/* * This file is part of the API Extractor project. * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). * * Contact: PySide team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ #ifndef TYPESYSTEM_P_H #define TYPESYSTEM_P_H #include #include "typesystem.h" class TypeDatabase; class StackElement { public: enum ElementType { None = 0x0, // Type tags (0x1, ... , 0xff) ObjectTypeEntry = 0x1, ValueTypeEntry = 0x2, InterfaceTypeEntry = 0x3, NamespaceTypeEntry = 0x4, ComplexTypeEntryMask = 0x7, // Non-complex type tags (0x8, 0x9, ... , 0xf) PrimitiveTypeEntry = 0x8, EnumTypeEntry = 0x9, ContainerTypeEntry = 0xa, FunctionTypeEntry = 0xb, TypeEntryMask = 0xf, // Documentation tags InjectDocumentation = 0x10, ModifyDocumentation = 0x20, DocumentationMask = 0xf0, // Simple tags (0x100, 0x200, ... , 0xf00) ExtraIncludes = 0x0100, Include = 0x0200, ModifyFunction = 0x0300, ModifyField = 0x0400, Root = 0x0500, CustomMetaConstructor = 0x0600, CustomMetaDestructor = 0x0700, ArgumentMap = 0x0800, SuppressedWarning = 0x0900, Rejection = 0x0a00, LoadTypesystem = 0x0b00, RejectEnumValue = 0x0c00, Template = 0x0d00, TemplateInstanceEnum = 0x0e00, Replace = 0x0f00, AddFunction = 0x1000, SimpleMask = 0x3f00, // Code snip tags (0x1000, 0x2000, ... , 0xf000) InjectCode = 0x4000, InjectCodeInFunction = 0x8000, CodeSnipMask = 0xc000, // Function modifier tags (0x010000, 0x020000, ... , 0xf00000) Access = 0x010000, Removal = 0x020000, Rename = 0x040000, ModifyArgument = 0x080000, Thread = 0x100000, FunctionModifiers = 0xff0000, // Argument modifier tags (0x01000000 ... 0xf0000000) ConversionRule = 0x01000000, ReplaceType = 0x02000000, ReplaceDefaultExpression = 0x04000000, RemoveArgument = 0x08000000, DefineOwnership = 0x10000000, RemoveDefaultExpression = 0x20000000, NoNullPointers = 0x40000000, ReferenceCount = 0x80000000, ParentOwner = 0x90000000, ArgumentModifiers = 0xff000000 }; StackElement(StackElement *p) : entry(0), type(None), parent(p) { } TypeEntry* entry; ElementType type; StackElement *parent; union { TemplateInstance* templateInstance; TemplateEntry* templateEntry; CustomFunction* customFunction; } value; }; class Handler : public QXmlDefaultHandler { public: Handler(TypeDatabase* database, bool generate); bool startElement(const QString& namespaceURI, const QString& localName, const QString& qName, const QXmlAttributes& atts); bool endElement(const QString& namespaceURI, const QString& localName, const QString& qName); QString errorString() const { return m_error; } bool error(const QXmlParseException &exception); bool fatalError(const QXmlParseException &exception); bool warning(const QXmlParseException &exception); bool characters(const QString &ch); private: void fetchAttributeValues(const QString &name, const QXmlAttributes &atts, QHash *acceptedAttributes); bool importFileElement(const QXmlAttributes &atts); bool convertBoolean(const QString &, const QString &, bool); TypeDatabase *m_database; StackElement* m_current; QString m_defaultPackage; QString m_defaultSuperclass; QString m_error; TypeEntry::CodeGeneration m_generate; EnumTypeEntry* m_currentEnum; CodeSnipList m_codeSnips; AddedFunctionList m_addedFunctions; FunctionModificationList m_functionMods; FieldModificationList m_fieldMods; DocModificationList m_docModifications; QHash tagNames; QString m_currentSignature; }; #endif