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1 files changed, 28 insertions, 82 deletions
diff --git a/src/app/qbs-setup-toolchains/keilprobe.cpp b/src/app/qbs-setup-toolchains/keilprobe.cpp
index b62da0f8f..0f3bcca04 100644
--- a/src/app/qbs-setup-toolchains/keilprobe.cpp
+++ b/src/app/qbs-setup-toolchains/keilprobe.cpp
@@ -337,51 +337,6 @@ static std::vector<ToolchainInstallInfo> installedKeilsFromPath()
return infos;
-// Parse the 'tools.ini' file to fetch a toolchain version.
-// Note: We can't use QSettings here!
-static QString extractVersion(const QString &toolsIniFile, const QString &section)
- QFile f(toolsIniFile);
- if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
- return {};
- QTextStream in(&f);
- enum State { Enter, Lookup, Exit } state = Enter;
- while (!in.atEnd()) {
- const QString line = in.readLine().trimmed();
- // Search for section.
- const int firstBracket = line.indexOf(QLatin1Char('['));
- const int lastBracket = line.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char(']'));
- const bool hasSection = (firstBracket == 0 && lastBracket != -1
- && (lastBracket + 1) == line.size());
- switch (state) {
- case Enter: {
- if (hasSection) {
- const auto content = QStringView(line).mid(firstBracket + 1,
- lastBracket - firstBracket - 1);
- if (content == section)
- state = Lookup;
- }
- }
- break;
- case Lookup: {
- if (hasSection)
- return {}; // Next section found.
- const int versionIndex = line.indexOf(QLatin1String("VERSION="));
- if (versionIndex < 0)
- continue;
- QString version = line.mid(8);
- if (version.startsWith(QLatin1Char('V')))
- version.remove(0, 1);
- return version;
- }
- break;
- default:
- return {};
- }
- }
- return {};
static std::vector<ToolchainInstallInfo> installedKeilsFromRegistry()
std::vector<ToolchainInstallInfo> infos;
@@ -389,52 +344,43 @@ static std::vector<ToolchainInstallInfo> installedKeilsFromRegistry()
if (HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost()) {
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN64
- static const char kRegistryNode[] = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Microsoft\\" \
- "Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\Keil \u00B5Vision4";
+ static const char kRegistryNode[] = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Keil\\Products";
- static const char kRegistryNode[] = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\" \
- "Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\Keil \u00B5Vision4";
+ static const char kRegistryNode[] = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Keil\\Products";
QSettings registry(QLatin1String(kRegistryNode), QSettings::NativeFormat);
const auto productGroups = registry.childGroups();
for (const QString &productKey : productGroups) {
- if (!productKey.startsWith(QStringLiteral("App")))
- continue;
- const QString productPath = registry.value(QStringLiteral("ProductDir"))
- .toString();
- // Fetch the toolchain executable path.
- QVector<QFileInfo> keilPaths;
- if (productPath.endsWith(QStringLiteral("ARM"))) {
- keilPaths << QFileInfo(productPath + QStringLiteral("/ARMCC/bin/armcc.exe"));
- keilPaths << QFileInfo(productPath + QStringLiteral("/ARMCLANG/bin/armclang.exe"));
- } else if (productPath.endsWith(QStringLiteral("C51"))) {
- keilPaths << QFileInfo(productPath + QStringLiteral("/BIN/c51.exe"));
- } else if (productPath.endsWith(QStringLiteral("C251"))) {
- keilPaths << QFileInfo(productPath + QStringLiteral("/BIN/c251.exe"));
- } else if (productPath.endsWith(QStringLiteral("C166"))) {
- keilPaths << QFileInfo(productPath + QStringLiteral("/BIN/c166.exe"));
+ const QString productPath = registry.value(QStringLiteral("Path"))
+ .toString();
+ QString productVersion = registry.value(QStringLiteral("Version"))
+ .toString();
+ if (productVersion.startsWith(QLatin1Char('V')))
+ productVersion.remove(0, 1);
+ if (productKey == QLatin1String("MDK")) {
+ const QFileInfo ccPath(productPath + QStringLiteral("/ARMCC/bin/armcc.exe"));
+ if (ccPath.exists())
+ infos.push_back({ccPath, Version::fromString(productVersion)});
+ const QFileInfo clangPath(productPath + QStringLiteral("/ARMCLANG/bin/armclang.exe"));
+ if (clangPath.exists())
+ infos.push_back({clangPath, Version::fromString(productVersion)});
+ } if (productKey == QLatin1String("C51")) {
+ const QFileInfo cPath(productPath + QStringLiteral("/BIN/c51.exe"));
+ if (cPath.exists())
+ infos.push_back({cPath, Version::fromString(productVersion)});
+ } if (productKey == QLatin1String("C251")) {
+ const QFileInfo cPath(productPath + QStringLiteral("/BIN/c251.exe"));
+ if (cPath.exists())
+ infos.push_back({cPath, Version::fromString(productVersion)});
+ } if (productKey == QLatin1String("C166")) {
+ const QFileInfo cPath(productPath + QStringLiteral("/BIN/c166.exe"));
+ if (cPath.exists())
+ infos.push_back({cPath, Version::fromString(productVersion)});
- // Fetch the toolchain version.
- const QDir rootPath(registry.value(QStringLiteral("Directory")).toString());
- const QString toolsIniFilePath = rootPath.absoluteFilePath(
- QStringLiteral("tools.ini"));
- for (const QFileInfo &keilPath : qAsConst(keilPaths)) {
- if (keilPath.exists()) {
- for (auto index = 1; index <= 2; ++index) {
- const QString section = registry.value(
- QStringLiteral("Section %1").arg(index)).toString();
- const QString version = extractVersion(toolsIniFilePath, section);
- if (!version.isEmpty()) {
- infos.push_back({keilPath, Version::fromString(version)});
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }