import qbs import qbs.FileInfo import qbs.ModUtils import qbs.Process import qbs.TextFile import QbsFunctions Product { Depends { name: "qbs-config" } Depends { name: "qbs-config-ui" } Depends { name: "qbs-qmltypes" } Depends { name: "qbs-setup-android" } Depends { name: "qbs-setup-qt" } Depends { name: "qbs-setup-toolchains" } Depends { name: "qbs_app" } Depends { name: "qbscore" } Depends { name: "qbsqtprofilesetup" } Depends { name: "qbs_cpp_scanner" } Depends { name: "qbs_qt_scanner" } Depends { name: "documentation" } Depends { name: "qbs resources" } Depends { name: "archiver" } Depends { name: "Qt.core" } readonly property bool hasQt56: { if (Qt.core.versionMajor === 5) return Qt.core.versionMinor >= 6; return Qt.core.versionMajor > 5; } property stringList windeployqtArgs: [ "--no-svg", "--no-system-d3d-compiler", "--no-angle", "--no-compiler-runtime", ].concat(hasQt56 ? ["--no-opengl-sw"] : []) // List of path prefixes to be excluded from the generated archive property stringList excludedPathPrefixes: [ "bin/icudt", "bin/icuin", "bin/icuuc", "bin/iconengines/", "bin/imageformats/", ] property bool includeTopLevelDir: false condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("windows") builtByDefault: false type: ["archiver.archive"] targetName: "qbs-windows-" + qbs.architecture + "-" + QbsFunctions.qbsVersion() destinationDirectory: project.buildDirectory archiver.type: "zip" Properties { condition: includeTopLevelDir archiver.workingDirectory: qbs.installRoot + "/.." } archiver.workingDirectory: qbs.installRoot Rule { multiplex: true inputsFromDependencies: ["installable"] Artifact { filePath: "windeployqt.json" fileTags: ["dependencies.json"] } prepare: { var cmd = new JavaScriptCommand(); cmd.description = "windeployqt"; cmd.outputFilePath = output.filePath; cmd.installRoot = product.moduleProperty("qbs", "installRoot"); cmd.windeployqtArgs = product.windeployqtArgs; cmd.binaryFilePaths = inputs.installable.filter(function (artifact) { return artifact.fileTags.contains("application") || artifact.fileTags.contains("dynamiclibrary"); }).map(function(a) { return ModUtils.artifactInstalledFilePath(a); }); cmd.extendedDescription = FileInfo.joinPaths( product.moduleProperty("Qt.core", "binPath"), "windeployqt") + ".exe " + ["--json"].concat(cmd.windeployqtArgs).concat(cmd.binaryFilePaths).join(" "); cmd.sourceCode = function () { var out; var process; try { process = new Process(); process.exec(FileInfo.joinPaths(product.moduleProperty("Qt.core", "binPath"), "windeployqt"), ["--json"] .concat(windeployqtArgs).concat(binaryFilePaths), true); out = process.readStdOut(); } finally { if (process) process.close(); } var tf; try { tf = new TextFile(outputFilePath, TextFile.WriteOnly); tf.write(out); } finally { if (tf) tf.close(); } }; return [cmd]; } } Rule { multiplex: true inputs: ["dependencies.json"] inputsFromDependencies: ["installable"] Artifact { filePath: "list.txt" fileTags: ["archiver.input-list"] } prepare: { var cmd = new JavaScriptCommand(); cmd.silent = true; cmd.excludedPathPrefixes = product.excludedPathPrefixes; cmd.inputFilePaths = { return ModUtils.artifactInstalledFilePath(a); }); cmd.outputFilePath = output.filePath; cmd.baseDirectory = product.moduleProperty("archiver", "workingDirectory"); cmd.sourceCode = function() { var tf; for (var i = 0; i < inputs["dependencies.json"].length; ++i) { try { tf = new TextFile(inputs["dependencies.json"][i].filePath, TextFile.ReadOnly); inputFilePaths = inputFilePaths.concat( JSON.parse(tf.readAll())["files"].map(function (obj) { return FileInfo.joinPaths( FileInfo.fromWindowsSeparators(, FileInfo.fileName( FileInfo.fromWindowsSeparators( obj.source))); })); } finally { if (tf) tf.close(); } } inputFilePaths.sort(); try { tf = new TextFile(outputFilePath, TextFile.ReadWrite); for (var i = 0; i < inputFilePaths.length; ++i) { var ignore = false; var relativePath = FileInfo.relativePath(baseDirectory, inputFilePaths[i]); for (var j = 0; j < excludedPathPrefixes.length; ++j) { if (relativePath.startsWith(excludedPathPrefixes[j])) { ignore = true; break; } } if (!ignore) tf.writeLine(relativePath); } } finally { if (tf) tf.close(); } }; return [cmd]; } } }