function libraryLinkerFlags(libraryPaths, frameworkPaths, systemFrameworkPaths, rpaths, dynamicLibraries, staticLibraries, frameworks, weakFrameworks) { var i; var args = []; if (rpaths && rpaths.length) args.push('-Wl,-rpath,' + rpaths.join(",-rpath,")); for (i in libraryPaths) { args.push('-L' + libraryPaths[i]); } for (i in staticLibraries) { if (FileInfo.isAbsolutePath(staticLibraries[i])) { args.push(staticLibraries[i]); } else { args.push('-l' + staticLibraries[i]); } } for (i in dynamicLibraries) { if (FileInfo.isAbsolutePath(dynamicLibraries[i])) { args.push(dynamicLibraries[i]); } else { args.push('-l' + dynamicLibraries[i]); } } if (frameworkPaths) args = args.concat( { return '-F' + path })); if (systemFrameworkPaths) args = args.concat( { return '-iframework' + path })); for (i in frameworks) args = args.concat(['-framework', frameworks[i]]); for (i in weakFrameworks) args = args.concat(['-weak_framework', weakFrameworks[i]]); return args; } // for compiler AND linker function configFlags(config) { var args = []; var arch = ModUtils.moduleProperty(config, "architecture") if (arch === 'x86_64') args.push('-m64'); else if (arch === 'x86') args.push('-m32'); if (ModUtils.moduleProperty(config, "debugInformation")) args.push('-g'); var opt = ModUtils.moduleProperty(config, "optimization") if (opt === 'fast') args.push('-O2'); if (opt === 'small') args.push('-Os'); var warnings = ModUtils.moduleProperty(config, "warningLevel") if (warnings === 'none') args.push('-w'); if (warnings === 'all') { args.push('-Wall'); args.push('-Wextra'); } if (ModUtils.moduleProperty(config, "treatWarningsAsErrors")) args.push('-Werror'); return args; } function removePrefixAndSuffix(str, prefix, suffix) { return str.substr(prefix.length, str.length - prefix.length - suffix.length); } // ### what we actually need here is something like product.usedFileTags // that contains all fileTags that have been used when applying the rules. function additionalCompilerFlags(product, includePaths, frameworkPaths, systemIncludePaths, systemFrameworkPaths, fileName, output) { var EffectiveTypeEnum = { UNKNOWN: 0, LIB: 1, APP: 2 }; var effectiveType = EffectiveTypeEnum.UNKNOWN; var libTypes = {staticlibrary : 1, dynamiclibrary : 1, frameworkbundle : 1}; var appTypes = {application : 1, applicationbundle : 1}; for (var i = product.type.length; --i >= 0;) { if (libTypes.hasOwnProperty(product.type[i]) !== -1) { effectiveType = EffectiveTypeEnum.LIB; break; } else if (appTypes.hasOwnProperty(product.type[i]) !== -1) { effectiveType = EffectiveTypeEnum.APP; break; } } var args = [] if (effectiveType === EffectiveTypeEnum.LIB) { if (product.moduleProperty("qbs", "toolchain") !== "mingw") args.push('-fPIC'); } else if (effectiveType === EffectiveTypeEnum.APP) { var positionIndependentCode = product.moduleProperty('cpp', 'positionIndependentCode') if (positionIndependentCode && product.moduleProperty("qbs", "toolchain") !== "mingw") args.push('-fPIE'); } else { throw ("The product's type must be in " + JSON.stringify( Object.getOwnPropertyNames(libTypes).concat(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(appTypes))) + ". But it is " + JSON.stringify(product.type) + '.'); } var sysroot = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "sysroot") if (sysroot) { if (product.moduleProperty("qbs", "targetPlatform").indexOf('darwin') !== -1) args.push('-isysroot', sysroot); else args.push('--sysroot=' + sysroot); } var i; var cppFlags = ModUtils.moduleProperties(input, 'cppFlags'); for (i in cppFlags) args.push('-Wp,' + cppFlags[i]) var platformDefines = ModUtils.moduleProperties(input, 'platformDefines'); for (i in platformDefines) args.push('-D' + platformDefines[i]); var defines = ModUtils.moduleProperties(input, 'defines'); for (i in defines) args.push('-D' + defines[i]); for (i in includePaths) args.push('-I' + includePaths[i]); for (i in frameworkPaths) args.push('-F' + frameworkPaths[i]); for (i in systemIncludePaths) args.push('-isystem' + systemIncludePaths[i]); for (i in systemFrameworkPaths) args.push('-iframework' + systemFrameworkPaths[i]); var minimumWindowsVersion = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "minimumWindowsVersion"); if (minimumWindowsVersion && product.moduleProperty("qbs", "targetOS") === "windows") { var hexVersion = Windows.getWindowsVersionInFormat(minimumWindowsVersion, 'hex'); if (hexVersion) { var versionDefs = [ 'WINVER', '_WIN32_WINNT', '_WIN32_WINDOWS' ]; for (i in versionDefs) args.push('-D' + versionDefs[i] + '=' + hexVersion); } else { print('WARNING: Unknown Windows version "' + minimumWindowsVersion + '"'); } } args.push('-c'); args.push(fileName); args.push('-o'); args.push(output.fileName); return args } function additionalCompilerAndLinkerFlags(product) { var args = [] var minimumMacVersion = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "minimumMacVersion"); if (minimumMacVersion && product.moduleProperty("qbs", "targetOS") === "mac") args.push('-mmacosx-version-min=' + minimumMacVersion); var minimumiOSVersion = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "minimumIosVersion"); if (minimumiOSVersion && product.moduleProperty("qbs", "targetOS") === "ios") { if (product.moduleProperty("qbs", "architecture") === "x86") args.push('-mios-simulator-version-min=' + minimumiOSVersion); else args.push('-miphoneos-version-min=' + minimumiOSVersion); } return args } function dynamicLibraryFileName(version) { if (!version) version = product.version; var fileName = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "dynamicLibraryPrefix") + product.targetName; if (version && product.moduleProperty("qbs", "targetPlatform").indexOf("darwin") !== -1) { fileName += "." + version; version = undefined; } fileName += ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "dynamicLibrarySuffix"); if (version && product.moduleProperty("qbs", "targetPlatform").indexOf("unix") !== -1) fileName += "." + version; return fileName; } function soname() { var outputFileName = FileInfo.fileName(output.fileName); if (product.version) { var major = parseInt(product.version, 10); if (!isNaN(major)) { return outputFileName.substr(0, outputFileName.length - product.version.length) + major; } } return outputFileName; }