import qbs import qbs.File import qbs.FileInfo import qbs.Probes import qbs.ModUtils import "../protobufbase.qbs" as ProtobufBase import "../protobuf.js" as HelperFunctions ProtobufBase { property string includePath: includeProbe.found ? includeProbe.path : undefined property string libraryPath: libraryProbe.found ? libraryProbe.path : undefined property bool useGrpc: false property string grpcIncludePath: grpcIncludeProbe.found ? grpcIncludeProbe.path : undefined property string grpcLibraryPath: grpcLibraryProbe.found ? grpcLibraryProbe.path : undefined readonly property string _libraryName: { var libraryName; if (libraryProbe.found) { libraryName = FileInfo.baseName(libraryProbe.fileName); if (libraryName.startsWith("lib")) libraryName = libraryName.substring(3); } return libraryName; } Depends { name: "cpp" } property path grpcPluginPath: grpcPluginProbe.filePath Probes.BinaryProbe { condition: useGrpc id: grpcPluginProbe names: "grpc_cpp_plugin" } cpp.libraryPaths: { var result = []; if (libraryProbe.found) result.push(libraryProbe.path); if (useGrpc && grpcLibraryProbe.found) result.push(grpcLibraryPath); return result; } cpp.dynamicLibraries: { var result = []; if (_libraryName) result.push(_libraryName) if (qbs.targetOS.contains("unix")) result.push("pthread"); if (useGrpc) result.push("grpc++"); return result; } cpp.includePaths: { var result = [outputDir]; if (includeProbe.found) result.push(includePath); if (useGrpc && grpcIncludeProbe.found) result.push(grpcIncludePath); return result; } Rule { inputs: ["protobuf.input", "protobuf.grpc"] outputFileTags: ["hpp", "protobuf.hpp", "cpp"] outputArtifacts: { var outputDir = HelperFunctions.getOutputDir(input.protobuf.cpp, input); var result = [ HelperFunctions.cppArtifact(outputDir, input, ["hpp", "protobuf.hpp"], ".pb.h"), HelperFunctions.cppArtifact(outputDir, input, "cpp", "") ]; if (input.fileTags.contains("protobuf.grpc")) { result.push( HelperFunctions.cppArtifact(outputDir, input, ["hpp", "protobuf.hpp"], ".grpc.pb.h"), HelperFunctions.cppArtifact(outputDir, input, ["cpp"], "")); } return result; } prepare: { var result = HelperFunctions.doPrepare( input.protobuf.cpp, product, input, outputs, "cpp"); if (input.fileTags.contains("protobuf.grpc")) { result = ModUtils.concatAll(result, HelperFunctions.doPrepare( input.protobuf.cpp, product, input, outputs, "grpc", "protoc-gen-grpc=" + input.protobuf.cpp.grpcPluginPath)); } return result; } } Probes.IncludeProbe { id: includeProbe names: "google/protobuf/message.h" platformSearchPaths: includePath ? [] : base searchPaths: includePath ? [includePath] : [] } Probes.LibraryProbe { id: libraryProbe names: [ "protobuf", "protobufd", ] platformSearchPaths: libraryPath ? [] : base searchPaths: libraryPath ? [libraryPath] : [] } Probes.IncludeProbe { id: grpcIncludeProbe pathSuffixes: "grpc++" names: "grpc++.h" platformSearchPaths: grpcIncludePath ? [] : base searchPaths: grpcIncludePath ? [grpcIncludePath] : [] } Probes.LibraryProbe { id: grpcLibraryProbe names: "grpc++" platformSearchPaths: grpcLibraryPath ? [] : base searchPaths: grpcLibraryPath ? [grpcLibraryPath] : [] } validate: { HelperFunctions.validateCompiler(compilerName, compilerPath); if (!includeProbe.found) throw "Can't find cpp protobuf include files. Please set the includePath property."; if (!libraryProbe.found) throw "Can't find cpp protobuf library. Please set the libraryPath property."; if (useGrpc) { if (!File.exists(grpcPluginPath)) throw "Can't find grpc_cpp_plugin plugin. Please set the grpcPluginPath property."; if (!grpcIncludeProbe.found) throw "Can't find grpc++ include files. Please set the grpcIncludePath property."; if (!grpcLibraryProbe.found) throw "Can't find grpc++ library. Please set the grpcLibraryPath property."; } } }