path: root/src/lib/corelib/language/itemreaderastvisitor.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/corelib/language/itemreaderastvisitor.cpp')
1 files changed, 643 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/corelib/language/itemreaderastvisitor.cpp b/src/lib/corelib/language/itemreaderastvisitor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a08a73648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/corelib/language/itemreaderastvisitor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,643 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2014 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal
+** This file is part of the Qt Build Suite.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and
+** conditions see http://qt.digia.com/licensing. For further information
+** use the contact form at http://qt.digia.com/contact-us.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
+** In addition, as a special exception, Digia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Digia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+#include "itemreaderastvisitor.h"
+#include "asttools.h"
+#include "builtindeclarations.h"
+#include "identifiersearch.h"
+#include "itemreader.h"
+#include <jsextensions/jsextensions.h>
+#include <parser/qmljsast_p.h>
+#include <tools/error.h>
+#include <tools/fileinfo.h>
+#include <tools/qbsassert.h>
+#include <tools/qttools.h>
+#include <logging/translator.h>
+#include <QDirIterator>
+#include <QFileInfo>
+#include <QStringList>
+using namespace QbsQmlJS;
+namespace qbs {
+namespace Internal {
+ItemReaderASTVisitor::ItemReaderASTVisitor(ItemReader *reader, ItemReaderResult *result)
+ : m_reader(reader)
+ , m_readerResult(result)
+ , m_languageVersion(ImportVersion::fromString(reader->builtins()->languageVersion()))
+ , m_item(0)
+ , m_sourceValue(0)
+bool ItemReaderASTVisitor::visit(AST::UiProgram *ast)
+ Q_UNUSED(ast);
+ m_sourceValue.clear();
+ m_file = FileContext::create();
+ m_file->m_filePath = m_filePath;
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(!ast->members->member))
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("No root item found in %1.").arg(m_filePath));
+ return true;
+bool ItemReaderASTVisitor::addPrototype(const QString &fileName, const QString &filePath,
+ const QString &as, bool needsCheck)
+ if (needsCheck && fileName.size() <= 4)
+ return false;
+ const QString componentName = fileName.left(fileName.size() - 4);
+ // ### validate componentName
+ if (needsCheck && !componentName.at(0).isUpper())
+ return false;
+ QStringList prototypeName;
+ if (!as.isEmpty())
+ prototypeName.append(as);
+ prototypeName.append(componentName);
+ m_typeNameToFile.insert(prototypeName, filePath);
+ return true;
+void ItemReaderASTVisitor::collectPrototypes(const QString &path, const QString &as)
+ QStringList fileNames; // Yes, file *names*.
+ if (m_reader->findDirectoryEntries(path, &fileNames)) {
+ foreach (const QString &fileName, fileNames)
+ addPrototype(fileName, path + QLatin1Char('/') + fileName, as, false);
+ return;
+ }
+ QDirIterator dirIter(path, QStringList("*.qbs"));
+ while (dirIter.hasNext()) {
+ const QString filePath = dirIter.next();
+ const QString fileName = dirIter.fileName();
+ if (addPrototype(fileName, filePath, as, true))
+ fileNames << fileName;
+ }
+ m_reader->cacheDirectoryEntries(path, fileNames);
+bool ItemReaderASTVisitor::visit(AST::UiImportList *uiImportList)
+ foreach (const QString &searchPath, m_reader->searchPaths())
+ collectPrototypes(searchPath + QLatin1String("/imports"), QString());
+ const QString path = FileInfo::path(m_filePath);
+ // files in the same directory are available as prototypes
+ collectPrototypes(path, QString());
+ QSet<QString> importAsNames;
+ QHash<QString, JsImport> jsImports;
+ for (const AST::UiImportList *it = uiImportList; it; it = it->next) {
+ const AST::UiImport *const import = it->import;
+ QStringList importUri;
+ bool isBase = false;
+ if (import->importUri) {
+ importUri = toStringList(import->importUri);
+ isBase = (importUri.size() == 1 && importUri.first() == QLatin1String("qbs"))
+ || (importUri.size() == 2 && importUri.first() == QLatin1String("qbs")
+ && importUri.last() == QLatin1String("base"));
+ if (isBase)
+ checkImportVersion(import->versionToken);
+ else if (import->versionToken.length)
+ m_reader->logger().printWarning(ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("Superfluous version specification."),
+ toCodeLocation(import->versionToken)));
+ }
+ QString as;
+ if (isBase) {
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(!import->importId.isNull())) {
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("Import of qbs.base must have no 'as <Name>'"),
+ toCodeLocation(import->importIdToken));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (importUri.count() == 2 && importUri.first() == QLatin1String("qbs")) {
+ const QString extensionName = importUri.last();
+ if (JsExtensions::hasExtension(extensionName)) {
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(!import->importId.isNull())) {
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("Import of built-in extension '%1' "
+ "must not have 'as' specifier.").arg(extensionName));
+ }
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(m_file->m_jsExtensions.contains(extensionName))) {
+ m_reader->logger().printWarning(Tr::tr("Built-in extension '%1' already "
+ "imported.").arg(extensionName));
+ } else {
+ m_file->m_jsExtensions << extensionName;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (import->importId.isNull()) {
+ if (!import->fileName.isNull()) {
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("File imports require 'as <Name>'"),
+ toCodeLocation(import->importToken));
+ }
+ if (importUri.isEmpty()) {
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("Invalid import URI."),
+ toCodeLocation(import->importToken));
+ }
+ as = importUri.last();
+ } else {
+ as = import->importId.toString();
+ }
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(importAsNames.contains(as))) {
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("Can't import into the same name more than once."),
+ toCodeLocation(import->importIdToken));
+ }
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(JsExtensions::hasExtension(as))) {
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("Cannot reuse the name of built-in extension '%1'.")
+ .arg(as));
+ }
+ importAsNames.insert(as);
+ }
+ if (!import->fileName.isNull()) {
+ QString name = FileInfo::resolvePath(path, import->fileName.toString());
+ QFileInfo fi(name);
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(!fi.exists()))
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("Can't find imported file %0.").arg(name),
+ CodeLocation(m_filePath, import->fileNameToken.startLine,
+ import->fileNameToken.startColumn));
+ name = fi.canonicalFilePath();
+ if (fi.isDir()) {
+ collectPrototypes(name, as);
+ } else {
+ if (name.endsWith(".js", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
+ JsImport &jsImport = jsImports[as];
+ jsImport.scopeName = as;
+ jsImport.fileNames.append(name);
+ jsImport.location = toCodeLocation(import->firstSourceLocation());
+ } else if (name.endsWith(".qbs", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
+ m_typeNameToFile.insert(QStringList(as), name);
+ } else {
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("Can only import .qbs and .js files"),
+ CodeLocation(m_filePath, import->fileNameToken.startLine,
+ import->fileNameToken.startColumn));
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (!importUri.isEmpty()) {
+ const QString importPath = isBase
+ ? QLatin1String("qbs/base") : importUri.join(QDir::separator());
+ bool found = m_typeNameToFile.contains(importUri);
+ if (!found) {
+ foreach (const QString &searchPath, m_reader->searchPaths()) {
+ const QFileInfo fi(FileInfo::resolvePath(
+ FileInfo::resolvePath(searchPath, "imports"), importPath));
+ if (fi.isDir()) {
+ // ### versioning, qbsdir file, etc.
+ const QString &resultPath = fi.absoluteFilePath();
+ collectPrototypes(resultPath, as);
+ QDirIterator dirIter(resultPath, QStringList("*.js"));
+ while (dirIter.hasNext()) {
+ dirIter.next();
+ JsImport &jsImport = jsImports[as];
+ if (jsImport.scopeName.isNull()) {
+ jsImport.scopeName = as;
+ jsImport.location = toCodeLocation(import->firstSourceLocation());
+ }
+ jsImport.fileNames.append(dirIter.filePath());
+ }
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(!found)) {
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("import %1 not found").arg(importUri.join(".")),
+ toCodeLocation(import->fileNameToken));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (QHash<QString, JsImport>::const_iterator it = jsImports.constBegin();
+ it != jsImports.constEnd(); ++it)
+ {
+ m_file->m_jsImports += it.value();
+ }
+ return false;
+bool ItemReaderASTVisitor::visit(AST::UiObjectDefinition *ast)
+ const QString typeName = ast->qualifiedTypeNameId->name.toString();
+ Item *item = Item::create(m_reader->m_pool);
+ item->m_file = m_file;
+ item->m_parent = m_item;
+ item->m_typeName = typeName;
+ item->m_location = ::qbs::Internal::toCodeLocation(m_file->filePath(),
+ ast->qualifiedTypeNameId->identifierToken);
+ if (m_item) {
+ // Add this item to the children of the parent item.
+ m_item->m_children += item;
+ } else {
+ // This is the root item.
+ m_item = item;
+ m_readerResult->rootItem = item;
+ }
+ if (ast->initializer) {
+ qSwap(m_item, item);
+ ast->initializer->accept(this);
+ qSwap(m_item, item);
+ }
+ m_reader->m_builtins->setupItemForBuiltinType(item);
+ if (item->typeName() != QLatin1String("Properties")
+ && item->typeName() != QLatin1String("SubProject")) {
+ setupAlternatives(item);
+ }
+ // resolve inheritance
+ const QStringList fullTypeName = toStringList(ast->qualifiedTypeNameId);
+ const QString baseTypeFileName = m_typeNameToFile.value(fullTypeName);
+ if (!baseTypeFileName.isEmpty()) {
+ const ItemReaderResult baseFile = m_reader->internalReadFile(baseTypeFileName);
+ mergeItem(item, baseFile.rootItem, baseFile);
+ if (baseFile.rootItem->m_file->m_idScope) {
+ // Make ids from the derived file visible in the base file.
+ // ### Do we want to turn off this feature? It's QMLish but kind of strange.
+ ensureIdScope(item->m_file);
+ baseFile.rootItem->m_file->m_idScope->setPrototype(item->m_file->m_idScope);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void ItemReaderASTVisitor::checkDuplicateBinding(Item *item, const QStringList &bindingName,
+ const AST::SourceLocation &sourceLocation)
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(item->properties().contains(bindingName.last()))) {
+ QString msg = Tr::tr("Duplicate binding for '%1'");
+ throw ErrorInfo(msg.arg(bindingName.join(".")),
+ qbs::Internal::toCodeLocation(m_file->filePath(), sourceLocation));
+ }
+bool ItemReaderASTVisitor::visit(AST::UiPublicMember *ast)
+ PropertyDeclaration p;
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(ast->name.isEmpty()))
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("public member without name"));
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(ast->memberType.isEmpty()))
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("public member without type"));
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(ast->type == AST::UiPublicMember::Signal))
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("public member with signal type not supported"));
+ p.name = ast->name.toString();
+ p.type = PropertyDeclaration::propertyTypeFromString(ast->memberType.toString());
+ if (p.type == PropertyDeclaration::UnknownType)
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("Unknown type '%1' in property declaration.")
+ .arg(ast->memberType.toString()), toCodeLocation(ast->typeToken));
+ if (ast->typeModifier.compare(QLatin1String("list")))
+ p.flags |= PropertyDeclaration::ListProperty;
+ else if (Q_UNLIKELY(!ast->typeModifier.isEmpty()))
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("public member with type modifier '%1' not supported").arg(
+ ast->typeModifier.toString()));
+ m_item->m_propertyDeclarations.insert(p.name, p);
+ JSSourceValuePtr value = JSSourceValue::create();
+ value->setFile(m_file);
+ if (ast->statement) {
+ m_sourceValue.swap(value);
+ visitStatement(ast->statement);
+ m_sourceValue.swap(value);
+ const QStringList bindingName(p.name);
+ checkDuplicateBinding(m_item, bindingName, ast->colonToken);
+ }
+ m_item->m_properties.insert(p.name, value);
+ return false;
+bool ItemReaderASTVisitor::visit(AST::UiScriptBinding *ast)
+ QBS_CHECK(ast->qualifiedId);
+ QBS_CHECK(!ast->qualifiedId->name.isEmpty());
+ const QStringList bindingName = toStringList(ast->qualifiedId);
+ if (bindingName.length() == 1 && bindingName.first() == QLatin1String("id")) {
+ AST::ExpressionStatement *expStmt =
+ AST::cast<AST::ExpressionStatement *>(ast->statement);
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(!expStmt))
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("id: must be followed by identifier"));
+ AST::IdentifierExpression *idExp =
+ AST::cast<AST::IdentifierExpression *>(expStmt->expression);
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(!idExp || idExp->name.isEmpty()))
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("id: must be followed by identifier"));
+ m_item->m_id = idExp->name.toString();
+ ensureIdScope(m_file);
+ m_file->m_idScope->m_properties[m_item->m_id] = ItemValue::create(m_item);
+ return false;
+ }
+ JSSourceValuePtr value = JSSourceValue::create();
+ value->setFile(m_file);
+ m_sourceValue.swap(value);
+ visitStatement(ast->statement);
+ m_sourceValue.swap(value);
+ Item *targetItem = targetItemForBinding(m_item, bindingName, value->location());
+ checkDuplicateBinding(targetItem, bindingName, ast->qualifiedId->identifierToken);
+ targetItem->m_properties.insert(bindingName.last(), value);
+ return false;
+bool ItemReaderASTVisitor::visit(AST::FunctionDeclaration *ast)
+ FunctionDeclaration f;
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(ast->name.isNull()))
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("function decl without name"));
+ f.setName(ast->name.toString());
+ // remove the name
+ QString funcNoName = textOf(m_sourceCode, ast);
+ funcNoName.replace(QRegExp("^(\\s*function\\s*)\\w*"), "(\\1");
+ funcNoName.append(")");
+ f.setSourceCode(funcNoName);
+ f.setLocation(toCodeLocation(ast->firstSourceLocation()));
+ m_item->m_functions += f;
+ return false;
+bool ItemReaderASTVisitor::visitStatement(AST::Statement *statement)
+ QBS_CHECK(statement);
+ QBS_CHECK(m_sourceValue);
+ QString sourceCode = textOf(m_sourceCode, statement);
+ if (AST::cast<AST::Block *>(statement)) {
+ // rewrite blocks to be able to use return statements in property assignments
+ sourceCode.prepend("(function()");
+ sourceCode.append(")()");
+ m_sourceValue->m_hasFunctionForm = true;
+ }
+ m_sourceValue->setSourceCode(sourceCode);
+ m_sourceValue->setLocation(toCodeLocation(statement->firstSourceLocation()));
+ IdentifierSearch idsearch;
+ idsearch.add(QLatin1String("base"), &m_sourceValue->m_sourceUsesBase);
+ idsearch.add(QLatin1String("outer"), &m_sourceValue->m_sourceUsesOuter);
+ idsearch.start(statement);
+ return false;
+CodeLocation ItemReaderASTVisitor::toCodeLocation(AST::SourceLocation location) const
+ return CodeLocation(m_filePath, location.startLine, location.startColumn);
+Item *ItemReaderASTVisitor::targetItemForBinding(Item *item,
+ const QStringList &bindingName,
+ const CodeLocation &bindingLocation)
+ Item *targetItem = item;
+ const int c = bindingName.count() - 1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < c; ++i) {
+ ValuePtr v = targetItem->m_properties.value(bindingName.at(i));
+ if (!v) {
+ Item *newItem = Item::create(m_reader->m_pool);
+ v = ItemValue::create(newItem);
+ targetItem->m_properties.insert(bindingName.at(i), v);
+ }
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(v->type() != Value::ItemValueType)) {
+ QString msg = Tr::tr("Binding to non-item property.");
+ throw ErrorInfo(msg, bindingLocation);
+ }
+ ItemValuePtr jsv = v.staticCast<ItemValue>();
+ targetItem = jsv->item();
+ }
+ return targetItem;
+void ItemReaderASTVisitor::checkImportVersion(const AST::SourceLocation &versionToken) const
+ if (!versionToken.length)
+ return;
+ const QString importVersionString = m_sourceCode.mid(versionToken.offset, versionToken.length);
+ const ImportVersion importVersion
+ = ImportVersion::fromString(importVersionString, toCodeLocation(versionToken));
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(importVersion != m_languageVersion))
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("Incompatible qbs version %1. This is qbs %2.").arg(
+ importVersionString, m_reader->builtins()->languageVersion()),
+ toCodeLocation(versionToken));
+void ItemReaderASTVisitor::mergeItem(Item *dst, const Item *src,
+ const ItemReaderResult &baseFile)
+ if (!src->typeName().isEmpty())
+ dst->setTypeName(src->typeName());
+ int insertPos = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < src->m_children.count(); ++i) {
+ Item *child = src->m_children.at(i);
+ dst->m_children.insert(insertPos++, child);
+ child->m_parent = dst;
+ }
+ for (QMap<QString, ValuePtr>::const_iterator it = src->m_properties.constBegin();
+ it != src->m_properties.constEnd(); ++it)
+ {
+ ValuePtr &v = dst->m_properties[it.key()];
+ if (v) {
+ if (v->type() == it.value()->type()) {
+ if (v->type() == Value::JSSourceValueType) {
+ JSSourceValuePtr sv = v.staticCast<JSSourceValue>();
+ while (sv->baseValue())
+ sv = sv->baseValue();
+ const JSSourceValuePtr baseValue = it.value().staticCast<JSSourceValue>();
+ sv->setBaseValue(baseValue);
+ for (QList<JSSourceValue::Alternative>::iterator it
+ = sv->m_alternatives.begin(); it != sv->m_alternatives.end(); ++it) {
+ JSSourceValue::Alternative &alternative = *it;
+ alternative.value->setBaseValue(baseValue);
+ }
+ } else if (v->type() == Value::ItemValueType) {
+ QBS_CHECK(v.staticCast<ItemValue>()->item());
+ QBS_CHECK(it.value().staticCast<const ItemValue>()->item());
+ mergeItem(v.staticCast<ItemValue>()->item(),
+ it.value().staticCast<const ItemValue>()->item(),
+ baseFile);
+ } else {
+ QBS_CHECK(!"unexpected value type");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ v = it.value();
+ }
+ }
+ for (QMap<QString, PropertyDeclaration>::const_iterator it
+ = src->m_propertyDeclarations.constBegin();
+ it != src->m_propertyDeclarations.constEnd(); ++it) {
+ dst->m_propertyDeclarations[it.key()] = it.value();
+ }
+ foreach (const JSSourceValuePtr &valueWithAlternatives,
+ baseFile.conditionalValuesPerScopeItem.value(src)) {
+ replaceConditionScopes(valueWithAlternatives, dst);
+ }
+void ItemReaderASTVisitor::ensureIdScope(const FileContextPtr &file)
+ if (!file->m_idScope) {
+ file->m_idScope = Item::create(m_reader->m_pool);
+ file->m_idScope->m_typeName = QLatin1String("IdScope");
+ }
+void ItemReaderASTVisitor::setupAlternatives(Item *item)
+ QList<Item *>::iterator it = item->m_children.begin();
+ while (it != item->m_children.end()) {
+ Item *child = *it;
+ if (child->typeName() == QLatin1String("Properties")) {
+ handlePropertiesBlock(item, child);
+ it = item->m_children.erase(it);
+ } else {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+void ItemReaderASTVisitor::replaceConditionScopes(const JSSourceValuePtr &value,
+ Item *newScope)
+ for (QList<JSSourceValue::Alternative>::iterator it
+ = value->m_alternatives.begin(); it != value->m_alternatives.end(); ++it)
+ it->conditionScopeItem = newScope;
+class PropertiesBlockConverter
+ PropertiesBlockConverter(const QString &condition, Item *propertiesBlockContainer,
+ const Item *propertiesBlock,
+ QSet<JSSourceValuePtr> *valuesWithAlternatives)
+ : m_propertiesBlockContainer(propertiesBlockContainer)
+ , m_propertiesBlock(propertiesBlock)
+ , m_valuesWithAlternatives(valuesWithAlternatives)
+ {
+ m_alternative.condition = condition;
+ m_alternative.conditionScopeItem = propertiesBlockContainer;
+ }
+ void operator()()
+ {
+ apply(m_propertiesBlockContainer, m_propertiesBlock);
+ }
+ JSSourceValue::Alternative m_alternative;
+ Item *m_propertiesBlockContainer;
+ const Item *m_propertiesBlock;
+ QSet<JSSourceValuePtr> *m_valuesWithAlternatives;
+ void apply(Item *a, const Item *b)
+ {
+ for (QMap<QString, ValuePtr>::const_iterator it = b->properties().constBegin();
+ it != b->properties().constEnd(); ++it) {
+ if (b == m_propertiesBlock && it.key() == QLatin1String("condition"))
+ continue;
+ if (it.value()->type() == Value::ItemValueType) {
+ apply(a->itemProperty(it.key(), true)->item(),
+ it.value().staticCast<ItemValue>()->item());
+ } else if (it.value()->type() == Value::JSSourceValueType) {
+ ValuePtr aval = a->property(it.key());
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(aval && aval->type() != Value::JSSourceValueType))
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("Incompatible value type in unconditional value at %1.").arg(
+ aval->location().toString()));
+ apply(it.key(), a, aval.staticCast<JSSourceValue>(),
+ it.value().staticCast<JSSourceValue>());
+ } else {
+ QBS_CHECK(!"Unexpected value type in conditional value.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void apply(const QString &propertyName, Item *item, JSSourceValuePtr value,
+ const JSSourceValuePtr &conditionalValue)
+ {
+ QBS_ASSERT(!value || value->file() == conditionalValue->file(), return);
+ if (!value) {
+ value = JSSourceValue::create();
+ value->setFile(conditionalValue->file());
+ item->setProperty(propertyName, value);
+ value->setSourceCode(QLatin1String("undefined"));
+ }
+ m_alternative.value = conditionalValue;
+ value->addAlternative(m_alternative);
+ m_valuesWithAlternatives->insert(value);
+ }
+void ItemReaderASTVisitor::handlePropertiesBlock(Item *item, const Item *block)
+ ValuePtr value = block->property(QLatin1String("condition"));
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(!value))
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("Properties.condition must be provided."),
+ block->location());
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(value->type() != Value::JSSourceValueType))
+ throw ErrorInfo(Tr::tr("Properties.condition must be a value binding."),
+ block->location());
+ JSSourceValuePtr srcval = value.staticCast<JSSourceValue>();
+ const QString condition = srcval->sourceCode();
+ PropertiesBlockConverter convertBlock(condition, item, block,
+ &m_readerResult->conditionalValuesPerScopeItem[item]);
+ convertBlock();
+} // namespace Internal
+} // namespace qbs