name; if (targetLangApiName.isEmpty()) targetLangApiName = name; PrimitiveTypeEntry *type = new PrimitiveTypeEntry(name); type->setCodeGeneration(m_generate); type->setTargetLangName(targetLangName); type->setTargetLangApiName(targetLangApiName); bool preferred; preferred = convertBoolean(preferredConversion, "preferred-conversion", true); type->setPreferredConversion(preferred); preferred = convertBoolean(preferredTargetLangType, "preferred-target-lang-type", true); type->setPreferredTargetLangType(preferred); element->entry = type; } break; case StackElement::ContainerTypeEntry: { QString typeName = attributes["type"]; ContainerTypeEntry::Type containerType = ContainerTypeEntry::containerTypeFromString(typeName); if (typeName.isEmpty()) { m_error = "no 'type' attribute specified"; return false; } else if (containerType == ContainerTypeEntry::NoContainer) { m_error = "there is no container of type " + containerType; return false; } ContainerTypeEntry *type = new ContainerTypeEntry(name, containerType); type->setCodeGeneration(m_generate); element->entry = type; } break; case StackElement::EnumTypeEntry: { QStringList names = name.split(QLatin1String("::")); if (names.size() == 1) m_currentEnum = new EnumTypeEntry(QString(), name); else m_currentEnum = new EnumTypeEntry(QStringList(names.mid(0, names.size() - 1)).join("::"), names.last()); element->entry = m_currentEnum; m_currentEnum->setCodeGeneration(m_generate); m_currentEnum->setTargetLangPackage(m_defaultPackage); m_currentEnum->setUpperBound(attributes["upper-bound"]); m_currentEnum->setLowerBound(attributes["lower-bound"]); m_currentEnum->setForceInteger(convertBoolean(attributes["force-integer"], "force-integer", false)); m_currentEnum->setExtensible(convertBoolean(attributes["extensible"], "extensible", false)); // put in the flags parallel... if (!attributes["flags"].isEmpty() && attributes["flags"].toLower() != "no") { FlagsTypeEntry *ftype = new FlagsTypeEntry("QFlags<" + name + ">"); ftype->setOriginator(m_currentEnum); ftype->setOriginalName(attributes["flags"]); ftype->setCodeGeneration(m_generate); QString n = ftype->originalName(); QStringList lst = n.split("::"); if (QStringList(lst.mid(0, lst.size() - 1)).join("::") != m_currentEnum->targetLangQualifier()) { ReportHandler::warning(QString("enum %1 and flags %2 differ in qualifiers") .arg(m_currentEnum->targetLangQualifier()) .arg(lst.at(0))); } ftype->setFlagsName(lst.last()); m_currentEnum->setFlags(ftype); m_database->addFlagsType(ftype); m_database->addType(ftype); } } break; case StackElement::InterfaceTypeEntry: { ObjectTypeEntry *otype = new ObjectTypeEntry(name); QString targetLangName = attributes["target-lang-name"]; if (targetLangName.isEmpty()) targetLangName = name; InterfaceTypeEntry *itype = new InterfaceTypeEntry(InterfaceTypeEntry::interfaceName(targetLangName)); if (!convertBoolean(attributes["generate"], "generate", true)) itype->setCodeGeneration(TypeEntry::GenerateForSubclass); else itype->setCodeGeneration(m_generate); otype->setDesignatedInterface(itype); itype->setOrigin(otype); element->entry = otype; } // fall through case StackElement::NamespaceTypeEntry: if (!element->entry) element->entry = new NamespaceTypeEntry(name); // fall through case StackElement::ObjectTypeEntry: if (!element->entry) element->entry = new ObjectTypeEntry(name); // fall through case StackElement::ValueTypeEntry: { if (!element->entry) element->entry = new ValueTypeEntry(name); ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = static_cast(element->entry); ctype->setTargetLangPackage(attributes["package"]); ctype->setDefaultSuperclass(attributes["default-superclass"]); ctype->setGenericClass(convertBoolean(attributes["generic-class"], "generic-class", false)); if (!convertBoolean(attributes["generate"], "generate", true)) element->entry->setCodeGeneration(TypeEntry::GenerateForSubclass); else element->entry->setCodeGeneration(m_generate); QString targetLangName = attributes["target-lang-name"]; if (!targetLangName.isEmpty()) ctype->setTargetLangName(targetLangName); // The expense policy QString limit = attributes["expense-limit"]; if (!limit.isEmpty() && limit != "none") { ExpensePolicy ep; ep.limit = limit.toInt(); ep.cost = attributes["expense-cost"]; ctype->setExpensePolicy(ep); } ctype->setIsPolymorphicBase(convertBoolean(attributes["polymorphic-base"], "polymorphic-base", false)); ctype->setPolymorphicIdValue(attributes["polymorphic-id-expression"]); //Copyable if (attributes["copyable"].isEmpty()) ctype->setCopyable(ComplexTypeEntry::Unknown); else { if (convertBoolean(attributes["copyable"], "copyable", false)) ctype->setCopyable(ComplexTypeEntry::CopyableSet); else ctype->setCopyable(ComplexTypeEntry::NonCopyableSet); } if (element->type == StackElement::ObjectTypeEntry || element->type == StackElement::ValueTypeEntry) ctype->setHashFunction(attributes["hash-function"]); ctype->setHeldType(attributes["held-type"]); if (element->type == StackElement::ObjectTypeEntry || element->type == StackElement::ValueTypeEntry) { if (convertBoolean(attributes["force-abstract"], "force-abstract", false)) ctype->setTypeFlags(ctype->typeFlags() | ComplexTypeEntry::ForceAbstract); if (convertBoolean(attributes["deprecated"], "deprecated", false)) ctype->setTypeFlags(ctype->typeFlags() | ComplexTypeEntry::Deprecated); } if (element->type == StackElement::InterfaceTypeEntry || element->type == StackElement::ValueTypeEntry || element->type == StackElement::ObjectTypeEntry) { if (convertBoolean(attributes["delete-in-main-thread"], "delete-in-main-thread", false)) ctype->setTypeFlags(ctype->typeFlags() | ComplexTypeEntry::DeleteInMainThread); } QString targetType = attributes["target-type"]; if (!targetType.isEmpty() && element->entry->isComplex()) static_cast(element->entry)->setTargetType(targetType); // ctype->setInclude(Include(Include::IncludePath, ctype->name())); ctype = ctype->designatedInterface(); if (ctype) ctype->setTargetLangPackage(attributes["package"]); } break; default: Q_ASSERT(false); }; if (element->entry) m_database->addType(element->entry); else ReportHandler::warning(QString("Type: %1 was rejected by typesystem").arg(name)); } else if (element->type == StackElement::InjectDocumentation) { // check the XML tag attributes QHash attributes; attributes["mode"] = "replace"; attributes["format"] = "native"; fetchAttributeValues(tagName, atts, &attributes); const int validParent = StackElement::TypeEntryMask | StackElement::ModifyFunction | StackElement::ModifyField; if (current->parent && current->parent->type & validParent) { QString modeName = attributes["mode"]; DocModification::Mode mode; if (modeName == "append") { mode = DocModification::Append; } else if (modeName == "prepend") { mode = DocModification::Prepend; } else if (modeName == "replace") { mode = DocModification::Replace; } else { m_error = "Unknow documentation injection mode: " + modeName; return false; } static QHash languageNames; if (languageNames.isEmpty()) { languageNames["target"] = TypeSystem::TargetLangCode; languageNames["native"] = TypeSystem::NativeCode; } QString format = attributes["format"].toLower(); TypeSystem::Language lang = languageNames.value(format, TypeSystem::NoLanguage); if (lang == TypeSystem::NoLanguage) { m_error = QString("unsupported class attribute: '%1'").arg(format); return false; } QString signature = current->type & StackElement::TypeEntryMask ? QString() : m_currentSignature; DocModification mod(mode, signature); mod.format = lang; m_docModifications << mod; } else { m_error = "inject-documentation must be inside modify-function, " "modify-field or other tags that creates a type"; return false; } } else if (element->type == StackElement::ModifyDocumentation) { // check the XML tag attributes QHash attributes; attributes["xpath"] = QString(); fetchAttributeValues(tagName, atts, &attributes); const int validParent = StackElement::TypeEntryMask | StackElement::ModifyFunction | StackElement::ModifyField; if (current->parent && current->parent->type & validParent) { QString signature = (current->type & StackElement::TypeEntryMask) ? QString() : m_currentSignature; m_docModifications << DocModification(attributes["xpath"], signature); } else { m_error = "modify-documentation must be inside modify-function, " "modify-field or other tags that creates a type"; return false; } } else if (element->type != StackElement::None) { bool topLevel = element->type == StackElement::Root || element->type == StackElement::SuppressedWarning || element->type == StackElement::Rejection || element->type == StackElement::LoadTypesystem || element->type == StackElement::InjectCode || element->type == StackElement::ConversionRule || element->type == StackElement::Template; if (!topLevel && current->type == StackElement::Root) { m_error = QString("Tag requires parent: '%1'").arg(tagName); return false; } StackElement topElement = !current ? StackElement(0) : *current; element->entry = topElement.entry; QHash attributes; switch (element->type) { case StackElement::Root: attributes["package"] = QString(); attributes["default-superclass"] = QString(); break; case StackElement::LoadTypesystem: attributes["name"] = QString(); attributes["generate"] = "yes"; break; case StackElement::NoNullPointers: attributes["default-value"] = QString(); break; case StackElement::SuppressedWarning: attributes["text"] = QString(); break; case StackElement::ReplaceDefaultExpression: attributes["with"] = QString(); break; case StackElement::DefineOwnership: attributes["class"] = "target"; attributes["owner"] = ""; break; case StackElement::ModifyFunction: attributes["signature"] = QString(); attributes["access"] = QString(); attributes["remove"] = QString(); attributes["rename"] = QString(); attributes["deprecated"] = QString("no"); attributes["associated-to"] = QString(); attributes["virtual-slot"] = QString("no"); attributes["thread"] = QString("no"); attributes["allow-thread"] = QString("no"); break; case StackElement::ModifyArgument: attributes["index"] = QString(); attributes["replace-value"] = QString(); attributes["invalidate-after-use"] = QString("no"); break; case StackElement::ModifyField: attributes["name"] = QString(); attributes["write"] = "true"; attributes["read"] = "true"; break; case StackElement::Access: attributes["modifier"] = QString(); break; case StackElement::Include: attributes["file-name"] = QString(); attributes["location"] = QString(); break; case StackElement::CustomMetaConstructor: attributes["name"] = topElement.entry->name().toLower() + "_create"; attributes["param-name"] = "copy"; break; case StackElement::CustomMetaDestructor: attributes["name"] = topElement.entry->name().toLower() + "_delete"; attributes["param-name"] = "copy"; break; case StackElement::ReplaceType: attributes["modified-type"] = QString(); break; case StackElement::InjectCode: attributes["class"] = "target"; attributes["position"] = "beginning"; attributes["file"] = QString(); break; case StackElement::ConversionRule: attributes["class"] = ""; attributes["file"] = ""; break; case StackElement::RejectEnumValue: attributes["name"] = ""; break; case StackElement::ArgumentMap: attributes["index"] = "1"; attributes["meta-name"] = QString(); break; case StackElement::Rename: attributes["to"] = QString(); break; case StackElement::Rejection: attributes["class"] = "*"; attributes["function-name"] = "*"; attributes["field-name"] = "*"; attributes["enum-name"] = "*"; break; case StackElement::Removal: attributes["class"] = "all"; break; case StackElement::Template: attributes["name"] = QString(); break; case StackElement::TemplateInstanceEnum: attributes["name"] = QString(); break; case StackElement::Replace: attributes["from"] = QString(); attributes["to"] = QString(); break; #if 0 case StackElement::ReferenceCount: attributes["action"] = QString(); break; #endif case StackElement::ParentOwner: attributes["index"] = QString(); attributes["action"] = QString(); default: { } // nada }; if (attributes.count() > 0) fetchAttributeValues(tagName, atts, &attributes); switch (element->type) { case StackElement::Root: m_defaultPackage = attributes["package"]; m_defaultSuperclass = attributes["default-superclass"]; element->type = StackElement::Root; element->entry = new TypeSystemTypeEntry(m_defaultPackage); if ((m_generate == TypeEntry::GenerateForSubclass || m_generate == TypeEntry::GenerateNothing) && m_defaultPackage != "") TypeDatabase::instance()->addRequiredTargetImport(m_defaultPackage); if (!element->entry->qualifiedCppName().isEmpty()) m_database->addType(element->entry); break; case StackElement::LoadTypesystem: { QString name = attributes["name"]; if (name.isEmpty()) { m_error = "No typesystem name specified"; return false; } if (!m_database->parseFile(name, convertBoolean(attributes["generate"], "generate", true))) { m_error = QString("Failed to parse: '%1'").arg(name); return false; } } break; case StackElement::RejectEnumValue: { if (!m_currentEnum) { m_error = " node must be used inside a node"; return false; } QString name = attributes["name"]; bool added = false; if (!name.isEmpty()) { added = true; m_currentEnum->addEnumValueRejection(name); } } break; case StackElement::ReplaceType: { if (topElement.type != StackElement::ModifyArgument) { m_error = "Type replacement can only be specified for argument modifications"; return false; } if (attributes["modified-type"].isEmpty()) { m_error = "Type replacement requires 'modified-type' attribute"; return false; } m_functionMods.last().argument_mods.last().modified_type = attributes["modified-type"]; } break; case StackElement::ConversionRule: { if (topElement.type != StackElement::ModifyArgument && topElement.type != StackElement::PrimitiveTypeEntry && topElement.type != StackElement::ContainerTypeEntry) { m_error = "Conversion rules can only be specified for argument modification" " and to primitive or container types conversion."; return false; } if (topElement.type == StackElement::ModifyArgument) { static QHash languageNames; if (languageNames.isEmpty()) { languageNames["target"] = TypeSystem::TargetLangCode; languageNames["native"] = TypeSystem::NativeCode; } QString languageAttribute = attributes["class"].toLower(); TypeSystem::Language lang = languageNames.value(languageAttribute, TypeSystem::NoLanguage); if (lang == TypeSystem::NoLanguage) { m_error = QString("unsupported class attribute: '%1'").arg(lang); return false; } CodeSnip snip; snip.language = lang; m_functionMods.last().argument_mods.last().conversion_rules.append(snip); } else { QString sourceFile = attributes["file"].toLower(); if (sourceFile.isEmpty()) { m_error = QString("'file' attribute required; the source file containing the" " containing the conversion functions must be provided"); return false; } //Handler constructor.... if (m_generate != TypeEntry::GenerateForSubclass && m_generate != TypeEntry::GenerateNothing) { if (QFile::exists(sourceFile)) { QFile conversionSource(sourceFile); if (conversionSource.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { CodeSnip snip; snip.addCode(conversionSource.readAll()); topElement.entry->addCodeSnip(snip); } } else { ReportHandler::warning("File containing conversion code for " + topElement.entry->name() + " type does not exist: " + sourceFile); } } } } break; case StackElement::ModifyArgument: { if (topElement.type != StackElement::ModifyFunction) { m_error = QString::fromLatin1("argument modification requires function" " modification as parent, was %1") .arg(topElement.type, 0, 16); return false; } QString index = attributes["index"]; if (index == "return") index = "0"; else if (index == "this") index = "-1"; bool ok = false; int idx = index.toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { m_error = QString("Cannot convert '%1' to integer").arg(index); return false; } QString replace_value = attributes["replace-value"]; if (!replace_value.isEmpty() && idx) { m_error = QString("replace-value is only supported for return values (index=0)."); return false; } ArgumentModification argumentModification = ArgumentModification(idx); argumentModification.replace_value = replace_value; argumentModification.resetAfterUse = convertBoolean(attributes["invalidate-after-use"], "invalidate-after-use", false); m_functionMods.last().argument_mods.append(argumentModification); } break; case StackElement::NoNullPointers: { if (topElement.type != StackElement::ModifyArgument) { m_error = "no-null-pointer requires argument modification as parent"; return false; } m_functionMods.last().argument_mods.last().noNullPointers = true; if (!m_functionMods.last().argument_mods.last().index) m_functionMods.last().argument_mods.last().nullPointerDefaultValue = attributes["default-value"]; else if (!attributes["default-value"].isEmpty()) ReportHandler::warning("default values for null pointer guards are only effective for return values"); } break; case StackElement::DefineOwnership: { if (topElement.type != StackElement::ModifyArgument) { m_error = "define-ownership requires argument modification as parent"; return false; } static QHash languageNames; if (languageNames.isEmpty()) { languageNames["target"] = TypeSystem::TargetLangCode; languageNames["shell"] = TypeSystem::ShellCode; } QString classAttribute = attributes["class"].toLower(); TypeSystem::Language lang = languageNames.value(classAttribute, TypeSystem::NoLanguage); if (lang == TypeSystem::NoLanguage) { m_error = QString("unsupported class attribute: '%1'").arg(classAttribute); return false; } static QHash ownershipNames; if (ownershipNames.isEmpty()) { ownershipNames["target"] = TypeSystem::TargetLangOwnership; ownershipNames["c++"] = TypeSystem::CppOwnership; ownershipNames["default"] = TypeSystem::DefaultOwnership; } QString ownershipAttribute = attributes["owner"].toLower(); TypeSystem::Ownership owner = ownershipNames.value(ownershipAttribute, TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership); if (owner == TypeSystem::InvalidOwnership) { m_error = QString("unsupported owner attribute: '%1'").arg(ownershipAttribute); return false; } m_functionMods.last().argument_mods.last().ownerships[lang] = owner; } break; case StackElement::SuppressedWarning: if (attributes["text"].isEmpty()) ReportHandler::warning("Suppressed warning with no text specified"); else m_database->addSuppressedWarning(attributes["text"]); break; case StackElement::ArgumentMap: { if (!(topElement.type & StackElement::CodeSnipMask)) { m_error = "Argument maps requires code injection as parent"; return false; } bool ok; int pos = attributes["index"].toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { m_error = QString("Can't convert position '%1' to integer") .arg(attributes["position"]); return false; } if (pos <= 0) { m_error = QString("Argument position %1 must be a positive number").arg(pos); return false; } QString meta_name = attributes["meta-name"]; if (meta_name.isEmpty()) ReportHandler::warning("Empty meta name in argument map"); if (topElement.type == StackElement::InjectCodeInFunction) m_functionMods.last().snips.last().argumentMap[pos] = meta_name; else { ReportHandler::warning("Argument maps are only useful for injection of code " "into functions."); } } break; case StackElement::Removal: { if (topElement.type != StackElement::ModifyFunction) { m_error = "Function modification parent required"; return false; } static QHash languageNames; if (languageNames.isEmpty()) { languageNames["target"] = TypeSystem::TargetLangAndNativeCode; languageNames["all"] = TypeSystem::All; } QString languageAttribute = attributes["class"].toLower(); TypeSystem::Language lang = languageNames.value(languageAttribute, TypeSystem::NoLanguage); if (lang == TypeSystem::NoLanguage) { m_error = QString("unsupported class attribute: '%1'").arg(languageAttribute); return false; } m_functionMods.last().removal = lang; } break; case StackElement::Rename: case StackElement::Access: { if (topElement.type != StackElement::ModifyField && topElement.type != StackElement::ModifyFunction) { m_error = "Function or field modification parent required"; return false; } Modification *mod = 0; if (topElement.type == StackElement::ModifyFunction) mod = &m_functionMods.last(); else mod = &m_fieldMods.last(); QString modifier; if (element->type == StackElement::Rename) { modifier = "rename"; QString renamed_to = attributes["to"]; if (renamed_to.isEmpty()) { m_error = "Rename modifier requires 'to' attribute"; return false; } if (topElement.type == StackElement::ModifyFunction) mod->setRenamedTo(renamed_to); else mod->setRenamedTo(renamed_to); } else modifier = attributes["modifier"].toLower(); if (modifier.isEmpty()) { m_error = "No access modification specified"; return false; } static QHash modifierNames; if (modifierNames.isEmpty()) { modifierNames["private"] = Modification::Private; modifierNames["public"] = Modification::Public; modifierNames["protected"] = Modification::Protected; modifierNames["friendly"] = Modification::Friendly; modifierNames["rename"] = Modification::Rename; modifierNames["final"] = Modification::Final; modifierNames["non-final"] = Modification::NonFinal; } if (!modifierNames.contains(modifier)) { m_error = QString("Unknown access modifier: '%1'").arg(modifier); return false; } mod->modifiers |= modifierNames[modifier]; } break; case StackElement::RemoveArgument: if (topElement.type != StackElement::ModifyArgument) { m_error = "Removing argument requires argument modification as parent"; return false; } m_functionMods.last().argument_mods.last().removed = true; break; case StackElement::ModifyField: { QString name = attributes["name"]; if (name.isEmpty()) break; FieldModification fm; fm.name = name; fm.modifiers = 0; QString read = attributes["read"]; QString write = attributes["write"]; if (read == "true") fm.modifiers |= FieldModification::Readable; if (write == "true") fm.modifiers |= FieldModification::Writable; m_fieldMods << fm; } break; case StackElement::ModifyFunction: { if (!(topElement.type & StackElement::ComplexTypeEntryMask)) { m_error = QString::fromLatin1("Modify function requires complex type as parent" ", was=%1").arg(topElement.type, 0, 16); return false; } QString signature = attributes["signature"]; signature = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(signature.toLocal8Bit().constData()); if (signature.isEmpty()) { m_error = "No signature for modified function"; return false; } FunctionModification mod; m_currentSignature = mod.signature = signature; QString access = attributes["access"].toLower(); if (!access.isEmpty()) { if (access == QLatin1String("private")) mod.modifiers |= Modification::Private; else if (access == QLatin1String("protected")) mod.modifiers |= Modification::Protected; else if (access == QLatin1String("public")) mod.modifiers |= Modification::Public; else if (access == QLatin1String("final")) mod.modifiers |= Modification::Final; else if (access == QLatin1String("non-final")) mod.modifiers |= Modification::NonFinal; else { m_error = QString::fromLatin1("Bad access type '%1'").arg(access); return false; } } if (convertBoolean(attributes["deprecated"], "deprecated", false)) mod.modifiers |= Modification::Deprecated; QString remove = attributes["remove"].toLower(); if (!remove.isEmpty()) { if (remove == QLatin1String("all")) mod.removal = TypeSystem::All; else if (remove == QLatin1String("target")) mod.removal = TypeSystem::TargetLangAndNativeCode; else { m_error = QString::fromLatin1("Bad removal type '%1'").arg(remove); return false; } } QString rename = attributes["rename"]; if (!rename.isEmpty()) { mod.renamedToName = rename; mod.modifiers |= Modification::Rename; } QString association = attributes["associated-to"]; if (!association.isEmpty()) mod.association = association; mod.setIsThread(convertBoolean(attributes["thread"], "thread", false)); mod.setAllowThread(convertBoolean(attributes["allow-thread"], "allow-thread", false)); mod.modifiers |= (convertBoolean(attributes["virtual-slot"], "virtual-slot", false) ? Modification::VirtualSlot : 0); m_functionMods << mod; } break; case StackElement::ReplaceDefaultExpression: if (!(topElement.type & StackElement::ModifyArgument)) { m_error = "Replace default expression only allowed as child of argument modification"; return false; } if (attributes["with"].isEmpty()) { m_error = "Default expression replaced with empty string. Use remove-default-expression instead."; return false; } m_functionMods.last().argument_mods.last().replacedDefaultExpression = attributes["with"]; break; case StackElement::RemoveDefaultExpression: m_functionMods.last().argument_mods.last().removedDefaultExpression = true; break; case StackElement::CustomMetaConstructor: case StackElement::CustomMetaDestructor: { CustomFunction *func = new CustomFunction(attributes["name"]); func->paramName = attributes["param-name"]; element->value.customFunction = func; } break; #if 0 case StackElement::ReferenceCount: { if (topElement.type != StackElement::ModifyArgument) { m_error = "reference-count must be child of modify-argument"; return false; } ReferenceCount rc; static QHash actions; if (actions.isEmpty()) { actions["add"] = ReferenceCount::Add; actions["add-all"] = ReferenceCount::AddAll; actions["remove"] = ReferenceCount::Remove; actions["set"] = ReferenceCount::Set; actions["ignore"] = ReferenceCount::Ignore; } rc.action = actions.value(attributes["action"].toLower(), ReferenceCount::Invalid); if (rc.action == ReferenceCount::Invalid) { m_error = "unrecognized value for action attribute. supported actions:"; foreach (QString action, actions.keys()) m_error += " " + action; } m_functionMods.last().argument_mods.last().referenceCounts.append(rc); } break; #endif case StackElement::ParentOwner: { if (topElement.type != StackElement::ModifyArgument) { m_error = "parent-policy must be child of modify-argument"; return false; } ArgumentOwner ao; QString index = attributes["index"]; if (index == "return") index = "0"; else if (index == "this") index = "-1"; bool ok = false; int idx = index.toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { m_error = QString("Cannot convert '%1' to integer").arg(index); return false; } static QHash actions; if (actions.isEmpty()) { actions["add"] = ArgumentOwner::Add; actions["remove"] = ArgumentOwner::Remove; } ao.action = actions.value(attributes["action"].toLower(), ArgumentOwner::Invalid); if (!ao.action) { m_error = QString("Invalid parent actionr"); return false; } ao.index = idx; m_functionMods.last().argument_mods.last().owner = ao; } break; case StackElement::InjectCode: { if (((!topElement.type & StackElement::ComplexTypeEntryMask)) && (topElement.type != StackElement::ModifyFunction) && (topElement.type != StackElement::Root)) { m_error = "wrong parent type for code injection"; return false; } static QHash languageNames; if (languageNames.isEmpty()) { languageNames["target"] = TypeSystem::TargetLangCode; // em algum lugar do cpp languageNames["native"] = TypeSystem::NativeCode; // em algum lugar do cpp languageNames["shell"] = TypeSystem::ShellCode; // coloca no header, mas antes da declaracao da classe languageNames["shell-declaration"] = TypeSystem::ShellDeclaration; // coloca no header, dentro da declaracao da classe languageNames["library-initializer"] = TypeSystem::PackageInitializer; languageNames["destructor-function"] = TypeSystem::DestructorFunction; languageNames["constructors"] = TypeSystem::Constructors; languageNames["interface"] = TypeSystem::Interface; } QString className = attributes["class"].toLower(); if (!languageNames.contains(className)) { m_error = QString("Invalid class specifier: '%1'").arg(className); return false; } static QHash positionNames; if (positionNames.isEmpty()) { positionNames["beginning"] = CodeSnip::Beginning; positionNames["end"] = CodeSnip::End; // QtScript positionNames["declaration"] = CodeSnip::Declaration; positionNames["prototype-initialization"] = CodeSnip::PrototypeInitialization; positionNames["constructor-initialization"] = CodeSnip::ConstructorInitialization; positionNames["constructor"] = CodeSnip::Constructor; } QString position = attributes["position"].toLower(); if (!positionNames.contains(position)) { m_error = QString("Invalid position: '%1'").arg(position); return false; } CodeSnip snip; snip.language = languageNames[className]; snip.position = positionNames[position]; bool in_file = false; QString file_name = attributes["file"]; //Handler constructor.... if (m_generate != TypeEntry::GenerateForSubclass && m_generate != TypeEntry::GenerateNothing && !file_name.isEmpty()) { if (QFile::exists(file_name)) { QFile code_file(file_name); if (code_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QString content; content = code_file.readAll(); content.prepend("// ========================================================================\n" "// START of custom code block [file: " + file_name + "]\n"); content.append("\n// END of custom code block [file: " + file_name + "]\n" "// ========================================================================\n"); snip.addCode(content); in_file = true; } } else ReportHandler::warning("File for inject code not exist: " + file_name); } if (snip.language == TypeSystem::Interface && topElement.type != StackElement::InterfaceTypeEntry) { m_error = "Interface code injections must be direct child of an interface type entry"; return false; } if (topElement.type == StackElement::ModifyFunction) { FunctionModification mod = m_functionMods.last(); if (snip.language == TypeSystem::ShellDeclaration) { m_error = "no function implementation in shell declaration in which to inject code"; return false; } m_functionMods.last().snips << snip; if (in_file) m_functionMods.last().modifiers |= FunctionModification::CodeInjection; element->type = StackElement::InjectCodeInFunction; } else if (topElement.type == StackElement::Root) { ((TypeSystemTypeEntry *) element->entry)->addCodeSnip(snip); } else if (topElement.type != StackElement::Root) m_codeSnips << snip; } break; case StackElement::Include: { QString location = attributes["location"].toLower(); static QHash locationNames; if (locationNames.isEmpty()) { locationNames["global"] = Include::IncludePath; locationNames["local"] = Include::LocalPath; locationNames["target"] = Include::TargetLangImport; } if (!locationNames.contains(location)) { m_error = QString("Location not recognized: '%1'").arg(location); return false; } Include::IncludeType loc = locationNames[location]; Include inc(loc, attributes["file-name"]); ComplexTypeEntry *ctype = static_cast(element->entry); if (topElement.type & (StackElement::ComplexTypeEntryMask | StackElement::PrimitiveTypeEntry)) { element->entry->setInclude(inc); } else if (topElement.type == StackElement::ExtraIncludes) { element->entry->addExtraInclude(inc); } else { m_error = "Only supported parent tags are primitive-type, complex types or extra-includes"; return false; } inc = ctype->include(); IncludeList lst = ctype->extraIncludes(); ctype = ctype->designatedInterface(); if (ctype) { ctype->setExtraIncludes(lst); ctype->setInclude(inc); } } break; case StackElement::Rejection: { QString cls = attributes["class"]; QString function = attributes["function-name"]; QString field = attributes["field-name"]; QString enum_ = attributes["enum-name"]; if (cls == "*" && function == "*" && field == "*" && enum_ == "*") { m_error = "bad reject entry, neither 'class', 'function-name' nor " "'field' specified"; return false; } m_database->addRejection(cls, function, field, enum_); } break; case StackElement::Template: element->value.templateEntry = new TemplateEntry(attributes["name"]); break; case StackElement::TemplateInstanceEnum: if (!(topElement.type & StackElement::CodeSnipMask) && (topElement.type != StackElement::Template) && (topElement.type != StackElement::CustomMetaConstructor) && (topElement.type != StackElement::CustomMetaDestructor) && (topElement.type != StackElement::ConversionRule)) { m_error = "Can only insert templates into code snippets, templates, custom-constructors, custom-destructors or conversion-rule."; return false; } element->value.templateInstance = new TemplateInstance(attributes["name"]); break; case StackElement::Replace: if (topElement.type != StackElement::TemplateInstanceEnum) { m_error = "Can only insert replace rules into insert-template."; return false; } element->parent->value.templateInstance->addReplaceRule(attributes["from"], attributes["to"]); break; default: break; // nada }; } current = element; return true; } TypeDatabase *TypeDatabase::instance(bool newInstance) { static TypeDatabase *db = 0; if (!db || newInstance) { if (db) delete db; db = new TypeDatabase; } return db; } TypeDatabase::TypeDatabase() : m_suppressWarnings(true) { StringTypeEntry* e = new StringTypeEntry("QXmlStreamStringRef"); e->setPreferredConversion(false); addType(e); addType(new VoidTypeEntry()); } QString TypeDatabase::modifiedTypesystemFilepath(const QString &ts_file) { if (!QFile::exists(ts_file)) { foreach (const QString &path, m_typesystemPaths) { QString filepath(path + '/' + ts_file); if (QFile::exists(filepath)) return filepath; } } return ts_file; } bool TypeDatabase::parseFile(const QString &filename, bool generate) { QString filepath; if (filename[0] != '/') filepath = modifiedTypesystemFilepath(filename); else filepath = filename; if (m_parsedTypesystemFiles.contains(filepath)) return m_parsedTypesystemFiles[filepath]; QFile file(filepath); Q_ASSERT_X(file.exists(), __FUNCTION__, ("Can't find " + filename).toLocal8Bit().data()); int count = m_entries.size(); bool ok = parseFile(&file, generate); m_parsedTypesystemFiles[filepath] = ok; int newCount = m_entries.size(); ReportHandler::debugSparse(QString::fromLatin1("Parsed: '%1', %2 new entries") .arg(filename) .arg(newCount - count)); return ok; } bool TypeDatabase::parseFile(QIODevice* device, bool generate) { QXmlInputSource source(device); QXmlSimpleReader reader; Handler handler(this, generate); reader.setContentHandler(&handler); reader.setErrorHandler(&handler); return reader.parse(&source, false); } QString PrimitiveTypeEntry::javaObjectName() const { static QHash table; if (table.isEmpty()) { table["boolean"] = "Boolean"; table["byte"] = "Byte"; table["char"] = "Character"; table["short"] = "Short"; table["int"] = "Integer"; table["long"] = "Long"; table["float"] = "Float"; table["double"] = "Double"; } Q_ASSERT(table.contains(targetLangName())); return table[targetLangName()]; } PrimitiveTypeEntry* PrimitiveTypeEntry::basicAliasedTypeEntry() const { if (!m_aliasedTypeEntry) return 0; PrimitiveTypeEntry* baseAliasTypeEntry = m_aliasedTypeEntry->basicAliasedTypeEntry(); if (baseAliasTypeEntry) return baseAliasTypeEntry; else return m_aliasedTypeEntry; } ContainerTypeEntry *TypeDatabase::findContainerType(const QString &name) { QString template_name = name; int pos = name.indexOf('<'); if (pos > 0) template_name = name.left(pos); TypeEntry *type_entry = findType(template_name); if (type_entry && type_entry->isContainer()) return static_cast(type_entry); return 0; } PrimitiveTypeEntry *TypeDatabase::findTargetLangPrimitiveType(const QString &targetLangName) { foreach (QList entries, m_entries.values()) { foreach (TypeEntry *e, entries) { if (e && e->isPrimitive()) { PrimitiveTypeEntry *pe = static_cast(e); if (pe->targetLangName() == targetLangName && pe->preferredConversion()) return pe; } } } return 0; } IncludeList TypeDatabase::extraIncludes(const QString &className) { ComplexTypeEntry *typeEntry = findComplexType(className); if (typeEntry) return typeEntry->extraIncludes(); else return IncludeList(); } QString Include::toString() const { if (type == IncludePath) return "#include <" + name + '>'; else if (type == LocalPath) return "#include \"" + name + "\""; else return "import " + name + ";"; } QString Modification::accessModifierString() const { if (isPrivate()) return "private"; if (isProtected()) return "protected"; if (isPublic()) return "public"; if (isFriendly()) return "friendly"; return QString(); } FunctionModificationList ComplexTypeEntry::functionModifications(const QString &signature) const { FunctionModificationList lst; for (int i = 0; i < m_functionMods.count(); ++i) { const FunctionModification &mod = m_functionMods.at(i); if (mod.signature == signature) lst << mod; } return lst; } FieldModification ComplexTypeEntry::fieldModification(const QString &name) const { for (int i = 0; i < m_fieldMods.size(); ++i) if (m_fieldMods.at(i).name == name) return m_fieldMods.at(i); FieldModification mod; mod.name = name; mod.modifiers = FieldModification::Readable | FieldModification::Writable; return mod; } QString ContainerTypeEntry::targetLangPackage() const { if (m_type == PairContainer) return "com.trolltech.qt"; return "java.util"; } QString ContainerTypeEntry::targetLangName() const { switch (m_type) { case StringListContainer: return "QStringList"; case ListContainer: return "QList"; case LinkedListContainer: return "LinkedList"; case VectorContainer: return "QVector"; case StackContainer: return "QStack"; case QueueContainer: return "QQueue"; case SetContainer: return "QSet"; case MapContainer: return "QMap"; case MultiMapContainer: return "QMultiMap"; case HashContainer: return "QHashMap"; //case MultiHashCollectio: return "MultiHash"; case PairContainer: return "QPair"; default: qWarning("bad type... %d", m_type); break; } return QString(); } QString ContainerTypeEntry::qualifiedCppName() const { if (m_type == StringListContainer) return "QStringList"; return ComplexTypeEntry::qualifiedCppName(); } QString EnumTypeEntry::targetLangQualifier() const { TypeEntry *te = TypeDatabase::instance()->findType(m_qualifier); if (te) return te->targetLangName(); else return m_qualifier; } QString EnumTypeEntry::targetLangApiName() const { return "jint"; } QString FlagsTypeEntry::targetLangApiName() const { return "jint"; } void EnumTypeEntry::addEnumValueRedirection(const QString &rejected, const QString &usedValue) { m_enumRedirections << EnumValueRedirection(rejected, usedValue); } QString EnumTypeEntry::enumValueRedirection(const QString &value) const { for (int i = 0; i < m_enumRedirections.size(); ++i) if (m_enumRedirections.at(i).rejected == value) return m_enumRedirections.at(i).used; return QString(); } QString FlagsTypeEntry::qualifiedTargetLangName() const { return targetLangPackage() + "." + m_enum->targetLangQualifier() + "." + targetLangName(); } void TypeDatabase::addRejection(const QString &class_name, const QString &function_name, const QString &field_name, const QString &enum_name) { TypeRejection r; r.class_name = class_name; r.function_name = function_name; r.field_name = field_name; r.enum_name = enum_name; m_rejections << r; } bool TypeDatabase::isClassRejected(const QString &class_name) { if (!m_rebuildClasses.isEmpty()) return !m_rebuildClasses.contains(class_name); foreach (const TypeRejection &r, m_rejections) if (r.class_name == class_name && r.function_name == "*" && r.field_name == "*" && r.enum_name == "*") return true; return false; } bool TypeDatabase::isEnumRejected(const QString &class_name, const QString &enum_name) { foreach (const TypeRejection &r, m_rejections) { if (r.enum_name == enum_name && (r.class_name == class_name || r.class_name == "*")) { return true; } } return false; } bool TypeDatabase::isFunctionRejected(const QString &class_name, const QString &function_name) { foreach (const TypeRejection &r, m_rejections) if (r.function_name == function_name && (r.class_name == class_name || r.class_name == "*")) return true; return false; } bool TypeDatabase::isFieldRejected(const QString &class_name, const QString &field_name) { foreach (const TypeRejection &r, m_rejections) if (r.field_name == field_name && (r.class_name == class_name || r.class_name == "*")) return true; return false; } FlagsTypeEntry *TypeDatabase::findFlagsType(const QString &name) const { FlagsTypeEntry *fte = (FlagsTypeEntry *) findType(name); return fte ? fte : (FlagsTypeEntry *) m_flagsEntries.value(name); } QString TypeDatabase::globalNamespaceClassName(const TypeEntry * /*entry*/) { return QLatin1String("Global"); } /*! * The Visual Studio 2002 compiler doesn't support these symbols, * which our typedefs unforntuatly expand to. */ QString fixCppTypeName(const QString &name) { if (name == "long long") return "qint64"; else if (name == "unsigned long long") return "quint64"; return name; } QString TemplateInstance::expandCode() const { TemplateEntry *templateEntry = TypeDatabase::instance()->findTemplate(m_name); if (templateEntry) { QString res = templateEntry->code(); foreach (QString key, replaceRules.keys()) res.replace(key, replaceRules[key]); return "// TEMPLATE - " + m_name + " - START" + res + "// TEMPLATE - " + m_name + " - END"; } else ReportHandler::warning("insert-template referring to non-existing template '" + m_name + "'"); return QString(); } QString CodeSnipAbstract::code() const { QString res; foreach (CodeSnipFragment *codeFrag, codeList) res.append(codeFrag->code()); return res; } QString CodeSnipFragment::code() const { if (m_instance) return m_instance->expandCode(); else return m_code; } QString FunctionModification::toString() const { QString str = signature + QLatin1String("->"); if (modifiers & AccessModifierMask) { switch (modifiers & AccessModifierMask) { case Private: str += QLatin1String("private"); break; case Protected: str += QLatin1String("protected"); break; case Public: str += QLatin1String("public"); break; case Friendly: str += QLatin1String("friendly"); break; } } if (modifiers & Final) str += QLatin1String("final"); if (modifiers & NonFinal) str += QLatin1String("non-final"); if (modifiers & Readable) str += QLatin1String("readable"); if (modifiers & Writable) str += QLatin1String("writable"); if (modifiers & CodeInjection) { foreach (CodeSnip s, snips) { str += QLatin1String("\n//code injection:\n"); str += s.code(); } } if (modifiers & Rename) str += QLatin1String("renamed:") + renamedToName; if (modifiers & Deprecated) str += QLatin1String("deprecate"); if (modifiers & ReplaceExpression) str += QLatin1String("replace-expression"); return str; } /* static void injectCode(ComplexTypeEntry *e, const char *signature, const QByteArray &code, const ArgumentMap &args) { CodeSnip snip; snip.language = TypeSystem::NativeCode; snip.position = CodeSnip::Beginning; snip.addCode(QString::fromLatin1(code)); snip.argumentMap = args; FunctionModification mod; mod.signature = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(signature); mod.snips << snip; mod.modifiers = Modification::CodeInjection; e->addFunctionModification(mod); } */