function prepareCompiler(product, input, outputs, platformDefines, defines, includePaths, systemIncludePaths, cFlags, cxxFlags) { var i; var optimization = ModUtils.moduleProperty(input, "optimization") var debugInformation = ModUtils.moduleProperty(input, "debugInformation") var args = ['/nologo', '/c'] // Determine which C-language we're compiling var tag = ModUtils.fileTagForTargetLanguage(input.fileTags.concat(Object.keys(outputs))); if (!["c", "cpp"].contains(tag)) throw ("unsupported source language"); // Whether we're compiling a precompiled header or normal source file var pchOutput = outputs[tag + "_pch"] ? outputs[tag + "_pch"][0] : undefined; // enable unwind semantics args.push("/EHsc") // optimization: if (optimization === 'small') args.push('/Os') else if (optimization === 'fast') args.push('/O2') if (debugInformation) { args.push('/Zi') args.push('/MDd') } else { args.push('/MD') } // warnings: var warningLevel = ModUtils.moduleProperty(input, "warningLevel") if (warningLevel === 'none') args.push('/w') if (warningLevel === 'all') args.push('/Wall') if (ModUtils.moduleProperty(input, "treatWarningsAsErrors")) args.push('/WX') for (i in includePaths) args.push('/I' + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(includePaths[i])) for (i in systemIncludePaths) args.push('/I' + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(systemIncludePaths[i])) for (i in platformDefines) args.push('/D' + platformDefines[i]) for (i in defines) args.push('/D' + defines[i]) var minimumWindowsVersion = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "minimumWindowsVersion"); if (minimumWindowsVersion) { var hexVersion = Windows.getWindowsVersionInFormat(minimumWindowsVersion, 'hex'); if (hexVersion) { var versionDefs = [ 'WINVER', '_WIN32_WINNT', '_WIN32_WINDOWS' ]; for (i in versionDefs) { args.push('/D' + versionDefs[i] + '=' + hexVersion); } } else { print('WARNING: Unknown Windows version "' + minimumWindowsVersion + '"'); } } var objOutput = outputs.obj ? outputs.obj[0] : undefined args.push('/Fo' + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(objOutput.filePath)) args.push(FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(input.filePath)) var prefixHeaders = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "prefixHeaders"); for (i in prefixHeaders) args.push("/FI" + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(prefixHeaders[i])); // Language if (tag === "cpp") args.push("/TP"); else if (tag === "c") args.push("/TC"); // precompiled header file var pch = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "precompiledHeader", tag); if (pch) { if (pchOutput) { // create PCH args.push("/Yc"); args.push("/Fp" + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(pchOutput.filePath)); args.push("/Fo" + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(objOutput.filePath)); args.push(FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(input.filePath)); } else { // use PCH var pchHeaderName = FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(pch); var pchName = FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "precompiledHeaderDir") + "\\.obj\\" + + "\\" + + "_" + tag + ".pch"); args.push("/FI" + pchHeaderName); args.push("/Yu" + pchHeaderName); args.push("/Fp" + pchName); } } if (cxxFlags && tag === "cpp") args = args.concat(cxxFlags); else if (cFlags && tag === "c") args = args.concat(cFlags); var compilerPath = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "compilerPath"); var wrapperArgs = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "compilerWrapper"); if (wrapperArgs && wrapperArgs.length > 0) { args.unshift(compilerPath); compilerPath = wrapperArgs.shift(); args = wrapperArgs.concat(args); } var cmd = new Command(compilerPath, args) cmd.description = (pchOutput ? 'pre' : '') + 'compiling ' + FileInfo.fileName(input.filePath); if (pchOutput) cmd.description += ' (' + tag + ')'; cmd.highlight = "compiler"; cmd.workingDirectory = product.buildDirectory + "/.obj/" +; cmd.responseFileUsagePrefix = '@'; // cl.exe outputs the cpp file name. We filter that out. cmd.stdoutFilterFunction = "function(output) {"; cmd.stdoutFilterFunction += "return output.replace(/" + FileInfo.fileName(input.filePath) + "\\r\\n/g, '');"; cmd.stdoutFilterFunction += "}"; return cmd; } function prepareLinker(product, inputs, outputs, libraryPaths, dynamicLibraries, staticLibraries, linkerFlags) { var i; var linkDLL = (outputs.dynamiclibrary ? true : false) var primaryOutput = (linkDLL ? outputs.dynamiclibrary[0] : outputs.application[0]) var debugInformation = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "debugInformation") var generateManifestFiles = !linkDLL && ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "generateManifestFiles") var args = ['/nologo'] if (linkDLL) { args.push('/DLL'); args.push('/IMPLIB:' + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(outputs.dynamiclibrary_import[0].filePath)); } if (debugInformation) args.push('/DEBUG') else args.push('/INCREMENTAL:NO') var minimumWindowsVersion = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "minimumWindowsVersion"); var subsystemSwitch = undefined; if (minimumWindowsVersion || product.consoleApplication !== undefined) { // Ensure that we default to console if product.consoleApplication is undefined // since that could still be the case if only minimumWindowsVersion had been defined subsystemSwitch = product.consoleApplication === false ? '/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS' : '/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE'; } if (minimumWindowsVersion) { var subsystemVersion = Windows.getWindowsVersionInFormat(minimumWindowsVersion, 'subsystem'); if (subsystemVersion) { subsystemSwitch += ',' + subsystemVersion; args.push('/OSVERSION:' + subsystemVersion); } else { print('WARNING: Unknown Windows version "' + minimumWindowsVersion + '"'); } } if (subsystemSwitch) args.push(subsystemSwitch); var linkerOutputNativeFilePath; var manifestFileName; if (generateManifestFiles) { linkerOutputNativeFilePath = FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators( FileInfo.path(primaryOutput.filePath) + "/intermediate." + FileInfo.fileName(primaryOutput.filePath)); manifestFileName = linkerOutputNativeFilePath + ".manifest"; args.push('/MANIFEST', '/MANIFESTFILE:' + manifestFileName) } else { linkerOutputNativeFilePath = FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(primaryOutput.filePath); } var allInputs = inputs.obj.concat(inputs.staticlibrary || []) if (inputs.dynamiclibrary_import) allInputs = allInputs.concat(inputs.dynamiclibrary_import); for (i in allInputs) { var fileName = FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(allInputs[i].filePath) args.push(fileName) } for (i in staticLibraries) { var staticLibrary = staticLibraries[i]; if (!staticLibrary.match(/\.lib$/i)) staticLibrary += ".lib"; args.push(staticLibrary) } for (i in dynamicLibraries) { var dynamicLibrary = dynamicLibraries[i]; if (!dynamicLibrary.match(/\.lib$/i)) dynamicLibrary += ".lib"; args.push(dynamicLibrary) } args.push('/OUT:' + linkerOutputNativeFilePath) for (i in libraryPaths) { args.push('/LIBPATH:' + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(libraryPaths[i])) } args = args.concat(linkerFlags); if (ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "allowUnresolvedSymbols")) args.push("/FORCE:UNRESOLVED"); var commands = []; var cmd = new Command(product.moduleProperty("cpp", "linkerPath"), args) cmd.description = 'linking ' + FileInfo.fileName(primaryOutput.filePath) cmd.highlight = 'linker'; cmd.workingDirectory = FileInfo.path(primaryOutput.filePath) cmd.responseFileUsagePrefix = '@'; cmd.stdoutFilterFunction = function(output) { return output.replace(/^ +Creating library.*\r\n$/, ""); }; commands.push(cmd); if (generateManifestFiles) { var outputNativeFilePath = FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(primaryOutput.filePath); cmd = new JavaScriptCommand(); cmd.src = linkerOutputNativeFilePath; cmd.dst = outputNativeFilePath; cmd.sourceCode = function() { File.copy(src, dst); } cmd.silent = true commands.push(cmd); args = [ '/nologo', '/manifest', manifestFileName, "/outputresource:" + outputNativeFilePath + ";#" + (linkDLL ? "2" : "1") ] cmd = new Command("mt.exe", args) cmd.description = 'embedding manifest into ' + FileInfo.fileName(primaryOutput.filePath) cmd.highlight = 'linker'; cmd.workingDirectory = FileInfo.path(primaryOutput.filePath) commands.push(cmd); } return commands; }