path: root/share/qbs/modules/cpp/cosmic.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'share/qbs/modules/cpp/cosmic.js')
1 files changed, 460 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/qbs/modules/cpp/cosmic.js b/share/qbs/modules/cpp/cosmic.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..08abe7b6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/qbs/modules/cpp/cosmic.js
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2021 Denis Shienkov <denis.shienkov@gmail.com>
+** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing
+** This file is part of Qbs.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms and
+** conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further information
+** use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free
+** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and
+** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the
+** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License
+** requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and
+** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
+** In addition, as a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+var Cpp = require("cpp.js");
+var Environment = require("qbs.Environment");
+var File = require("qbs.File");
+var FileInfo = require("qbs.FileInfo");
+var ModUtils = require("qbs.ModUtils");
+var Process = require("qbs.Process");
+var TemporaryDir = require("qbs.TemporaryDir");
+var TextFile = require("qbs.TextFile");
+function toolchainDetails(qbs) {
+ var architecture = qbs.architecture;
+ if (architecture.startsWith("arm")) {
+ return {
+ "executableSuffix": ".cxm",
+ "staticLibrarySuffix": ".cxm",
+ "assemblerName": "cacorm",
+ "compilerName": "cxcorm"
+ };
+ } else if (architecture === "stm8") {
+ return {
+ "executableSuffix": ".sm8",
+ "staticLibrarySuffix": ".sm8",
+ "assemblerName": "castm8",
+ "compilerName": "cxstm8"
+ };
+ } else if (architecture === "hcs8") {
+ return {
+ "executableSuffix": ".h08",
+ "staticLibrarySuffix": ".h08",
+ "assemblerName": "ca6808",
+ "compilerName": "cx6808"
+ };
+ } else if (architecture === "hcs12") {
+ return {
+ "executableSuffix": ".h12",
+ "staticLibrarySuffix": ".h12",
+ "assemblerName": "ca6812",
+ "compilerName": "cx6812"
+ };
+ } else if (architecture === "m68k") {
+ return {
+ "executableSuffix": ".332",
+ "staticLibrarySuffix": ".332",
+ "assemblerName": "ca332",
+ "compilerName": "cx332"
+ };
+ }
+function guessArchitecture(compilerFilePath) {
+ var baseName = FileInfo.baseName(compilerFilePath);
+ if (baseName === "cxcorm")
+ return "arm";
+ else if (baseName === "cxstm8")
+ return "stm8";
+ else if (baseName === "cx6808")
+ return "hcs8";
+ else if (baseName === "cx6812")
+ return "hcs12";
+ else if (baseName === "cx332")
+ return "m68k";
+function dumpMacros(compilerFilePath) {
+ // Note: The COSMIC compiler does not support the predefined
+ // macros dumping. So, we do it with the following trick, where we try
+ // to create and compile a special temporary file and to parse the console
+ // output with the own magic pattern: (""|"key"|"value"|"").
+ var outputDirectory = new TemporaryDir();
+ var outputFilePath = FileInfo.fromNativeSeparators(FileInfo.joinPaths(outputDirectory.path(),
+ "dump-macros.c"));
+ var outputFile = new TextFile(outputFilePath, TextFile.WriteOnly);
+ outputFile.writeLine("#define VALUE_TO_STRING(x) #x");
+ outputFile.writeLine("#define VALUE(x) VALUE_TO_STRING(x)");
+ outputFile.writeLine("#define VAR_NAME_VALUE(var) #var VALUE(var)");
+ // The COSMIC compiler defines only one pre-defined macro
+ // (at least nothing is said about other macros in the documentation).
+ var keys = ["__CSMC__"];
+ for (var i in keys) {
+ var key = keys[i];
+ outputFile.writeLine("#if defined (" + key + ")");
+ outputFile.writeLine("#pragma message (VAR_NAME_VALUE(" + key + "))");
+ outputFile.writeLine("#endif");
+ }
+ outputFile.close();
+ var process = new Process();
+ process.exec(compilerFilePath, [outputFilePath], false);
+ File.remove(outputFilePath);
+ var map = {};
+ // COSMIC compiler use the errors output!
+ process.readStdErr().trim().split(/\r?\n/g).map(function(line) {
+ var match = line.match(/^#message \("(.+)" "(.+)"\)$/);
+ if (match)
+ map[match[1]] = match[2];
+ });
+ return map;
+function dumpVersion(compilerFilePath) {
+ var p = new Process();
+ p.exec(compilerFilePath, ["-vers"]);
+ // COSMIC compiler use the errors output!
+ var output = p.readStdErr();
+ var match = output.match(/^COSMIC.+V(\d+)\.?(\d+)\.?(\*|\d+)?/);
+ if (match) {
+ var major = match[1] ? parseInt(match[1], 10) : 0;
+ var minor = match[2] ? parseInt(match[2], 10) : 0;
+ var patch = match[3] ? parseInt(match[3], 10) : 0;
+ return { major: major, minor: minor, patch: patch };
+ }
+function guessEndianness(architecture) {
+ // There is no mention of supported endianness in the cosmic compiler.
+ return "big";
+function dumpDefaultPaths(compilerFilePath, architecture) {
+ var rootPath = FileInfo.path(compilerFilePath);
+ var includePath;
+ var includePaths = [];
+ if (architecture.startsWith("arm")) {
+ includePath = FileInfo.joinPaths(rootPath, "hcorm");
+ if (File.exists(includePath))
+ includePaths.push(includePath);
+ } else if (architecture === "stm8") {
+ includePath = FileInfo.joinPaths(rootPath, "hstm8");
+ if (File.exists(includePath))
+ includePaths.push(includePath);
+ } else if (architecture === "hcs8") {
+ includePath = FileInfo.joinPaths(rootPath, "h6808");
+ if (File.exists(includePath))
+ includePaths.push(includePath);
+ } else if (architecture === "hcs12") {
+ includePath = FileInfo.joinPaths(rootPath, "h6812");
+ if (File.exists(includePath))
+ includePaths.push(includePath);
+ } else if (architecture === "m68k") {
+ includePath = FileInfo.joinPaths(rootPath, "h332");
+ if (File.exists(includePath))
+ includePaths.push(includePath);
+ }
+ var libraryPaths = [];
+ var libraryPath = FileInfo.joinPaths(rootPath, "lib");
+ if (File.exists(libraryPath))
+ libraryPaths.push(libraryPath);
+ return {
+ "includePaths": includePaths,
+ "libraryPaths": libraryPaths,
+ }
+function detectRelativePath(baseDirectory, filePath) {
+ if (FileInfo.isAbsolutePath(filePath))
+ return FileInfo.relativePath(baseDirectory, filePath);
+ return filePath;
+function compilerFlags(project, product, input, outputs, explicitlyDependsOn) {
+ var args = [];
+ // Up to 128 include files.
+ args = args.concat(Cpp.collectPreincludePaths(input).map(function(path) {
+ return input.cpp.preincludeFlag + detectRelativePath(product.buildDirectory, path);
+ }));
+ // Defines.
+ args = args.concat(Cpp.collectDefines(input).map(function(define) {
+ return input.cpp.defineFlag + detectRelativePath(product.buildDirectory, define);
+ }));
+ // Up to 128 include paths.
+ args = args.concat(Cpp.collectIncludePaths(input).map(function(path) {
+ return input.cpp.includeFlag + detectRelativePath(product.buildDirectory, path);
+ }));
+ args = args.concat(Cpp.collectSystemIncludePaths(input).map(function(path) {
+ return input.cpp.systemIncludeFlag + detectRelativePath(product.buildDirectory, path);
+ }));
+ // Debug information flags.
+ if (input.cpp.debugInformation)
+ args.push("+debug");
+ var architecture = input.qbs.architecture;
+ var tag = ModUtils.fileTagForTargetLanguage(input.fileTags.concat(outputs.obj[0].fileTags));
+ // Warning level flags.
+ switch (input.cpp.warningLevel) {
+ case "none":
+ // Disabled by default.
+ break;
+ case "all":
+ // Highest warning level.
+ args.push("-pw7");
+ break;
+ }
+ // C language version flags.
+ if (tag === "c") {
+ var knownValues = ["c99"];
+ var cLanguageVersion = Cpp.languageVersion(
+ input.cpp.cLanguageVersion, knownValues, "C");
+ switch (cLanguageVersion) {
+ case "c99":
+ args.push("-p", "c99");
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Objects output directory.
+ args.push("-co", detectRelativePath(product.buildDirectory,
+ FileInfo.path(outputs.obj[0].filePath)));
+ // Listing files generation flag.
+ if (input.cpp.generateCompilerListingFiles) {
+ // Enable listings.
+ args.push("-l");
+ // Listings output directory.
+ args.push("-cl", detectRelativePath(product.buildDirectory,
+ FileInfo.path(outputs.lst[0].filePath)));
+ }
+ // Misc flags.
+ args = args.concat(Cpp.collectMiscCompilerArguments(input, tag),
+ Cpp.collectMiscDriverArguments(product));
+ // Input.
+ args.push(detectRelativePath(product.buildDirectory, input.filePath));
+ return args;
+function assemblerFlags(project, product, input, outputs, explicitlyDependsOn) {
+ var args = [];
+ // Up to 128 include paths.
+ args = args.concat(Cpp.collectIncludePaths(input).map(function(path) {
+ return input.cpp.includeFlag + detectRelativePath(product.buildDirectory, path);
+ }));
+ args = args.concat(Cpp.collectSystemIncludePaths(input).map(function(path) {
+ return input.cpp.systemIncludeFlag + detectRelativePath(product.buildDirectory, path);
+ }));
+ // Debug information flags.
+ if (input.cpp.debugInformation)
+ args.push("-xx");
+ // Misc flags.
+ args = args.concat(Cpp.collectMiscAssemblerArguments(input, "asm"));
+ // Listing files generation flag.
+ if (input.cpp.generateAssemblerListingFiles) {
+ args.push("-l");
+ args.push("+l", detectRelativePath(product.buildDirectory, outputs.lst[0].filePath));
+ }
+ // Objects output file path.
+ args.push("-o", detectRelativePath(product.buildDirectory, outputs.obj[0].filePath));
+ // Input.
+ args.push(detectRelativePath(product.buildDirectory, input.filePath));
+ return args;
+function linkerFlags(project, product, inputs, outputs) {
+ var args = [];
+ // Library paths.
+ args = args.concat(Cpp.collectLibraryPaths(product).map(function(path) {
+ return product.cpp.libraryPathFlag + detectRelativePath(product.buildDirectory, path);
+ }));
+ // Output.
+ args.push("-o", detectRelativePath(product.buildDirectory, outputs.application[0].filePath));
+ // Map file generation flag.
+ if (product.cpp.generateLinkerMapFile)
+ args.push("-m", detectRelativePath(product.buildDirectory, outputs.mem_map[0].filePath));
+ // Misc flags.
+ args = args.concat(Cpp.collectMiscEscapableLinkerArguments(product),
+ Cpp.collectMiscLinkerArguments(product),
+ Cpp.collectMiscDriverArguments(product));
+ // Linker scripts.
+ args = args.concat(Cpp.collectLinkerScriptPaths(inputs).map(function(path) {
+ return product.cpp.linkerScriptFlag + detectRelativePath(product.buildDirectory, path);
+ }));
+ // Input objects.
+ args = args.concat(Cpp.collectLinkerObjectPaths(inputs).map(function(path) {
+ return detectRelativePath(product.buildDirectory, path);
+ }));
+ // Library dependencies (order has matters).
+ args = args.concat(Cpp.collectLibraryDependencies(product).map(function(dep) {
+ return detectRelativePath(product.buildDirectory, dep.filePath);
+ }));
+ return args;
+function archiverFlags(project, product, inputs, outputs) {
+ var args = ["-cl"];
+ // Output.
+ args.push(detectRelativePath(product.buildDirectory, outputs.staticlibrary[0].filePath));
+ // Input objects.
+ args = args.concat(Cpp.collectLinkerObjectPaths(inputs).map(function(path) {
+ return detectRelativePath(product.buildDirectory, path);
+ }));
+ return args;
+function createPath(fullPath) {
+ var cmd = new JavaScriptCommand();
+ cmd.fullPath = fullPath;
+ cmd.silent = true;
+ cmd.sourceCode = function() {
+ File.makePath(fullPath);
+ };
+ return cmd;
+// It is a workaround to rename the generated object file to the desired name.
+// Reason is that the Cosmic compiler always generates the object files in the
+// format of 'module.o', but we expect it in flexible format, e.g. 'module.c.obj'
+// or 'module.c.o' depending on the cpp.objectSuffix property.
+function renameObjectFile(project, product, inputs, outputs, input, output) {
+ var object = outputs.obj[0];
+ var cmd = new JavaScriptCommand();
+ cmd.newObject = object.filePath;
+ cmd.oldObject = FileInfo.joinPaths(FileInfo.path(object.filePath),
+ object.baseName + ".o");
+ cmd.silent = true;
+ cmd.sourceCode = function() { File.move(oldObject, newObject); };
+ return cmd;
+// It is a workaround to rename the generated listing file to the desired name.
+// Reason is that the Cosmic compiler always generates the listing files in the
+// format of 'module.ls', but we expect it in flexible format, e.g. 'module.c.lst'
+// or 'module.c.ls' depending on the cpp.compilerListingSuffix property.
+function renameListingFile(project, product, inputs, outputs, input, output) {
+ var listing = outputs.lst[0];
+ var cmd = new JavaScriptCommand();
+ cmd.newListing = listing.filePath;
+ cmd.oldListing = FileInfo.joinPaths(FileInfo.path(listing.filePath),
+ listing.baseName + ".ls");
+ cmd.silent = true;
+ cmd.sourceCode = function() { File.move(oldListing, newListing); };
+ return cmd;
+function prepareCompiler(project, product, inputs, outputs, input, output, explicitlyDependsOn) {
+ var cmds = [];
+ // Create output objects path, because the Cosmic doesn't do it.
+ var cmd = createPath(FileInfo.path(outputs.obj[0].filePath));
+ cmds.push(cmd);
+ // Create output listing path, because the Cosmic doesn't do it.
+ if (input.cpp.generateCompilerListingFiles) {
+ cmd = createPath(FileInfo.path(outputs.lst[0].filePath));
+ cmds.push(cmd);
+ }
+ var args = compilerFlags(project, product, input, outputs, explicitlyDependsOn);
+ cmd = new Command(input.cpp.compilerPath, args);
+ cmd.workingDirectory = product.buildDirectory;
+ cmd.description = "compiling " + input.fileName;
+ cmd.highlight = "compiler";
+ cmds.push(cmd);
+ cmds.push(renameObjectFile(project, product, inputs, outputs, input, output));
+ if (input.cpp.generateCompilerListingFiles)
+ cmds.push(renameListingFile(project, product, inputs, outputs, input, output));
+ return cmds;
+function prepareAssembler(project, product, inputs, outputs, input, output, explicitlyDependsOn) {
+ var cmds = [];
+ // Create output objects path, because the Cosmic doesn't do it.
+ var cmd = createPath(FileInfo.path(outputs.obj[0].filePath));
+ cmds.push(cmd);
+ // Create output listing path, because the Cosmic doesn't do it.
+ if (input.cpp.generateCompilerListingFiles) {
+ cmd = createPath(FileInfo.path(outputs.lst[0].filePath));
+ cmds.push(cmd);
+ }
+ var args = assemblerFlags(project, product, input, outputs, explicitlyDependsOn);
+ cmd = new Command(input.cpp.assemblerPath, args);
+ cmd.workingDirectory = product.buildDirectory;
+ cmd.description = "assembling " + input.fileName;
+ cmd.highlight = "compiler";
+ cmds.push(cmd);
+ return cmds;
+function prepareLinker(project, product, inputs, outputs, input, output) {
+ var primaryOutput = outputs.application[0];
+ var args = linkerFlags(project, product, inputs, outputs);
+ var cmd = new Command(product.cpp.linkerPath, args);
+ cmd.workingDirectory = product.buildDirectory;
+ cmd.description = "linking " + primaryOutput.fileName;
+ cmd.highlight = "linker";
+ return [cmd];
+function prepareArchiver(project, product, inputs, outputs, input, output) {
+ var args = archiverFlags(project, product, inputs, outputs);
+ var cmd = new Command(product.cpp.archiverPath, args);
+ cmd.workingDirectory = product.buildDirectory;
+ cmd.description = "linking " + output.fileName;
+ cmd.highlight = "linker";
+ return [cmd];