path: root/src
diff options
authorChristian Kandeler <christian.kandeler@qt.io>2018-08-16 14:15:28 +0200
committerChristian Kandeler <christian.kandeler@qt.io>2018-11-16 09:14:00 +0000
commit009f411f605d604f181b7652a6bbcc0d96831b42 (patch)
treea9474370340ced2fa4afaee34f42ac6375c7ed65 /src
parent970f59f322e0a0ee5915fc2443cd6bc38666631b (diff)
Properly support building Qt apps for Android
... via the androiddeployqt tool. Fixes: QBS-991 Change-Id: I4a3abe977fee6a9d1657a4fd6c1b43709429da9f Reviewed-by: Joerg Bornemann <joerg.bornemann@qt.io>
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
4 files changed, 296 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/qtprofilesetup/qtprofilesetup.cpp b/src/lib/qtprofilesetup/qtprofilesetup.cpp
index 03bfc6cfd..f97b12f2c 100644
--- a/src/lib/qtprofilesetup/qtprofilesetup.cpp
+++ b/src/lib/qtprofilesetup/qtprofilesetup.cpp
@@ -656,6 +656,13 @@ static void createModules(Profile &profile, Settings *settings,
copyTemplateFile(moduleTemplateFileName, qbsQtModuleDir, profile, qtEnvironment, &allFiles,
+ // Note that it's not strictly necessary to copy this one, as it has no variable content.
+ // But we do it anyway for consistency (and it has no impact on the project files this way).
+ copyTemplateFile(QLatin1String("android_support.qbs"),
+ qbsQtModuleBaseDir + QLatin1String("/android_support"), profile, qtEnvironment,
+ &allFiles);
QDirIterator dit(qbsQtModuleBaseDir, QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
while (dit.hasNext()) {
diff --git a/src/lib/qtprofilesetup/templates.qrc b/src/lib/qtprofilesetup/templates.qrc
index 18776b27a..35bddf8d7 100644
--- a/src/lib/qtprofilesetup/templates.qrc
+++ b/src/lib/qtprofilesetup/templates.qrc
@@ -17,5 +17,6 @@
+ <file>templates/android_support.qbs</file>
diff --git a/src/lib/qtprofilesetup/templates/android_support.qbs b/src/lib/qtprofilesetup/templates/android_support.qbs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4c4a51f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/qtprofilesetup/templates/android_support.qbs
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+import qbs.File
+import qbs.FileInfo
+import qbs.ModUtils
+import qbs.TextFile
+import qbs.Utilities
+Module {
+ property bool useMinistro: false
+ property string qmlRootDir: product.sourceDirectory
+ property stringList extraPrefixDirs
+ property stringList deploymentDependencies // qmake: ANDROID_DEPLOYMENT_DEPENDENCIES
+ property stringList extraPlugins // qmake: ANDROID_EXTRA_PLUGINS
+ property bool verboseAndroidDeployQt: false
+ property string _androidDeployQtFilePath: FileInfo.joinPaths(_qtInstallDir, "bin",
+ "androiddeployqt")
+ property string _qtInstallDir
+ property bool _enableSdkSupport: product.type && product.type.contains("android.apk")
+ && !consoleApplication
+ property bool _enableNdkSupport: !product.aggregate || product.multiplexConfigurationId
+ property string _templatesBaseDir: FileInfo.joinPaths(_qtInstallDir, "src", "android")
+ property string _deployQtOutDir: FileInfo.joinPaths(product.buildDirectory, "deployqt_out")
+ Depends { name: "Android.sdk"; condition: _enableSdkSupport }
+ Depends { name: "Android.ndk"; condition: _enableNdkSupport }
+ Depends { name: "java"; condition: _enableSdkSupport }
+ Properties {
+ condition: _enableNdkSupport && qbs.toolchain.contains("clang")
+ Android.ndk.appStl: "c++_shared"
+ }
+ Properties {
+ condition: _enableNdkSupport && !qbs.toolchain.contains("clang")
+ Android.ndk.appStl: "gnustl_shared"
+ }
+ Properties {
+ condition: _enableSdkSupport
+ Android.sdk.customManifestProcessing: true
+ java._tagJniHeaders: false // prevent rule cycle
+ }
+ Rule {
+ condition: _enableSdkSupport
+ multiplex: true
+ property stringList inputTags: "android.nativelibrary"
+ inputsFromDependencies: inputTags
+ inputs: product.aggregate ? [] : inputTags
+ Artifact {
+ filePath: "androiddeployqt.json"
+ fileTags: "qt_androiddeployqt_input"
+ }
+ prepare: {
+ var cmd = new JavaScriptCommand();
+ cmd.description = "creating " + output.fileName;
+ cmd.sourceCode = function() {
+ var theBinary;
+ var nativeLibs = inputs["android.nativelibrary"];
+ if (nativeLibs.length === 1) {
+ theBinary = nativeLibs[0];
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; i < nativeLibs.length; ++i) {
+ var candidate = nativeLibs[i];
+ if (candidate.fileName.contains(candidate.product.targetName)) {
+ if (theBinary) {
+ throw "Qt applications for Android support only one native binary "
+ + "per package.\n"
+ + "In particular, you cannot build a Qt app for more than "
+ + "one architecture at the same time.";
+ }
+ theBinary = candidate;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var f = new TextFile(output.filePath, TextFile.WriteOnly);
+ f.writeLine("{");
+ f.writeLine('"description": "This file was generated by qbs to be read by '
+ + 'androiddeployqt and should not be modified by hand.",');
+ f.writeLine('"qt": "' + product.Qt.android_support._qtInstallDir + '",');
+ f.writeLine('"sdk": "' + product.Android.sdk.sdkDir + '",');
+ f.writeLine('"sdkBuildToolsRevision": "' + product.Android.sdk.buildToolsVersion
+ + '",');
+ f.writeLine('"ndk": "' + product.Android.sdk.ndkDir + '",');
+ var toolPrefix = theBinary.cpp.toolchainTriple;
+ var toolchainPrefix = toolPrefix.startsWith("i686-") ? "x86" : toolPrefix;
+ f.writeLine('"toolchain-prefix": "' + toolchainPrefix + '",');
+ f.writeLine('"tool-prefix": "' + toolPrefix + '",');
+ f.writeLine('"toolchain-version": "' + theBinary.Android.ndk.toolchainVersion
+ + '",');
+ f.writeLine('"ndk-host": "' + theBinary.Android.ndk.hostArch + '",');
+ f.writeLine('"target-architecture": "' + theBinary.Android.ndk.abi + '",');
+ f.writeLine('"qml-root-path": "' + product.Qt.android_support.qmlRootDir + '",');
+ var deploymentDeps = product.Qt.android_support.deploymentDependencies;
+ if (deploymentDeps && deploymentDeps.length > 0)
+ f.writeLine('"deployment-dependencies": "' + deploymentDeps.join() + '",');
+ var extraPlugins = product.Qt.android_support.extraPlugins;
+ if (extraPlugins && extraPlugins.length > 0)
+ f.writeLine('"android-extra-plugins": "' + extraPlugins.join() + '",');
+ var prefixDirs = product.Qt.android_support.extraPrefixDirs;
+ if (prefixDirs && prefixDirs.length > 0)
+ f.writeLine('"extraPrefixDirs": ' + JSON.stringify(prefixDirs) + ',');
+ if (Array.isArray(product.qmlImportPaths) && product.qmlImportPaths.length > 0)
+ f.writeLine('"qml-import-paths": "' + product.qmlImportPaths.join(',') + '",');
+ f.writeLine('"application-binary": "' + theBinary.filePath + '"');
+ f.writeLine("}");
+ f.close();
+ };
+ return cmd;
+ }
+ }
+ // We use the manifest template from the Qt installation if and only if the project
+ // does not provide a manifest file.
+ Rule {
+ condition: _enableSdkSupport
+ multiplex: true
+ requiresInputs: false
+ inputs: "android.manifest"
+ excludedInputs: "qt.android_manifest"
+ outputFileTags: ["android.manifest", "qt.android_manifest"]
+ outputArtifacts: {
+ if (inputs["android.manifest"])
+ return [];
+ return [{
+ filePath: "qt_manifest/AndroidManifest.xml",
+ fileTags: ["android.manifest", "qt.android_manifest"]
+ }];
+ }
+ prepare: {
+ var cmd = new JavaScriptCommand();
+ cmd.description = "copying Qt Android manifest template";
+ cmd.sourceCode = function() {
+ File.copy(FileInfo.joinPaths(product.Qt.android_support._templatesBaseDir,
+ "templates", "AndroidManifest.xml"), output.filePath);
+ };
+ return cmd;
+ }
+ }
+ Rule {
+ condition: _enableSdkSupport
+ multiplex: true
+ inputs: ["qt_androiddeployqt_input", "android.manifest_processed"]
+ outputFileTags: [
+ "android.manifest_final", "android.resources", "android.assets", "bundled_jar",
+ "android.deployqt_list",
+ ]
+ outputArtifacts: {
+ var artifacts = [
+ {
+ filePath: "AndroidManifest.xml",
+ fileTags: "android.manifest_final"
+ },
+ {
+ filePath: product.Qt.android_support._deployQtOutDir + "/res/values/libs.xml",
+ fileTags: "android.resources"
+ },
+ {
+ filePath: product.Qt.android_support._deployQtOutDir
+ + "/res/values/strings.xml",
+ fileTags: "android.resources"
+ },
+ {
+ filePath: product.Qt.android_support._deployQtOutDir + "/assets/.dummy",
+ fileTags: "android.assets"
+ },
+ {
+ filePath: "deployqt.list",
+ fileTags: "android.deployqt_list"
+ },
+ ];
+ if (!product.Qt.android_support.useMinistro) {
+ artifacts.push({
+ filePath: FileInfo.joinPaths(product.java.classFilesDir, "QtAndroid.jar"),
+ fileTags: ["bundled_jar"]
+ });
+ }
+ return artifacts;
+ }
+ prepare: {
+ var copyCmd = new JavaScriptCommand();
+ copyCmd.description = "copying Qt resource templates";
+ copyCmd.sourceCode = function() {
+ File.copy(inputs["android.manifest_processed"][0].filePath,
+ product.Qt.android_support._deployQtOutDir + "/AndroidManifest.xml");
+ File.copy(product.Qt.android_support._templatesBaseDir + "/java/res",
+ product.Qt.android_support._deployQtOutDir + "/res");
+ File.copy(product.Qt.android_support._templatesBaseDir
+ + "/templates/res/values/libs.xml",
+ product.Qt.android_support._deployQtOutDir + "/res/values/libs.xml");
+ try {
+ File.remove(FileInfo.path(outputs["android.assets"][0].filePath));
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ };
+ var androidDeployQtArgs = [
+ "--output", product.Qt.android_support._deployQtOutDir,
+ "--input", inputs["qt_androiddeployqt_input"][0].filePath, "--aux-mode",
+ "--deployment", product.Qt.android_support.useMinistro ? "ministro" : "bundled",
+ "--android-platform", product.Android.sdk.platform,
+ ];
+ if (product.Qt.android_support.verboseAndroidDeployQt)
+ args.push("--verbose");
+ var androidDeployQtCmd = new Command(
+ product.Qt.android_support._androidDeployQtFilePath, androidDeployQtArgs);
+ androidDeployQtCmd.description = "running androiddeployqt";
+ // We do not want androiddeployqt to write directly into our APK base dir, so
+ // we ran it on an isolated directory and now we move stuff over.
+ // We remember the files for which we do that, so if the next invocation
+ // of androiddeployqt creates fewer files, the other ones are removed from
+ // the APK base dir.
+ var moveCmd = new JavaScriptCommand();
+ moveCmd.description = "processing androiddeployqt outout";
+ moveCmd.sourceCode = function() {
+ File.move(product.Qt.android_support._deployQtOutDir + "/AndroidManifest.xml",
+ outputs["android.manifest_final"][0].filePath);
+ var libsDir = product.Qt.android_support._deployQtOutDir + "/libs";
+ var libDir = product.Android.sdk.apkContentsDir + "/lib";
+ var listFilePath = outputs["android.deployqt_list"][0].filePath;
+ var oldLibs = [];
+ try {
+ var listFile = new TextFile(listFilePath, TextFile.ReadOnly);
+ var listFileLine = listFile.readLine();
+ while (listFileLine) {
+ oldLibs.push(listFileLine);
+ listFileLine = listFile.readLine();
+ }
+ listFile.close();
+ } catch (e) {
+ }
+ listFile = new TextFile(listFilePath, TextFile.WriteOnly);
+ var newLibs = [];
+ var moveLibFiles = function(prefix) {
+ var fullSrcPrefix = FileInfo.joinPaths(libsDir, prefix);
+ var files = File.directoryEntries(fullSrcPrefix, File.Files);
+ for (var i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) {
+ var file = files[i];
+ var srcFilePath = FileInfo.joinPaths(fullSrcPrefix, file);
+ var targetFilePath;
+ if (file.endsWith(".jar"))
+ targetFilePath = FileInfo.joinPaths(product.java.classFilesDir, file);
+ else
+ targetFilePath = FileInfo.joinPaths(libDir, prefix, file);
+ File.move(srcFilePath, targetFilePath);
+ listFile.writeLine(targetFilePath);
+ newLibs.push(targetFilePath);
+ }
+ var dirs = File.directoryEntries(fullSrcPrefix,
+ File.Dirs | File.NoDotAndDotDot);
+ for (i = 0; i < dirs.length; ++i)
+ moveLibFiles(FileInfo.joinPaths(prefix, dirs[i]));
+ };
+ moveLibFiles("");
+ listFile.close();
+ for (i = 0; i < oldLibs.length; ++i) {
+ if (!newLibs.contains(oldLibs[i]))
+ File.remove(oldLibs[i]);
+ }
+ };
+ return [copyCmd, androidDeployQtCmd, moveCmd];
+ }
+ }
+ Group {
+ condition: Qt.android_support._enableSdkSupport
+ name: "helper sources from qt"
+ prefix: Qt.android_support._templatesBaseDir + "/java/"
+ Android.sdk.aidlSearchPaths: prefix + "src"
+ files: [
+ "**/*.java",
+ "**/*.aidl",
+ ]
+ }
+ validate: {
+ if (Utilities.versionCompare(version, "5.12") < 0)
+ throw ModUtils.ModuleError("Cannot use Qt " + version + " with Android. "
+ + "Version 5.12 or later is required.");
+ }
diff --git a/src/lib/qtprofilesetup/templates/core.qbs b/src/lib/qtprofilesetup/templates/core.qbs
index 7f7329501..1a83aab71 100644
--- a/src/lib/qtprofilesetup/templates/core.qbs
+++ b/src/lib/qtprofilesetup/templates/core.qbs
@@ -18,6 +18,13 @@ Module {
Depends { name: "cpp" }
+ Depends { name: "Qt.android_support"; condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("android") }
+ Properties {
+ condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("android")
+ Qt.android_support._qtInstallDir: FileInfo.path(binPath)
+ Qt.android_support.version: version
+ }
version: @version@
property stringList architectures: @archs@
property string targetPlatform: @targetPlatform@