path: root/share/qbs/modules/cpp/cpp.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'share/qbs/modules/cpp/cpp.js')
1 files changed, 378 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/qbs/modules/cpp/cpp.js b/share/qbs/modules/cpp/cpp.js
index 0e440bdb0..9563a5c84 100644
--- a/share/qbs/modules/cpp/cpp.js
+++ b/share/qbs/modules/cpp/cpp.js
@@ -28,6 +28,12 @@
+var File = require("qbs.File");
+var FileInfo = require("qbs.FileInfo");
+var ModUtils = require("qbs.ModUtils");
+var PathTools = require("qbs.PathTools");
+var Utilities = require("qbs.Utilities");
function languageVersion(versionArray, knownValues, lang) {
if (!versionArray)
return undefined;
@@ -44,3 +50,375 @@ function languageVersion(versionArray, knownValues, lang) {
+ "' from list of unknown " + lang + " version strings (" + versions + ")");
return version;
+function extractMacros(output) {
+ var m = {};
+ output.trim().split(/\r?\n/g).map(function (line) {
+ var prefix = "#define ";
+ if (!line.startsWith(prefix))
+ return;
+ var index = line.indexOf(" ", prefix.length);
+ if (index !== -1)
+ m[line.substr(prefix.length, index - prefix.length)] = line.substr(index + 1);
+ });
+ return m;
+function relativePath(baseDirectory, filePath) {
+ if (FileInfo.isAbsolutePath(filePath))
+ return FileInfo.relativePath(baseDirectory, filePath);
+ return filePath;
+function assemblerOutputTags(needsListingFiles) {
+ var tags = ["obj"];
+ if (needsListingFiles)
+ tags.push("lst");
+ return tags;
+function compilerOutputTags(needsListingFiles) {
+ var tags = ["obj"];
+ if (needsListingFiles)
+ tags.push("lst");
+ return tags;
+function applicationLinkerOutputTags(needsLinkerMapFile) {
+ var tags = ["application"];
+ if (needsLinkerMapFile)
+ tags.push("mem_map");
+ return tags;
+function dynamicLibraryLinkerOutputTags() {
+ return ["dynamiclibrary", "dynamiclibrary_import"];
+function staticLibraryLinkerOutputTags() {
+ return ["staticlibrary"];
+function resourceCompilerOutputTags() {
+ return ["res"];
+function assemblerOutputArtifacts(input) {
+ var artifacts = [];
+ artifacts.push({
+ fileTags: ["obj"],
+ filePath: Utilities.getHash(input.baseDir) + "/"
+ + input.fileName + input.cpp.objectSuffix
+ });
+ if (input.cpp.generateAssemblerListingFiles) {
+ artifacts.push({
+ fileTags: ["lst"],
+ filePath: Utilities.getHash(input.baseDir) + "/"
+ + input.fileName + input.cpp.assemblerListingSuffix
+ });
+ }
+ return artifacts;
+function compilerOutputArtifacts(input) {
+ var artifacts = [];
+ artifacts.push({
+ fileTags: ["obj"],
+ filePath: Utilities.getHash(input.baseDir) + "/"
+ + input.fileName + input.cpp.objectSuffix
+ });
+ if (input.cpp.generateCompilerListingFiles) {
+ artifacts.push({
+ fileTags: ["lst"],
+ filePath: Utilities.getHash(input.baseDir) + "/"
+ + input.fileName + input.cpp.compilerListingSuffix
+ });
+ }
+ return artifacts;
+function applicationLinkerOutputArtifacts(product) {
+ var artifacts = [{
+ fileTags: ["application"],
+ filePath: FileInfo.joinPaths(
+ product.destinationDirectory,
+ PathTools.applicationFilePath(product))
+ }];
+ if (product.cpp.generateLinkerMapFile) {
+ artifacts.push({
+ fileTags: ["mem_map"],
+ filePath: FileInfo.joinPaths(
+ product.destinationDirectory,
+ product.targetName + product.cpp.linkerMapSuffix)
+ });
+ }
+ return artifacts;
+function dynamicLibraryLinkerOutputArtifacts(product) {
+ return [{
+ fileTags: ["dynamiclibrary"],
+ filePath: FileInfo.joinPaths(product.destinationDirectory,
+ PathTools.dynamicLibraryFilePath(product))
+ }, {
+ fileTags: ["dynamiclibrary_import"],
+ filePath: FileInfo.joinPaths(product.destinationDirectory,
+ PathTools.importLibraryFilePath(product)),
+ alwaysUpdated: false
+ }];
+function staticLibraryLinkerOutputArtifacts(product) {
+ return [{
+ fileTags: ["staticlibrary"],
+ filePath: FileInfo.joinPaths(product.destinationDirectory,
+ PathTools.staticLibraryFilePath(product))
+ }];
+function resourceCompilerOutputArtifacts(input) {
+ return [{
+ fileTags: ["res"],
+ filePath: FileInfo.joinPaths(Utilities.getHash(input.baseDir),
+ input.completeBaseName + input.cpp.resourceSuffix)
+ }];
+function collectLibraryDependencies(product) {
+ var seen = {};
+ var result = [];
+ function addFilePath(filePath, wholeArchive, productName) {
+ result.push({ filePath: filePath, wholeArchive: wholeArchive, productName: productName });
+ }
+ function addArtifactFilePaths(dep, artifacts) {
+ if (!artifacts)
+ return;
+ var artifactFilePaths = artifacts.map(function(a) { return a.filePath; });
+ var wholeArchive = dep.parameters.cpp && dep.parameters.cpp.linkWholeArchive;
+ var artifactsAreImportLibs = artifacts.length > 0
+ && artifacts[0].fileTags.contains("dynamiclibrary_import");
+ for (var i = 0; i < artifactFilePaths.length; ++i) {
+ addFilePath(artifactFilePaths[i], wholeArchive,
+ artifactsAreImportLibs ? dep.name : undefined);
+ }
+ }
+ function addExternalLibs(obj) {
+ if (!obj.cpp)
+ return;
+ function ensureArray(a) {
+ return (a instanceof Array) ? a : [];
+ }
+ function sanitizedModuleListProperty(obj, moduleName, propertyName) {
+ return ensureArray(ModUtils.sanitizedModuleProperty(obj, moduleName, propertyName));
+ }
+ var externalLibs = [].concat(
+ sanitizedModuleListProperty(obj, "cpp", "staticLibraries"),
+ sanitizedModuleListProperty(obj, "cpp", "dynamicLibraries"));
+ var libSuffix = obj.moduleProperty("cpp", "staticLibrarySuffix");
+ externalLibs.forEach(function(libName) {
+ if (!libName.endsWith(libSuffix) && !libName.startsWith('@'))
+ libName += libSuffix;
+ addFilePath(libName);
+ });
+ }
+ function traverse(dep) {
+ if (seen.hasOwnProperty(dep.name))
+ return;
+ if (dep.parameters.cpp && dep.parameters.cpp.link === false)
+ return;
+ var staticLibraryArtifacts = dep.artifacts["staticlibrary"];
+ var dynamicLibraryArtifacts = staticLibraryArtifacts
+ ? null : dep.artifacts["dynamiclibrary_import"];
+ if (staticLibraryArtifacts) {
+ seen[dep.name] = true;
+ dep.dependencies.forEach(traverse);
+ addArtifactFilePaths(dep, staticLibraryArtifacts);
+ addExternalLibs(dep);
+ } else if (dynamicLibraryArtifacts) {
+ seen[dep.name] = true;
+ addArtifactFilePaths(dep, dynamicLibraryArtifacts);
+ }
+ }
+ product.dependencies.forEach(traverse);
+ addExternalLibs(product);
+ return result;
+function collectAbsoluteLibraryDependencyPaths(product) {
+ var paths = collectLibraryPaths(product);
+ var deps = collectLibraryDependencies(product);
+ return deps.map(function(dep) {
+ var filePath = dep.filePath;
+ if (FileInfo.isAbsolutePath(filePath))
+ return filePath;
+ for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; ++i) {
+ var fullPath = FileInfo.joinPaths(paths[i], filePath);
+ if (File.exists(fullPath))
+ return fullPath;
+ }
+ return filePath;
+ });
+function collectDefines(input) {
+ var allDefines = [];
+ var platformDefines = input.cpp.platformDefines;
+ if (platformDefines)
+ allDefines = allDefines.uniqueConcat(platformDefines);
+ var defines = input.cpp.defines;
+ if (defines)
+ allDefines = allDefines.uniqueConcat(defines);
+ return allDefines;
+function collectIncludePaths(input) {
+ var allIncludePaths = [];
+ var includePaths = input.cpp.includePaths;
+ if (includePaths)
+ allIncludePaths = allIncludePaths.uniqueConcat(includePaths);
+ return allIncludePaths;
+function collectSystemIncludePaths(input) {
+ var allIncludePaths = [];
+ var systemIncludePaths = input.cpp.systemIncludePaths;
+ if (systemIncludePaths)
+ allIncludePaths = allIncludePaths.uniqueConcat(systemIncludePaths);
+ var distributionIncludePaths = input.cpp.distributionIncludePaths;
+ if (distributionIncludePaths)
+ allIncludePaths = allIncludePaths.uniqueConcat(distributionIncludePaths);
+ return allIncludePaths;
+function collectPreincludePaths(input) {
+ return input.cpp.prefixHeaders;
+function collectLibraryPaths(product) {
+ var allLibraryPaths = [];
+ var libraryPaths = product.cpp.libraryPaths;
+ if (libraryPaths)
+ allLibraryPaths = allLibraryPaths.uniqueConcat(libraryPaths);
+ var distributionLibraryPaths = product.cpp.distributionLibraryPaths;
+ if (distributionLibraryPaths)
+ allLibraryPaths = allLibraryPaths.uniqueConcat(distributionLibraryPaths);
+ return allLibraryPaths;
+function collectLinkerScriptPaths(inputs) {
+ return inputs.linkerscript
+ ? inputs.linkerscript.map(function(script) { return script.filePath; })
+ : [];
+function collectLinkerObjectPaths(inputs) {
+ return inputs.obj ? inputs.obj.map(function(obj) { return obj.filePath; }) : [];
+function collectResourceObjectPaths(inputs) {
+ return inputs.res ? inputs.res.map(function(res) { return res.filePath; }) : [];
+function collectLibraryDependenciesArguments(product) {
+ var deps = collectLibraryDependencies(product);
+ return deps.map(function(dep) { return product.cpp.libraryDependencyFlag + dep.filePath })
+function collectDefinesArguments(input) {
+ var defines = collectDefines(input);
+ return defines.map(function(define) { return input.cpp.defineFlag + define });
+function collectIncludePathsArguments(input) {
+ var paths = collectIncludePaths(input);
+ return paths.map(function(path) { return input.cpp.includeFlag + path });
+function collectSystemIncludePathsArguments(input, flag) {
+ flag = (flag === undefined) ? input.cpp.systemIncludeFlag : flag;
+ var paths = collectSystemIncludePaths(input);
+ return paths.map(function(path) { return flag + path });
+function collectPreincludePathsArguments(input, split) {
+ var paths = collectPreincludePaths(input);
+ if (split) {
+ var args = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; ++i)
+ args.push(input.cpp.preincludeFlag, paths[i]);
+ return args;
+ } else {
+ return paths.map(function(path) { return input.cpp.preincludeFlag + path });
+ }
+function collectLibraryPathsArguments(product, flag) {
+ flag = (flag === undefined) ? product.cpp.libraryPathFlag : flag;
+ var paths = collectLibraryPaths(product);
+ return paths.map(function(path) { return flag + path });
+function collectLinkerScriptPathsArguments(product, inputs, split, flag) {
+ flag = (flag === undefined) ? product.cpp.linkerScriptFlag : flag;
+ var paths = collectLinkerScriptPaths(inputs);
+ if (split) {
+ var args = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; ++i)
+ args.push(flag, paths[i]);
+ return args;
+ } else {
+ return paths.map(function(path) { return flag + path });
+ }
+function collectLinkerObjectPathsArguments(product, inputs, flag) {
+ flag = (flag === undefined) ? "" : flag;
+ var paths = collectLinkerObjectPaths(product);
+ return paths.map(function(path) { return flag + path });
+function collectMiscCompilerArguments(input, tag) {
+ return [].concat(ModUtils.moduleProperty(input, "platformFlags"),
+ ModUtils.moduleProperty(input, "flags"),
+ ModUtils.moduleProperty(input, "platformFlags", tag),
+ ModUtils.moduleProperty(input, "flags", tag));
+function collectMiscAssemblerArguments(input, tag) {
+ return [].concat(ModUtils.moduleProperty(input, "platformFlags", tag),
+ ModUtils.moduleProperty(input, "flags", tag));
+function collectMiscDriverArguments(config) {
+ return [].concat(ModUtils.moduleProperty(config, "platformDriverFlags"),
+ ModUtils.moduleProperty(config, "driverFlags"),
+ ModUtils.moduleProperty(config, "targetDriverFlags"));
+function collectMiscLinkerArguments(product) {
+ return [].concat(ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "driverLinkerFlags"));
+function collectMiscEscapableLinkerArguments(product) {
+ return [].concat(ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "platformLinkerFlags"),
+ ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "linkerFlags"));
+function supportsArchitecture(architecture, knownArchitectures) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < knownArchitectures.length; ++i) {
+ if (architecture.startsWith("arm")) {
+ if (architecture.startsWith(knownArchitectures[i]))
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ if (architecture === knownArchitectures[i])
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;