import qbs.FileInfo Module { condition: (qbs.targetPlatform === targetPlatform || isCombinedUIKitBuild) && (!qbs.architecture || architectures.length === 0 || architectures.contains(qbs.architecture)) readonly property bool isCombinedUIKitBuild: ["ios", "tvos", "watchos"].contains(targetPlatform) && ["x86", "x86_64"].contains(qbs.architecture) && qbs.targetPlatform === targetPlatform + "-simulator" Depends { name: "cpp" } Depends { name: "Qt.core" } Depends { name: "Qt.plugin_support" } property stringList pluginTypes Qt.plugin_support.pluginTypes: pluginTypes Depends { condition: Qt.core.staticBuild && !isPlugin name: "Qt"; submodules: { // We have to pull in all plugins here, because dependency resolving happens // before module merging, and we don't know yet if someone set // Qt.pluginSupport.pluginsByType in the product. // The real filtering is done later by the plugin module files themselves. var list = []; var allPlugins = Qt.plugin_support.allPluginsByType; for (var i = 0; i < (pluginTypes || []).length; ++i) Array.prototype.push.apply(list, allPlugins[pluginTypes[i]]) return list; } } property string qtModuleName property path binPath: Qt.core.binPath property path incPath: Qt.core.incPath property path libPath: Qt.core.libPath property string qtLibInfix: Qt.core.libInfix property string libNameForLinkerDebug property string libNameForLinkerRelease property string libNameForLinker: Qt.core.qtBuildVariant === "debug" ? libNameForLinkerDebug : libNameForLinkerRelease property string libFilePathDebug property string libFilePathRelease property string libFilePath: Qt.core.qtBuildVariant === "debug" ? libFilePathDebug : libFilePathRelease version: Qt.core.version property bool hasLibrary: true property bool isStaticLibrary: false property bool isPlugin: false property stringList architectures property string targetPlatform property stringList staticLibsDebug property stringList staticLibsRelease property stringList dynamicLibsDebug property stringList dynamicLibsRelease property stringList linkerFlagsDebug property stringList linkerFlagsRelease property stringList staticLibs: Qt.core.qtBuildVariant === "debug" ? staticLibsDebug : staticLibsRelease property stringList dynamicLibs: Qt.core.qtBuildVariant === "debug" ? dynamicLibsDebug : dynamicLibsRelease property stringList frameworksDebug property stringList frameworksRelease property stringList frameworkPathsDebug property stringList frameworkPathsRelease property stringList mFrameworks: Qt.core.qtBuildVariant === "debug" ? frameworksDebug : frameworksRelease property stringList mFrameworkPaths: Qt.core.qtBuildVariant === "debug" ? frameworkPathsDebug: frameworkPathsRelease cpp.linkerFlags: Qt.core.qtBuildVariant === "debug" ? linkerFlagsDebug : linkerFlagsRelease property bool enableLinking: qtModuleName != undefined && hasLibrary property stringList moduleConfig Properties { condition: enableLinking cpp.staticLibraries: staticLibs cpp.dynamicLibraries: dynamicLibs cpp.frameworks: mFrameworks.concat(!isStaticLibrary && Qt.core.frameworkBuild ? [libNameForLinker] : []) cpp.frameworkPaths: mFrameworkPaths } }