path: root/share/qbs/modules/cpp/msvc.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'share/qbs/modules/cpp/msvc.js')
1 files changed, 173 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/qbs/modules/cpp/msvc.js b/share/qbs/modules/cpp/msvc.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f306eced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/qbs/modules/cpp/msvc.js
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+function prepareCompiler(product, input, outputs, defines, includePaths, compilerFlags)
+ var optimization = input.module.optimization
+ var debugInformation = input.module.debugInformation
+ var architecture = input.module.architecture
+ var toolchainInstallPath = product.module.toolchainInstallPath
+ var args = ['/nologo', '/c', '/Zm200', '/Zc:wchar_t-']
+ // C or C++
+ if (input.fileTags.indexOf('c') >= 0) {
+ args.push('/TC')
+ }
+ // enable unwind semantics
+ args.push("/EHsc")
+ // optimization:
+ if (optimization === 'small')
+ args.push('/Os')
+ else if (optimization === 'fast')
+ args.push('/O2')
+ if (debugInformation) {
+ args.push('/Zi')
+ args.push('/MDd')
+ } else {
+ args.push('/MD')
+ }
+ // warnings:
+ var warningLevel = input.module.warningLevel
+ if (warningLevel === 'none')
+ args.push('/w')
+ if (warningLevel === 'all')
+ args.push('/Wall')
+ for (var i in includePaths)
+ args.push('/I' + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(includePaths[i]))
+ for (i in defines)
+ args.push('/D' + defines[i])
+ var objOutput = outputs.obj ? outputs.obj[0] : undefined
+ var pchOutput = outputs["c++_pch"] ? outputs["c++_pch"][0] : undefined
+ // precompiled header file
+ if (product.module.precompiledHeader) {
+ if (pchOutput) {
+ // create pch
+ args.push('/Yc')
+ args.push('/Fp' + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(pchOutput.fileName))
+ args.push('/Fo' + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(objOutput.fileName))
+ args.push('/TP')
+ args.push(FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(input.fileName))
+ } else {
+ // use pch
+ var pchHeaderName = FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(product.module.precompiledHeader)
+ var pchName = FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(product.module.precompiledHeaderDir[0] + "\\.obj\\" + product.name + "\\" + product.name + ".pch")
+ args.push("/FI" + pchHeaderName)
+ args.push("/Yu" + pchHeaderName)
+ args.push("/Fp" + pchName)
+ }
+ }
+ args.push('/Fo' + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(objOutput.fileName))
+ args.push(FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(input.fileName))
+ var clPath = toolchainInstallPath + '/VC/bin/'
+ var is64bit = (architecture === "x86_64")
+ if (is64bit)
+ clPath += 'amd64/'
+ clPath += 'cl.exe'
+ for (var i in compilerFlags) {
+ args.push(i)
+ }
+ var cmd = new Command(clPath, args)
+ cmd.description = (pchOutput ? 'pre' : '') + 'compiling ' + FileInfo.fileName(input.fileName)
+ cmd.highlight = "compiler";
+ cmd.workingDirectory = FileInfo.path(objOutput.fileName)
+ cmd.responseFileThreshold = product.module.responseFileThreshold
+ cmd.responseFileUsagePrefix = '@';
+ // cl.exe outputs the cpp file name. We filter that out.
+ cmd.stdoutFilterFunction = "function(output) {";
+ cmd.stdoutFilterFunction += "return output.replace('" + FileInfo.fileName(input.fileName) + "\\r\\n', '');";
+ cmd.stdoutFilterFunction += "}";
+ return cmd;
+function prepareLinker(product, inputs, outputs, libraryPaths, dynamicLibraries, staticLibraries)
+ var linkDLL = (outputs.dynamiclibrary ? true : false)
+ var primaryOutput = (linkDLL ? outputs.dynamiclibrary[0] : outputs.application[0])
+ var optimization = product.module.optimization
+ var debugInformation = product.module.debugInformation
+ var architecture = product.module.architecture
+ var windowsSDKPath = product.module.windowsSDKPath
+ var generateManifestFiles = !linkDLL && product.module.generateManifestFiles
+ var toolchainInstallPath = product.module.toolchainInstallPath
+ var args = ['/nologo']
+ if (linkDLL) {
+ args.push('/DLL');
+ args.push('/IMPLIB:' + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(outputs.dynamiclibrary_import[0].fileName));
+ }
+ if (debugInformation)
+ args.push('/DEBUG')
+ else
+ args.push('/INCREMENTAL:NO')
+ var manifestFileName
+ if (generateManifestFiles) {
+ manifestFileName = FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(primaryOutput.fileName)
+ manifestFileName += '.intermediate.manifest'
+ args.push('/MANIFEST', '/MANIFESTFILE:' + manifestFileName)
+ }
+ var allInputs = inputs.obj.concat(inputs.staticlibrary || [])
+ if (inputs.dynamiclibrary_import)
+ allInputs = inputs.obj.concat(inputs.dynamiclibrary_import)
+ for (var i in allInputs) {
+ var fileName = FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(allInputs[i].fileName)
+ args.push(fileName)
+ }
+ for (var i in staticLibraries) {
+ var staticLibrary = staticLibraries[i];
+ if (!staticLibrary.match(/\.lib$/i))
+ staticLibrary += ".lib";
+ args.push(staticLibrary)
+ }
+ for (var i in dynamicLibraries) {
+ var dynamicLibrary = dynamicLibraries[i];
+ if (!dynamicLibrary.match(/\.lib$/i))
+ dynamicLibrary += ".lib";
+ args.push(dynamicLibrary)
+ }
+ var nativeOutputFileName = FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(primaryOutput.fileName)
+ args.push('/OUT:' + nativeOutputFileName)
+ for (var i in libraryPaths) {
+ args.push('/LIBPATH:' + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(libraryPaths[i]))
+ }
+ args = args.concat(dynamicLibraries)
+ var is64bit = (architecture == "x86_64")
+ var linkerPath = toolchainInstallPath + '/VC/bin/'
+ if (is64bit)
+ linkerPath += 'amd64/'
+ linkerPath += 'link.exe'
+ var commands = [];
+ var cmd = new Command(linkerPath, args)
+ cmd.description = 'linking ' + FileInfo.fileName(primaryOutput.fileName)
+ cmd.highlight = 'linker';
+ cmd.workingDirectory = FileInfo.path(primaryOutput.fileName)
+ cmd.responseFileThreshold = product.module.responseFileThreshold
+ cmd.responseFileUsagePrefix = '@';
+ commands.push(cmd);
+ if (generateManifestFiles) {
+ // embed the generated manifest files
+ var args = [
+ '/nologo', '/manifest', manifestFileName,
+ '/outputresource:' + nativeOutputFileName + ';1'
+ ]
+ var mtPath = windowsSDKPath + '/bin/mt.exe'
+ var cmd = new Command(mtPath, args)
+ cmd.description = 'embedding manifest into ' + FileInfo.fileName(primaryOutput.fileName)
+ cmd.highlight = 'linker';
+ cmd.workingDirectory = FileInfo.path(primaryOutput.fileName)
+ commands.push(cmd);
+ }
+ return commands;