path: root/share/qbs/modules/codesign/codesign.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'share/qbs/modules/codesign/codesign.js')
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/qbs/modules/codesign/codesign.js b/share/qbs/modules/codesign/codesign.js
index 1d039e7ca..bf7e95224 100644
--- a/share/qbs/modules/codesign/codesign.js
+++ b/share/qbs/modules/codesign/codesign.js
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
var File = require("qbs.File");
var FileInfo = require("qbs.FileInfo");
var PathTools = require("qbs.PathTools");
+var Process = require("qbs.Process");
var PropertyList = require("qbs.PropertyList");
var Utilities = require("qbs.Utilities");
@@ -277,3 +278,74 @@ function prepareSign(project, product, inputs, outputs, input, output) {
return cmds;
+function signApkPackage(project, product, inputs, outputs, input, output, explicitlyDependsOn) {
+ var apkInput = inputs["android.package_unsigned"][0];
+ var apkOutput = outputs["android.package"][0];
+ var cmd;
+ if (product.codesign.enableCodeSigning) {
+ var args = ["sign",
+ "--ks", product.codesign.keystorePath,
+ "--ks-pass", "pass:" + product.codesign.keystorePassword,
+ "--ks-key-alias", product.codesign.keyAlias,
+ "--key-pass", "pass:" + product.codesign.keyPassword,
+ "--out", apkOutput.filePath,
+ apkInput.filePath];
+ cmd = new Command(product.codesign.apksignerFilePath, args);
+ cmd.description = "signing " + apkOutput.fileName;
+ } else {
+ cmd = new JavaScriptCommand();
+ cmd.description = "copying without signing " + apkOutput.fileName;
+ cmd.source = apkInput.filePath;
+ cmd.target = apkOutput.filePath;
+ cmd.silent = true;
+ cmd.sourceCode = function() {
+ // If enableCodeSigning is changed to false without any change to unsigned package then
+ // the copy won't happen because of timestamps. So the target file needs file needs to
+ // be removed to avoid it.
+ File.remove(target);
+ File.copy(source, target);
+ }
+ }
+ return cmd;
+function signAabPackage(project, product, inputs, outputs, input, output, explicitlyDependsOn) {
+ var aabInput = inputs["android.package_unsigned"][0];
+ var aabOutput = outputs["android.package"][0];
+ var cmd;
+ if (product.codesign.enableCodeSigning) {
+ args = ["-sigalg", "SHA1withRSA", "-digestalg", "SHA1",
+ "-keystore", product.codesign.keystorePath,
+ "-storepass", product.codesign.keystorePassword,
+ "-keypass", product.codesign.keyPassword,
+ "-signedjar", aabOutput.filePath,
+ aabInput.filePath,
+ product.codesign.keyAlias];
+ cmd = new Command(product.codesign.jarsignerFilePath, args);
+ cmd.description = "signing " + aabOutput.fileName;
+ } else {
+ cmd = new JavaScriptCommand();
+ cmd.description = "copying without signing " + aabOutput.fileName;
+ cmd.source = aabInput.filePath;
+ cmd.target = aabOutput.filePath;
+ cmd.silent = true;
+ cmd.sourceCode = function() {
+ // If enableCodeSigning is changed to false without any change to unsigned package then
+ // the copy won't happen because of timestamps. So the target file needs file needs to
+ // be removed to avoid it.
+ File.remove(target);
+ File.copy(source, target);
+ }
+ }
+ return cmd;
+function createDebugKeyStoreCommandString(keytoolFilePath, keystoreFilePath, keystorePassword,
+ keyPassword, keyAlias) {
+ var args = ["-genkey", "-keystore", keystoreFilePath, "-alias", keyAlias,
+ "-storepass", keystorePassword, "-keypass", keyPassword, "-keyalg", "RSA",
+ "-keysize", "2048", "-validity", "10000", "-dname",
+ "CN=Android Debug,O=Android,C=US"];
+ return Process.shellQuote(keytoolFilePath, args);