defineReplace(targetPath) { return($$replace(1, /, $$QMAKE_DIR_SEP)) } QDOC_BIN = $$targetPath($$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/qdoc3) HELPGENERATOR = $$targetPath($$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/qhelpgenerator) VERSION_TAG = $$replace(QBS_VERSION, "[-.]", ) equals(QMAKE_DIR_SEP, /) { # unix, mingw+msys QDOC = SRCDIR=$$PWD OUTDIR=$$OUT_PWD/doc/html QTC_VERSION=$$QBS_VERSION QTC_VERSION_TAG=$$VERSION_TAG $$QDOC_BIN } else:win32-g++* { # just mingw # The lack of spaces in front of the && is necessary! QDOC = set SRCDIR=$$PWD&& set OUTDIR=$$OUT_PWD/doc/html&& set QTC_VERSION=$$QBS_VERSION&& set QTC_VERSION_TAG=$$VERSION_TAG&& $$QDOC_BIN } else { # nmake QDOC = set SRCDIR=$$PWD $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) \ set OUTDIR=$$OUT_PWD/doc/html $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) \ set QTC_VERSION=$$QBS_VERSION $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) \ set QTC_VERSION_TAG=$$VERSION_TAG $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) \ $$QDOC_BIN } QHP_FILE = $$OUT_PWD/doc/html/qbs.qhp QCH_FILE = $$OUT_PWD/doc/qbs.qch HELP_DEP_FILES = $$PWD/qbs.qdoc \ $$PWD/config/compat.qdocconf \ $$PWD/config/macros.qdocconf \ $$PWD/config/qt-cpp-ignore.qdocconf \ $$PWD/config/qt-defines.qdocconf \ $$PWD/config/qt-html-templates.qdocconf \ $$PWD/config/qt-html-default-styles.qdocconf \ $$PWD/qbs.qdocconf html_docs.commands = $$QDOC $$PWD/qbs.qdocconf html_docs.depends += $$HELP_DEP_FILES html_docs.files = $$QHP_FILE html_docs_online.commands = $$QDOC $$PWD/qbs-online.qdocconf html_docs_online.depends += $$HELP_DEP_FILES qch_docs.commands = $$HELPGENERATOR -o \"$$QCH_FILE\" $$QHP_FILE qch_docs.depends += html_docs qch_docs.files = $$QCH_FILE unix:!macx { qch_docs.path = /share/doc/qbs qch_docs.CONFIG += no_check_exist INSTALLS += qch_docs } docs_online.depends = html_docs_online docs.depends = qch_docs QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += html_docs html_docs_online qch_docs docs docs_online fixnavi.commands = \ cd $$targetPath($$PWD) && \ perl -Dqcmanual -Dqtquick \ qbs.qdoc QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += fixnavi