path: root/src/lib/scriptengine
diff options
authorJoerg Bornemann <joerg.bornemann@qt.io>2016-06-30 15:17:03 +0200
committerJoerg Bornemann <joerg.bornemann@qt.io>2018-04-09 07:17:25 +0000
commitd45d7ea294daa85249432572a6bdb4dece82d44c (patch)
treec976658ad97ddac8ec1049f5d02ed3431ca2fcbb /src/lib/scriptengine
parentcf12d96aa7e22f8cb18b6af076fec36b6ea96f34 (diff)
Add QtScript git submodule
This adds QtScript as a git submodule to build the qbsscriptengine library. QtDeclarative support has been stripped out. We don't need that. Windows CE and Symbian platform support has been removed. JIT has been disabled, which improves resolve/rule execution by 8%. [ChangeLog] Bundled QtScript as a submodule. Task-number: QBS-913 Change-Id: Idfbaf06eb2cef3985e5eae955f231686499f7754 Reviewed-by: Christian Kandeler <christian.kandeler@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@qt.io>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/scriptengine')
3 files changed, 527 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/scriptengine/scriptengine.pro b/src/lib/scriptengine/scriptengine.pro
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5d4ad590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/scriptengine/scriptengine.pro
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+TARGET = qbsscriptengine
+QT = core-private
+DEFINES += JSC=QTJSC jscyyparse=qtjscyyparse jscyylex=qtjscyylex jscyyerror=qtjscyyerror WTF=QTWTF
+CONFIG += building-libs
+CONFIG += staticlib
+CONFIG += QTDIR_build
+# Disable a few warnings on Windows.
+# These are in addition to the ones disabled in WebKit.pri
+msvc: QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -wd4396 -wd4099
+else: QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Wno-deprecated
+# We cannot afford -O0 for QtScript even in debug builds.
+darwin {
+ contains(QT_CONFIG, coreservices) {
+ LIBS_PRIVATE += -framework CoreServices
+ } else {
+ LIBS_PRIVATE += -framework CoreFoundation
+ }
+win32 {
+ LIBS += -lwinmm
+# Suppress 'LEAK' messages (see QTBUG-18201)
+# This line copied from WebCore.pro
+CONFIG(release, debug|release): DEFINES += NDEBUG
+# Avoid JSC C API functions being exported.
+!build_pass {
+ qtPrepareTool(QMAKE_SYNCQT, syncqt, , system)
+ -minimal -version $$[QT_VERSION] \
+ -outdir $$system_quote($$system_path($$OUT_PWD)) \
+ $$system_quote($$system_path($$clean_path($$PWD/../../shared/qtscript)))
+ !system($$QMAKE_SYNCQT): error("Failed to execute syncqt for the bundled QtScript module.")
+ $$OUT_PWD/include \
+ $$OUT_PWD/include/QtScript/$$[QT_VERSION]/QtScript \
+ $$PWD/../../shared/qtscript/src/script \
+ $$PWD/../../shared/qtscript/src/script/api
+BRIDGESRCDIR = ../../shared/qtscript/src/script/bridge
+ $$BRIDGESRCDIR/qscriptactivationobject.cpp \
+ $$BRIDGESRCDIR/qscriptclassobject.cpp \
+ $$BRIDGESRCDIR/qscriptfunction.cpp \
+ $$BRIDGESRCDIR/qscriptglobalobject.cpp \
+ $$BRIDGESRCDIR/qscriptobject.cpp \
+ $$BRIDGESRCDIR/qscriptqobject.cpp \
+ $$BRIDGESRCDIR/qscriptstaticscopeobject.cpp \
+ $$BRIDGESRCDIR/qscriptvariant.cpp
+ $$BRIDGESRCDIR/qscriptactivationobject_p.h \
+ $$BRIDGESRCDIR/qscriptclassobject_p.h \
+ $$BRIDGESRCDIR/qscriptfunction_p.h \
+ $$BRIDGESRCDIR/qscriptglobalobject_p.h \
+ $$BRIDGESRCDIR/qscriptobject_p.h \
+ $$BRIDGESRCDIR/qscriptqobject_p.h \
+ $$BRIDGESRCDIR/qscriptstaticscopeobject_p.h \
+ $$BRIDGESRCDIR/qscriptvariant_p.h
diff --git a/src/lib/scriptengine/scriptengine.qbs b/src/lib/scriptengine/scriptengine.qbs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c92bc1954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/scriptengine/scriptengine.qbs
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+import qbs
+import qbs.File
+import qbs.FileInfo
+import qbs.Process
+Project {
+ QbsLibrary {
+ condition: qbsbuildconfig.useBundledQtScript || !Qt.script.present
+ Depends {
+ name: "Qt.script"
+ condition: !qbsbuildconfig.useBundledQtScript
+ required: false
+ }
+ Depends { name: "QtScriptFwdHeaders" }
+ Depends { name: "cpp" }
+ Depends { name: "Qt"; submodules: ["core-private"] }
+ type: ["staticlibrary"]
+ name: "qbsscriptengine"
+ property bool useSystemMalloc: !qbs.targetOS.contains("macos")
+ && !qbs.targetOS.contains("unix")
+ property string qtscriptPath: "../../shared/qtscript/src/"
+ cpp.includePaths: {
+ var result = base.concat(["."]);
+ var jscBaseDir = qtscriptPath + "3rdparty/javascriptcore";
+ result.push(jscBaseDir);
+ jscBaseDir += "/JavaScriptCore";
+ result.push(jscBaseDir);
+ var jscSubDirs = [
+ "assembler",
+ "bytecode",
+ "bytecompiler",
+ "debugger",
+ "interpreter",
+ "jit",
+ "parser",
+ "pcre",
+ "profiler",
+ "runtime",
+ "wrec",
+ "wtf",
+ "wtf/unicode",
+ "yarr",
+ "API",
+ "ForwardingHeaders",
+ "generated"];
+ result = result.concat(jscSubDirs.map(function(s) { return jscBaseDir + '/' + s; }));
+ result.push(qtscriptPath + "script");
+ result.push(qtscriptPath + "script/api");
+ result.push(qtscriptPath + "script/parser");
+ result = result.concat(QtScriptFwdHeaders.publicIncludePaths,
+ QtScriptFwdHeaders.privateIncludePaths);
+ return result;
+ }
+ cpp.defines: {
+ var result = base.concat([
+ "JSC=QTJSC", "jscyyparse=qtjscyyparse", "jscyylex=qtjscyylex",
+ "jscyyerror=qtjscyyerror",
+ if (qbs.buildVariant != "debug")
+ result.push("NDEBUG");
+ if (qbs.targetOS.contains("macos"))
+ // JavaScriptCore
+ result.push("BUILDING_QT__", "BUILDING_JavaScriptCore", "BUILDING_WTF",
+ if (qbs.targetOS.contains("windows")) {
+ // Prevent definition of min, max macros in windows.h
+ result.push("NOMINMAX");
+ // Enables rand_s
+ result.push("_CRT_RAND_S");
+ }
+ // WebKit
+ if (useSystemMalloc)
+ result.push("USE_SYSTEM_MALLOC");
+ return result;
+ }
+ cpp.cxxFlags: {
+ var result = base;
+ if (qbs.toolchain.contains("gcc")) {
+ result.push("-fno-strict-aliasing",
+ "-Wall", "-Wreturn-type", "-Wcast-align", "-Wchar-subscripts",
+ "-Wformat-security", "-Wreturn-type", "-Wno-unused-parameter",
+ "-Wno-sign-compare", "-Wno-switch", "-Wno-switch-enum", "-Wundef",
+ "-Wmissing-noreturn", "-Winit-self", "-Wno-deprecated",
+ "-Wno-suggest-attribute=noreturn", "-Wno-nonnull-compare");
+ } else if (qbs.toolchain.contains("msvc")) {
+ result.push("-wd4291", "-wd4344", "-wd4396", "-wd4503", "-wd4800", "-wd4819",
+ "-wd4996");
+ }
+ if (qbs.targetOS.contains("unix"))
+ result.push("-pthread");
+ return result;
+ }
+ cpp.warningLevel: "none"
+ cpp.optimization: "fast" // We cannot afford -O0 for QtScript even in debug builds.
+ Properties {
+ condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("unix")
+ cpp.dynamicLibraries: base.concat(["pthread"])
+ }
+ Group {
+ name: "pcre"
+ prefix: qtscriptPath + "3rdparty/javascriptcore/JavaScriptCore/pcre/"
+ files: [
+ "pcre_compile.cpp",
+ "pcre_exec.cpp",
+ "pcre_tables.cpp",
+ "pcre_ucp_searchfuncs.cpp",
+ "pcre_xclass.cpp",
+ ]
+ }
+ Group {
+ name: "system malloc replacement"
+ prefix: qtscriptPath + "3rdparty/javascriptcore/JavaScriptCore/"
+ condition: !useSystemMalloc
+ files: [
+ "wtf/TCSystemAlloc.cpp",
+ ]
+ }
+ Group {
+ name: "JavaScriptCore"
+ prefix: qtscriptPath + "3rdparty/javascriptcore/JavaScriptCore/"
+ files: [
+ "API/JSBase.cpp",
+ "API/JSCallbackConstructor.cpp",
+ "API/JSCallbackFunction.cpp",
+ "API/JSCallbackObject.cpp",
+ "API/JSClassRef.cpp",
+ "API/JSContextRef.cpp",
+ "API/JSObjectRef.cpp",
+ "API/JSStringRef.cpp",
+ "API/JSValueRef.cpp",
+ "API/OpaqueJSString.cpp",
+ "assembler/ARMAssembler.cpp",
+ "assembler/MacroAssemblerARM.cpp",
+ "bytecode/CodeBlock.cpp",
+ "bytecode/JumpTable.cpp",
+ "bytecode/Opcode.cpp",
+ "bytecode/SamplingTool.cpp",
+ "bytecode/StructureStubInfo.cpp",
+ "bytecompiler/BytecodeGenerator.cpp",
+ "bytecompiler/NodesCodegen.cpp",
+ "debugger/DebuggerActivation.cpp",
+ "debugger/DebuggerCallFrame.cpp",
+ "debugger/Debugger.cpp",
+ "generated/Grammar.cpp",
+ "interpreter/CallFrame.cpp",
+ "interpreter/Interpreter.cpp",
+ "interpreter/RegisterFile.cpp",
+ "parser/Lexer.cpp",
+ "parser/Nodes.cpp",
+ "parser/ParserArena.cpp",
+ "parser/Parser.cpp",
+ "profiler/Profile.cpp",
+ "profiler/ProfileGenerator.cpp",
+ "profiler/ProfileNode.cpp",
+ "profiler/Profiler.cpp",
+ "runtime/ArgList.cpp",
+ "runtime/Arguments.cpp",
+ "runtime/ArrayConstructor.cpp",
+ "runtime/ArrayPrototype.cpp",
+ "runtime/BooleanConstructor.cpp",
+ "runtime/BooleanObject.cpp",
+ "runtime/BooleanPrototype.cpp",
+ "runtime/CallData.cpp",
+ "runtime/Collector.cpp",
+ "runtime/CommonIdentifiers.cpp",
+ "runtime/Completion.cpp",
+ "runtime/ConstructData.cpp",
+ "runtime/DateConstructor.cpp",
+ "runtime/DateConversion.cpp",
+ "runtime/DateInstance.cpp",
+ "runtime/DatePrototype.cpp",
+ "runtime/ErrorConstructor.cpp",
+ "runtime/Error.cpp",
+ "runtime/ErrorInstance.cpp",
+ "runtime/ErrorPrototype.cpp",
+ "runtime/ExceptionHelpers.cpp",
+ "runtime/Executable.cpp",
+ "runtime/FunctionConstructor.cpp",
+ "runtime/FunctionPrototype.cpp",
+ "runtime/GetterSetter.cpp",
+ "runtime/GlobalEvalFunction.cpp",
+ "runtime/Identifier.cpp",
+ "runtime/InitializeThreading.cpp",
+ "runtime/InternalFunction.cpp",
+ "runtime/JSActivation.cpp",
+ "runtime/JSAPIValueWrapper.cpp",
+ "runtime/JSArray.cpp",
+ "runtime/JSByteArray.cpp",
+ "runtime/JSCell.cpp",
+ "runtime/JSFunction.cpp",
+ "runtime/JSGlobalData.cpp",
+ "runtime/JSGlobalObject.cpp",
+ "runtime/JSGlobalObjectFunctions.cpp",
+ "runtime/JSImmediate.cpp",
+ "runtime/JSLock.cpp",
+ "runtime/JSNotAnObject.cpp",
+ "runtime/JSNumberCell.cpp",
+ "runtime/JSObject.cpp",
+ "runtime/JSONObject.cpp",
+ "runtime/JSPropertyNameIterator.cpp",
+ "runtime/JSStaticScopeObject.cpp",
+ "runtime/JSString.cpp",
+ "runtime/JSValue.cpp",
+ "runtime/JSVariableObject.cpp",
+ "runtime/JSWrapperObject.cpp",
+ "runtime/LiteralParser.cpp",
+ "runtime/Lookup.cpp",
+ "runtime/MarkStackPosix.cpp",
+ "runtime/MarkStackSymbian.cpp",
+ "runtime/MarkStackWin.cpp",
+ "runtime/MarkStack.cpp",
+ "runtime/MathObject.cpp",
+ "runtime/NativeErrorConstructor.cpp",
+ "runtime/NativeErrorPrototype.cpp",
+ "runtime/NumberConstructor.cpp",
+ "runtime/NumberObject.cpp",
+ "runtime/NumberPrototype.cpp",
+ "runtime/ObjectConstructor.cpp",
+ "runtime/ObjectPrototype.cpp",
+ "runtime/Operations.cpp",
+ "runtime/PropertyDescriptor.cpp",
+ "runtime/PropertyNameArray.cpp",
+ "runtime/PropertySlot.cpp",
+ "runtime/PrototypeFunction.cpp",
+ "runtime/RegExpConstructor.cpp",
+ "runtime/RegExp.cpp",
+ "runtime/RegExpObject.cpp",
+ "runtime/RegExpPrototype.cpp",
+ "runtime/ScopeChain.cpp",
+ "runtime/SmallStrings.cpp",
+ "runtime/StringConstructor.cpp",
+ "runtime/StringObject.cpp",
+ "runtime/StringPrototype.cpp",
+ "runtime/StructureChain.cpp",
+ "runtime/Structure.cpp",
+ "runtime/TimeoutChecker.cpp",
+ "runtime/UString.cpp",
+ "runtime/UStringImpl.cpp",
+ "wtf/Assertions.cpp",
+ "wtf/ByteArray.cpp",
+ "wtf/CurrentTime.cpp",
+ "wtf/DateMath.cpp",
+ "wtf/dtoa.cpp",
+ "wtf/FastMalloc.cpp",
+ "wtf/HashTable.cpp",
+ "wtf/MainThread.cpp",
+ "wtf/qt/MainThreadQt.cpp",
+ "wtf/qt/ThreadingQt.cpp",
+ "wtf/RandomNumber.cpp",
+ "wtf/RefCountedLeakCounter.cpp",
+ "wtf/ThreadingNone.cpp",
+ "wtf/Threading.cpp",
+ "wtf/TypeTraits.cpp",
+ "wtf/unicode/CollatorDefault.cpp",
+ "wtf/unicode/icu/CollatorICU.cpp",
+ "wtf/unicode/UTF8.cpp",
+ ]
+ }
+ Group {
+ name: "api"
+ prefix: qtscriptPath + "script/api/"
+ files: [
+ "qscriptable.cpp",
+ "qscriptable.h",
+ "qscriptable_p.h",
+ "qscriptclass.cpp",
+ "qscriptclass.h",
+ "qscriptclasspropertyiterator.cpp",
+ "qscriptclasspropertyiterator.h",
+ "qscriptcontext.cpp",
+ "qscriptcontext.h",
+ "qscriptcontextinfo.cpp",
+ "qscriptcontextinfo.h",
+ "qscriptcontext_p.h",
+ "qscriptengineagent.cpp",
+ "qscriptengineagent.h",
+ "qscriptengineagent_p.h",
+ "qscriptengine.cpp",
+ "qscriptengine.h",
+ "qscriptengine_p.h",
+ "qscriptextensioninterface.h",
+ "qscriptextensionplugin.cpp",
+ "qscriptextensionplugin.h",
+ "qscriptprogram.cpp",
+ "qscriptprogram.h",
+ "qscriptprogram_p.h",
+ "qscriptstring.cpp",
+ "qscriptstring.h",
+ "qscriptstring_p.h",
+ "qscriptvalue.cpp",
+ "qscriptvalue.h",
+ "qscriptvalueiterator.cpp",
+ "qscriptvalueiterator.h",
+ "qscriptvalue_p.h",
+ "qtscriptglobal.h",
+ ]
+ }
+ Group {
+ name: "bridge"
+ prefix: qtscriptPath + "script/bridge/"
+ files: [
+ "qscriptactivationobject.cpp",
+ "qscriptactivationobject_p.h",
+ "qscriptclassobject.cpp",
+ "qscriptclassobject_p.h",
+ "qscriptfunction.cpp",
+ "qscriptfunction_p.h",
+ "qscriptglobalobject.cpp",
+ "qscriptglobalobject_p.h",
+ "qscriptobject.cpp",
+ "qscriptobject_p.h",
+ "qscriptqobject.cpp",
+ "qscriptqobject_p.h",
+ "qscriptstaticscopeobject.cpp",
+ "qscriptstaticscopeobject_p.h",
+ "qscriptvariant.cpp",
+ "qscriptvariant_p.h",
+ ]
+ }
+ Group {
+ name: "parser"
+ prefix: qtscriptPath + "script/parser/"
+ files: [
+ "qscriptast.cpp",
+ "qscriptastfwd_p.h",
+ "qscriptast_p.h",
+ "qscriptastvisitor.cpp",
+ "qscriptastvisitor_p.h",
+ "qscriptgrammar.cpp",
+ "qscriptgrammar_p.h",
+ "qscriptlexer.cpp",
+ "qscriptlexer_p.h",
+ "qscriptsyntaxchecker.cpp",
+ "qscriptsyntaxchecker_p.h",
+ ]
+ }
+ Export {
+ Depends { name: "QtScriptFwdHeaders" }
+ Depends { name: "cpp" }
+ cpp.includePaths: QtScriptFwdHeaders.publicIncludePaths
+ Properties {
+ condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("unix")
+ cpp.dynamicLibraries: base.concat(["pthread"])
+ }
+ Properties {
+ condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("windows")
+ cpp.dynamicLibraries: base.concat(["winmm"])
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Product {
+ type: ["hpp"]
+ name: "QtScriptFwdHeaders"
+ Depends { name: "Qt.core" }
+ Group {
+ files: [
+ "../../shared/qtscript/src/script/api/*.h"
+ ]
+ fileTags: ["qtscriptheader"]
+ }
+ Rule {
+ multiplex: true
+ inputs: ["qtscriptheader"]
+ Artifact {
+ filePath: "include/QtScript/qscriptengine.h"
+ fileTags: ["hpp"]
+ }
+ prepare: {
+ var syncQtPath = FileInfo.joinPaths(product.Qt.core.binPath, "syncqt.pl");
+ if (!File.exists(syncQtPath)) {
+ // syncqt.pl is not in Qt's bin path. We might have a developer build.
+ // As we don't provide QT_HOST_BINS/src in our Qt modules we must
+ // kindly ask qmake.
+ var qmake = FileInfo.joinPaths(product.Qt.core.binPath,
+ "qmake" + product.cpp.executableSuffix);
+ var p = new Process();
+ if (p.exec(qmake, ["-query", "QT_HOST_BINS/src"]) !== 0)
+ throw new Error("Error while querying qmake.");
+ syncQtPath = FileInfo.joinPaths(p.readStdOut().replace(/[\r\n]/, ''),
+ "syncqt.pl");
+ }
+ var qtScriptSrcPath = FileInfo.cleanPath(
+ FileInfo.path(inputs["qtscriptheader"][0].filePath) + "/../../..");
+ console.info("qtScriptSrcPath: " + qtScriptSrcPath);
+ var cmd = new Command("perl", [
+ syncQtPath,
+ "-minimal",
+ "-version", product.Qt.core.version,
+ "-outdir", FileInfo.cleanPath(
+ FileInfo.path(output.filePath) + "/../.."),
+ qtScriptSrcPath
+ ]);
+ cmd.description = "Create forwarding headers for the bundled QtScript module.";
+ return cmd;
+ }
+ }
+ Export {
+ Depends { name: "Qt.core" }
+ property stringList publicIncludePaths: [
+ FileInfo.joinPaths(product.buildDirectory, "include")
+ ]
+ property stringList privateIncludePaths: [
+ FileInfo.joinPaths(product.buildDirectory, "include",
+ "QtScript", Qt.core.version, "QtScript")
+ ]
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/lib/scriptengine/use_scriptengine.pri b/src/lib/scriptengine/use_scriptengine.pri
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..296b6e416
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/scriptengine/use_scriptengine.pri
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+!qbs_do_not_link_bundled_qtscript {
+ include(../../library_dirname.pri)
+ isEmpty(QBSLIBDIR) {
+ QBSLIBDIR = $$shadowed($$PWD/../../../$${QBS_LIBRARY_DIRNAME})
+ }
+ LIBS += -L$$QBSLIBDIR -lqbsscriptengine$$qtPlatformTargetSuffix()
+ $$shadowed($$PWD/include)