path: root/share/qbs/modules/xcode/xcode.qbs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'share/qbs/modules/xcode/xcode.qbs')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 258 deletions
diff --git a/share/qbs/modules/xcode/xcode.qbs b/share/qbs/modules/xcode/xcode.qbs
index aeb0760ac..6c0584c81 100644
--- a/share/qbs/modules/xcode/xcode.qbs
+++ b/share/qbs/modules/xcode/xcode.qbs
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import qbs.ModUtils
import qbs.Probes
import qbs.PropertyList
import qbs.Utilities
-import 'xcode.js' as Xcode
Module {
id: xcodeModule
@@ -87,31 +86,6 @@ Module {
- property string signingIdentity
- readonly property string actualSigningIdentity: {
- if (_actualSigningIdentity && _actualSigningIdentity.length === 2)
- return _actualSigningIdentity[0];
- }
- readonly property string actualSigningIdentityDisplayName: {
- if (_actualSigningIdentity && _actualSigningIdentity.length === 2)
- return _actualSigningIdentity[1];
- }
- property string signingTimestamp: "none"
- property string provisioningProfile
- property string xcodebuildName: "xcodebuild"
- property string xcodebuildPath: FileInfo.joinPaths(developerPath, "usr", "bin", xcodebuildName)
- property string securityName: "security"
- property string securityPath: securityName
- property string codesignName: "codesign"
- property string codesignPath: codesignName
- property stringList codesignFlags
readonly property path toolchainPath: FileInfo.joinPaths(toolchainsPath,
"XcodeDefault" + ".xctoolchain")
readonly property path platformPath: FileInfo.joinPaths(platformsPath,
@@ -143,35 +117,11 @@ Module {
readonly property path toolchainInfoPlist: FileInfo.joinPaths(toolchainPath,
- readonly property stringList _actualSigningIdentity: {
- if (/^[A-Fa-f0-9]{40}$/.test(signingIdentity)) {
- return [signingIdentity, signingIdentity];
- }
- var result = [];
+ readonly property var _platformSettings: xcodeProbe.platformSettings
- if (signingIdentity) {
- var identities = Utilities.signingIdentities();
- for (var key in identities) {
- if (identities[key].subjectInfo.CN === signingIdentity) {
- result.push([key, signingIdentity]);
- }
- }
- if (result.length == 0) {
- throw "Unable to find signingIdentity '" + signingIdentity + "'";
- }
- if (result.length > 1) {
- throw "Signing identity '" + signingIdentity + "' is ambiguous";
- }
- }
- return result[0];
- }
- property path provisioningProfilesPath: {
- return FileInfo.joinPaths(Environment.getEnv("HOME"), "Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles");
+ readonly property var _platformProps: {
+ if (_platformSettings)
+ return _platformSettings["DefaultProperties"];
readonly property stringList standardArchitectures: _architectureSettings["ARCHS_STANDARD"]
@@ -197,6 +147,12 @@ Module {
+ readonly property var _sdkProps: {
+ if (_sdkSettings) {
+ return _sdkSettings["DefaultProperties"];
+ }
+ }
qbs.sysroot: sdkPath
validate: {
@@ -231,23 +187,10 @@ Module {
- property var buildEnv: {
- var env = {
- "DEVELOPER_DIR": developerPath,
- "SDKROOT": sdkPath
- };
- var prefixes = [platformPath + "/Developer", toolchainPath, developerPath];
- for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; ++i) {
- var codesign_allocate = prefixes[i] + "/usr/bin/codesign_allocate";
- if (File.exists(codesign_allocate)) {
- env["CODESIGN_ALLOCATE"] = codesign_allocate;
- break;
- }
- }
- return env;
- }
+ property var buildEnv: ({
+ "DEVELOPER_DIR": developerPath,
+ "SDKROOT": sdkPath
+ })
setupBuildEnvironment: {
var v = new ModUtils.EnvironmentVariable("PATH", product.qbs.pathListSeparator, false);
@@ -261,191 +204,4 @@ Module {
- Group {
- name: "Provisioning Profiles"
- prefix: xcode.provisioningProfilesPath + "/"
- files: ["*.mobileprovision", "*.provisionprofile"]
- fileTags: ["xcode.provisioningprofile"]
- }
- FileTagger {
- fileTags: ["xcode.entitlements"]
- patterns: ["*.entitlements"]
- }
- FileTagger {
- fileTags: ["xcode.provisioningprofile"]
- patterns: ["*.mobileprovision", "*.provisionprofile"]
- }
- Rule {
- inputs: ["xcode.provisioningprofile"]
- Artifact {
- filePath: FileInfo.joinPaths("provisioning-profiles", input.fileName + ".xml")
- fileTags: ["xcode.provisioningprofile.data"]
- }
- prepare: {
- var cmds = [];
- var cmd = new Command("openssl", ["smime", "-verify", "-noverify", "-inform", "DER",
- "-in", input.filePath, "-out", output.filePath]);
- cmd.silent = true;
- cmd.stderrFilterFunction = function (output) {
- return output.replace("Verification successful\n", "");
- };
- cmds.push(cmd);
- cmd = new JavaScriptCommand();
- cmd.silent = true;
- cmd.inputFilePath = input.filePath;
- cmd.outputFilePath = output.filePath;
- cmd.sourceCode = function() {
- var propertyList = new PropertyList();
- try {
- propertyList.readFromFile(outputFilePath);
- propertyList.readFromObject({
- data: propertyList.toObject(),
- fileName: FileInfo.fileName(inputFilePath),
- filePath: inputFilePath
- });
- propertyList.writeToFile(outputFilePath, "xml1");
- } finally {
- propertyList.clear();
- }
- };
- cmds.push(cmd);
- return cmds;
- }
- }
- Rule {
- multiplex: true
- inputs: ["xcode.provisioningprofile.data"]
- outputFileTags: ["xcode.provisioningprofile.main", "xcode.provisioningprofile.data.main"]
- outputArtifacts: {
- var artifacts = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < inputs["xcode.provisioningprofile.data"].length; ++i) {
- var dataFile = inputs["xcode.provisioningprofile.data"][i].filePath;
- var query = product.moduleProperty("xcode", "provisioningProfile");
- var obj = Xcode.provisioningProfilePlistContents(dataFile);
- if (obj && obj.data && (obj.data.UUID === query || obj.data.Name === query)) {
- console.log("Using provisioning profile: " + obj.filePath);
- artifacts.push({
- filePath: obj.fileName,
- fileTags: ["xcode.provisioningprofile.main"],
- qbs: { _inputFilePath: obj.filePath }
- });
- artifacts.push({
- filePath: obj.fileName + ".xml",
- fileTags: ["xcode.provisioningprofile.data.main"],
- qbs: { _inputFilePath: dataFile }
- });
- }
- }
- return artifacts;
- }
- prepare: {
- var cmds = [];
- for (var tag in outputs) {
- for (var i = 0; i < outputs[tag].length; ++i) {
- var output = outputs[tag][i];
- var cmd = new JavaScriptCommand();
- cmd.silent = true;
- cmd.inputFilePath = output.qbs._inputFilePath; // there's no such prop in qbs, see QBS-754
- cmd.outputFilePath = output.filePath;
- cmd.sourceCode = function() {
- File.copy(inputFilePath, outputFilePath);
- };
- cmds.push(cmd);
- }
- }
- return cmds;
- }
- }
- Rule {
- inputs: ["xcode.entitlements", "xcode.provisioningprofile.data.main"]
- Artifact {
- filePath: FileInfo.joinPaths(product.destinationDirectory,
- product.targetName + ".xcent")
- fileTags: ["xcent"]
- }
- prepare: {
- var cmd = new JavaScriptCommand();
- cmd.description = "generating entitlements";
- cmd.highlight = "codegen";
- cmd.bundleIdentifier = product.moduleProperty("bundle", "identifier");
- cmd.signingEntitlements = inputs["xcode.entitlements"]
- ? inputs["xcode.entitlements"].map(function (a) { return a.filePath; })
- : [];
- cmd.platformPath = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "platformPath");
- cmd.sdkPath = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "sdkPath");
- cmd.sourceCode = function() {
- var i;
- var provData = Xcode.provisioningProfilePlistContents(input.filePath);
- if (provData)
- provData = provData.data;
- var aggregateEntitlements = {};
- // Start building up an aggregate entitlements plist from the files in the SDKs,
- // which contain placeholders in the same manner as Info.plist
- function entitlementsFileContents(path) {
- return File.exists(path) ? BundleTools.infoPlistContents(path) : undefined;
- }
- var entitlementsSources = [
- entitlementsFileContents(FileInfo.joinPaths(platformPath, "Entitlements.plist")),
- entitlementsFileContents(FileInfo.joinPaths(sdkPath, "Entitlements.plist"))
- ];
- for (i = 0; i < signingEntitlements.length; ++i) {
- entitlementsSources.push(entitlementsFileContents(signingEntitlements[i]));
- }
- for (i = 0; i < entitlementsSources.length; ++i) {
- var contents = entitlementsSources[i];
- for (var key in contents) {
- if (contents.hasOwnProperty(key))
- aggregateEntitlements[key] = contents[key];
- }
- }
- contents = provData["Entitlements"];
- for (key in contents) {
- if (contents.hasOwnProperty(key) && !aggregateEntitlements.hasOwnProperty(key))
- aggregateEntitlements[key] = contents[key];
- }
- // Expand entitlements variables with data from the provisioning profile
- var env = {
- "AppIdentifierPrefix": provData["ApplicationIdentifierPrefix"] + ".",
- "CFBundleIdentifier": bundleIdentifier
- };
- DarwinTools.expandPlistEnvironmentVariables(aggregateEntitlements, env, true);
- // Anything with an undefined or otherwise empty value should be removed
- // Only JSON-formatted plists can have null values, other formats error out
- // This also follows Xcode behavior
- DarwinTools.cleanPropertyList(aggregateEntitlements);
- var plist = new PropertyList();
- try {
- plist.readFromObject(aggregateEntitlements);
- plist.writeToFile(outputs.xcent[0].filePath, "xml1");
- } finally {
- plist.clear();
- }
- };
- return [cmd];
- }
- }