/* Giddyup, pony pony pony! How to setup this crazy horsey platform? - install the pony SDK - call the following qbs config --global ponyphone/substitute theLittlePrancingPony qbs config --global ponyphone/sdkInstallPath ~/theLittlePrancingPonySDK - stand up and sing the Mr. Ed theme song! */ import qbs.base 1.0 GenericGCC { property string substitute: qbs.configurationValue('ponyphone/substitute') condition: qbs.hostOS == 'linux' && qbs.targetOS == 'linux' && qbs.toolchain == 'gcc' && qbs.platform == 'ponyphone' toolchainPrefix: { if (architecture == 'i586') return architecture + '-' + substitute + '-linux-' else if (architecture == 'armv7hl') return architecture + '-' + substitute + '-linux-gnueabi-' throw "unknown target architecture: " + architecture } toolchainInstallPath: qbs.configurationValue('ponyphone/sdkInstallPath') + "/" + substitute + "/" + architecture + "/toolchain/bin" }