import qbs.BundleTools import qbs.Environment import qbs.File import qbs.FileInfo import qbs.DarwinTools import qbs.ModUtils import qbs.Probes import qbs.PropertyList import 'xcode.js' as Xcode Module { id: xcodeModule Probes.XcodeProbe { id: xcodeProbe developerPath: xcodeModule.developerPath platformType: xcodeModule.platformType platformPath: xcodeModule.platformPath devicePlatformPath: xcodeModule.devicePlatformPath xcodebuildPath: xcodeModule.xcodebuildPath sdksPath: xcodeModule.sdksPath } condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("darwin") && qbs.toolchain && qbs.toolchain.contains("xcode") version: xcodeProbe.xcodeVersion property path developerPath: "/Applications/" property string sdk: DarwinTools.applePlatformName(qbs.targetOS, platformType) property stringList targetDevices: DarwinTools.targetDevices(qbs.targetOS) property string platformType: { if (qbs.targetOS.containsAny(["ios-simulator", "tvos-simulator", "watchos-simulator"])) return "simulator"; if (qbs.targetOS.containsAny(["ios", "tvos", "watchos"])) return "device"; } readonly property string sdkName: { if (_sdkSettings) { return _sdkSettings["CanonicalName"]; } } readonly property string sdkVersion: { if (_sdkSettings) { return _sdkSettings["Version"]; } } readonly property string latestSdkName: { if (_latestSdk) { return _latestSdk["CanonicalName"]; } } readonly property string latestSdkVersion: { if (_latestSdk) { return _latestSdk["Version"]; } } readonly property stringList availableSdkNames: { if (_availableSdks) { return (obj) { return obj["CanonicalName"]; }); } } readonly property stringList availableSdkVersions: { if (_availableSdks) { return (obj) { return obj["Version"]; }); } } property string signingIdentity readonly property string actualSigningIdentity: { if (_actualSigningIdentity && _actualSigningIdentity.length === 1) return _actualSigningIdentity[0][0]; } readonly property string actualSigningIdentityDisplayName: { if (_actualSigningIdentity && _actualSigningIdentity.length === 1) return _actualSigningIdentity[0][1]; } property string signingTimestamp: "none" property string provisioningProfile property string xcodebuildName: "xcodebuild" property string xcodebuildPath: FileInfo.joinPaths(developerPath, "usr", "bin", xcodebuildName) property string securityName: "security" property string securityPath: securityName property string codesignName: "codesign" property string codesignPath: codesignName property stringList codesignFlags readonly property path toolchainPath: FileInfo.joinPaths(toolchainsPath, "XcodeDefault" + ".xctoolchain") readonly property path platformPath: FileInfo.joinPaths(platformsPath, DarwinTools.applePlatformDirectoryName( qbs.targetOS, platformType) + ".platform") readonly property path devicePlatformPath: FileInfo.joinPaths( platformsPath, DarwinTools.applePlatformDirectoryName( qbs.targetOS, "device") + ".platform") readonly property path simulatorPlatformPath: FileInfo.joinPaths( platformsPath, DarwinTools.applePlatformDirectoryName( qbs.targetOS, "simulator") + ".platform") readonly property path sdkPath: FileInfo.joinPaths(sdksPath, DarwinTools.applePlatformDirectoryName( qbs.targetOS, platformType, sdkVersion) + ".sdk") // private properties readonly property path toolchainsPath: FileInfo.joinPaths(developerPath, "Toolchains") readonly property path platformsPath: FileInfo.joinPaths(developerPath, "Platforms") readonly property path sdksPath: FileInfo.joinPaths(platformPath, "Developer", "SDKs") readonly property path platformInfoPlist: FileInfo.joinPaths(platformPath, "Info.plist") readonly property path sdkSettingsPlist: FileInfo.joinPaths(sdkPath, "SDKSettings.plist") readonly property path toolchainInfoPlist: FileInfo.joinPaths(toolchainPath, "ToolchainInfo.plist") readonly property stringList _actualSigningIdentity: { if (/^[A-Fa-f0-9]{40}$/.test(signingIdentity)) { return signingIdentity; } var identities = Xcode.findSigningIdentities(securityPath, signingIdentity); if (identities && identities.length > 1) { throw "Signing identity '" + signingIdentity + "' is ambiguous"; } return identities; } property path provisioningProfilesPath: { return FileInfo.joinPaths(Environment.getEnv("HOME"), "Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles"); } readonly property stringList standardArchitectures: _architectureSettings["ARCHS_STANDARD"] readonly property var _architectureSettings: xcodeProbe.architectureSettings readonly property var _availableSdks: xcodeProbe.availableSdks readonly property var _latestSdk: _availableSdks[_availableSdks.length - 1] readonly property var _sdkSettings: { if (_availableSdks) { for (var i in _availableSdks) { if (_availableSdks[i]["Version"] === sdk) return _availableSdks[i]; if (_availableSdks[i]["CanonicalName"] === sdk) return _availableSdks[i]; } // Latest SDK available for the platform if (DarwinTools.applePlatformName(qbs.targetOS, platformType) === sdk) return _latestSdk; } } qbs.sysroot: sdkPath validate: { if (!_availableSdks) { throw "There are no SDKs available for this platform in the Xcode installation."; } if (!_sdkSettings) { throw "There is no matching SDK available for " + sdk + "."; } var validator = new ModUtils.PropertyValidator("xcode"); validator.setRequiredProperty("developerPath", developerPath); validator.setRequiredProperty("sdk", sdk); validator.setRequiredProperty("sdkName", sdkName); validator.setRequiredProperty("sdkVersion", sdkVersion); validator.setRequiredProperty("toolchainsPath", toolchainsPath); validator.setRequiredProperty("toolchainPath", toolchainPath); validator.setRequiredProperty("platformsPath", platformsPath); validator.setRequiredProperty("platformPath", platformPath); validator.setRequiredProperty("sdksPath", sdkPath); validator.setRequiredProperty("sdkPath", sdkPath); validator.addVersionValidator("sdkVersion", sdkVersion, 2, 2); validator.addCustomValidator("sdkName", sdkName, function (value) { return value === DarwinTools.applePlatformDirectoryName( qbs.targetOS, platformType, sdkVersion, false).toLowerCase(); }, "is '" + sdkName + "', but target OS is [" + qbs.targetOS.join(",") + "] and Xcode SDK version is '" + sdkVersion + "'"); validator.addCustomValidator("sdk", sdk, function (value) { return value === sdkName || (value + sdkVersion) === sdkName; }, "is '" + sdk + "', but canonical SDK name is '" + sdkName + "'"); validator.validate(); } property var buildEnv: { var env = { "DEVELOPER_DIR": developerPath, "SDKROOT": sdkPath }; var prefixes = [platformPath + "/Developer", toolchainPath, developerPath]; for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; ++i) { var codesign_allocate = prefixes[i] + "/usr/bin/codesign_allocate"; if (File.exists(codesign_allocate)) { env["CODESIGN_ALLOCATE"] = codesign_allocate; break; } } return env; } setupBuildEnvironment: { var v = new ModUtils.EnvironmentVariable("PATH", product.qbs.pathListSeparator, false); v.prepend(product.xcode.platformPath + "/Developer/usr/bin"); v.prepend(product.xcode.developerPath + "/usr/bin"); v.set(); for (var key in product.xcode.buildEnv) { v = new ModUtils.EnvironmentVariable(key); v.value = product.xcode.buildEnv[key]; v.set(); } } Group { name: "Provisioning Profiles" prefix: xcode.provisioningProfilesPath + "/" files: ["*.mobileprovision", "*.provisionprofile"] fileTags: [] // HACK: provisioning profile handling is not yet ready and can break autotests } FileTagger { fileTags: ["xcode.entitlements"] patterns: ["*.entitlements"] } FileTagger { fileTags: ["xcode.provisioningprofile"] patterns: ["*.mobileprovision", "*.provisionprofile"] } Rule { inputs: ["xcode.provisioningprofile"] Artifact { filePath: FileInfo.joinPaths(product.destinationDirectory, "provisioning-profiles", input.fileName + ".xml") fileTags: [""] } prepare: { var cmds = []; var cmd = new Command("openssl", ["smime", "-verify", "-noverify", "-inform", "DER", "-in", input.filePath, "-out", output.filePath]); cmd.silent = true; cmd.stderrFilterFunction = function (output) { return output.replace("Verification successful\n", ""); }; cmds.push(cmd); cmd = new JavaScriptCommand(); cmd.silent = true; cmd.inputFilePath = input.filePath; cmd.outputFilePath = output.filePath; cmd.sourceCode = function() { var propertyList = new PropertyList(); try { propertyList.readFromFile(outputFilePath); propertyList.readFromObject({ data: propertyList.toObject(), fileName: FileInfo.fileName(inputFilePath), filePath: inputFilePath }); propertyList.writeToFile(outputFilePath, "xml1"); } finally { propertyList.clear(); } }; cmds.push(cmd); return cmds; } } Rule { multiplex: true inputs: [""] outputFileTags: ["xcode.provisioningprofile.main", ""] outputArtifacts: { var artifacts = []; for (var i = 0; i < inputs[""].length; ++i) { var dataFile = inputs[""][i].filePath; var query = product.moduleProperty("xcode", "provisioningProfile"); var obj = Xcode.provisioningProfilePlistContents(dataFile); if ( && ( === query || === query)) { console.log("Using provisioning profile: " + obj.filePath); artifacts.push({ filePath: FileInfo.joinPaths(product.destinationDirectory, obj.fileName), fileTags: ["xcode.provisioningprofile.main", obj.filePath] }); artifacts.push({ filePath: FileInfo.joinPaths(product.destinationDirectory, obj.fileName + ".xml"), fileTags: ["", dataFile] }); } } return artifacts; } prepare: { var cmds = []; for (var tag in outputs) { for (var i = 0; i < outputs[tag].length; ++i) { var output = outputs[tag][i]; var cmd = new JavaScriptCommand(); cmd.silent = true; cmd.inputFilePath = output.fileTags.filter(function(f) { return f.startsWith('/'); })[0] // QBS-754 cmd.outputFilePath = output.filePath; cmd.sourceCode = function() { File.copy(inputFilePath, outputFilePath); }; cmds.push(cmd); } } return cmds; } } Rule { inputs: ["xcode.entitlements", ""] Artifact { filePath: FileInfo.joinPaths(product.destinationDirectory, product.targetName + ".xcent") fileTags: ["xcent", "bundle.input"] } prepare: { var cmd = new JavaScriptCommand(); cmd.description = "generating entitlements"; cmd.highlight = "codegen"; cmd.bundleIdentifier = product.moduleProperty("bundle", "identifier"); cmd.signingEntitlements = inputs["xcode.entitlements"].map(function (a) { return a.filePath; }); cmd.platformPath = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "platformPath"); cmd.sdkPath = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "sdkPath"); cmd.sourceCode = function() { var i; var provData = Xcode.provisioningProfilePlistContents(input.filePath); if (provData) provData =; var aggregateEntitlements = {}; // Start building up an aggregate entitlements plist from the files in the SDKs, // which contain placeholders in the same manner as Info.plist function entitlementsFileContents(path) { return File.exists(path) ? BundleTools.infoPlistContents(path) : undefined; } var entitlementsSources = [ entitlementsFileContents(FileInfo.joinPaths(platformPath, "Entitlements.plist")), entitlementsFileContents(FileInfo.joinPaths(sdkPath, "Entitlements.plist")) ]; for (i = 0; i < signingEntitlements.length; ++i) { entitlementsSources.push(entitlementsFileContents(signingEntitlements[i])); } for (i = 0; i < entitlementsSources.length; ++i) { var contents = entitlementsSources[i]; for (var key in contents) { if (contents.hasOwnProperty(key)) aggregateEntitlements[key] = contents[key]; } } contents = provData["Entitlements"]; for (key in contents) { if (contents.hasOwnProperty(key) && !aggregateEntitlements.hasOwnProperty(key)) aggregateEntitlements[key] = contents[key]; } // Expand entitlements variables with data from the provisioning profile var env = { "AppIdentifierPrefix": provData["ApplicationIdentifierPrefix"] + ".", "CFBundleIdentifier": bundleIdentifier }; DarwinTools.expandPlistEnvironmentVariables(aggregateEntitlements, env, true); // Anything with an undefined or otherwise empty value should be removed // Only JSON-formatted plists can have null values, other formats error out // This also follows Xcode behavior DarwinTools.cleanPropertyList(aggregateEntitlements); var plist = new PropertyList(); try { plist.readFromObject(aggregateEntitlements); plist.writeToFile(outputs.xcent[0].filePath, "xml1"); } finally { plist.clear(); } }; return [cmd]; } } }