import qbs.Utilities // a specific version of the operating systems is specified // when the application is run its output should confirm // that the given values took effect CppApplication { condition: { var result = qbs.targetPlatform === qbs.hostPlatform; if (!result)"targetPlatform differs from hostPlatform"); return result && qbs.targetOS.contains("windows") || qbs.targetOS.contains("macos"); } files: [qbs.targetOS.contains("darwin") ? "" : "main.cpp"] consoleApplication: true Properties { condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("windows") cpp.minimumWindowsVersion: "6.0" cpp.defines: [ "QBS_WINVER=0x600", "TOOLCHAIN_INSTALL_PATH=" + Utilities.cStringQuote(cpp.toolchainInstallPath) ] } Properties { condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") cpp.frameworks: "Foundation" cpp.minimumMacosVersion: "10.7" } }