path: root/basicsuite/launchersettings/main.qml
diff options
authorGatis Paeglis <>2014-09-17 14:19:45 +0200
committerGatis Paeglis <>2014-09-29 11:02:41 +0300
commit2b52005041912e411dd8f1e1d1e0593bd393b518 (patch)
tree707f0da9feb7c7643dd6fca84e7e0c98a7905a20 /basicsuite/launchersettings/main.qml
parent00e72c9170c34907ed74d567a21f4744e52d1a0f (diff)
launchersettings: various improvements
- make it scale better on screen with different screen sizes and pixel density. For example the current implementation looked bad on Nexus 2013. Lets use "scaled cm" based on visual angle. Tested on 46 inch TV, nexus, nexus 2013, Rpi with samsung desktop monitor, demo looks as expected. - Demo now works as expeced when deployed as stand alone application from QtCreator. Before this change layout was completely broken, because Screen qml element really does not work as expected. - Make handle of Slider more touch-friendly. - Simplify creation of wifi GroupBox. The Loader element was needed at the beginning when we build QtWifi only on Android. - Move custom styles into separate qml files and other cleanups. Task-number: QTEE-769 Change-Id: Ifef1caa7edbfaea14c608f6b8fae43e86b0a2442 Reviewed-by: Eirik Aavitsland <>
Diffstat (limited to 'basicsuite/launchersettings/main.qml')
1 files changed, 74 insertions, 166 deletions
diff --git a/basicsuite/launchersettings/main.qml b/basicsuite/launchersettings/main.qml
index 9d8eca5..b1b1d3d 100644
--- a/basicsuite/launchersettings/main.qml
+++ b/basicsuite/launchersettings/main.qml
@@ -38,211 +38,94 @@
-import QtQuick 2.0
+import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2
-import QtQuick.Controls.Private 1.0
-import QtQuick.Window 2.1
import QtQuick.Enterprise.VirtualKeyboard.Settings 1.2
+import Qt.labs.wifi 0.1 as Wifi
Rectangle {
- id: root
- width: 1280
- height: 800
+ anchors.fill: parent
color: "#212126"
- property alias buttonStyle: buttonStyle
- // ******************************* STYLES **********************************
- Component {
- id: buttonStyle
- ButtonStyle {
- panel: Item {
- implicitHeight: 50
- implicitWidth: 320
- BorderImage {
- anchors.fill: parent
- antialiasing: true
- border.bottom: 8
- 8
- border.left: 8
- border.right: 8
- anchors.margins: control.pressed ? -4 : 0
- source: control.pressed ? "images/button_pressed.png" : "images/button_default.png"
- Text {
- text: control.text
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- color: "white"
- font.pixelSize: 22
- renderType: Text.NativeRendering
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // GroupBoxStyle currently is not available as a public API, so we write our own...
- Component {
- id: groupBoxStyle
- Style {
- // The margin from the content item to the groupbox
- padding {
- top: (control.title.length > 0 ? TextSingleton.implicitHeight : 0) + 30
- left: 8
- right: 8
- bottom: 8
- }
- // The groupbox frame
- property Component panel: Item {
- anchors.fill: parent
- Text {
- id: label
- anchors.bottom:
- anchors.margins: 2
- text: control.title
- font.pixelSize: 22
- color: "white"
- renderType: Text.NativeRendering
- }
- BorderImage {
- id: borderImage
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.topMargin: - 7
- source: "images/groupbox.png"
- border.left: 4
- border.right: 4
- 4
- border.bottom: 4
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Component {
- id: checkboxStyle
- CheckBoxStyle {
- indicator: Rectangle {
- implicitWidth: 36
- implicitHeight: 36
- radius: 10
- border.color: "black"
- border.width: 2
- Rectangle {
- visible: control.checked
- color: "#45b7e2"
- border.color: "darkblue"
- radius: 10
- anchors.margins: 4
- anchors.fill: parent
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Component {
- id: radioButtonStyle
- RadioButtonStyle {
- indicator: Rectangle {
- implicitWidth: 36
- implicitHeight: 36
- radius: 20
- border.color: "black"
- border.width: 2
- Rectangle {
- anchors.fill: parent
- visible: control.checked
- color: "#45b7e2"
- border.color: "darkblue"
- radius: 20
- anchors.margins: 4
- }
- }
- label: Label {
- text: control.text
- font.pixelSize: 18
- color: "white"
- }
- }
- }
- // ******************************** UI ****************************************
Loader { id: rebootActionLoader; source: "RebootAction.qml" }
Loader { id: poweroffActionLoader; source: "PoweroffAction.qml" }
Loader { id: brightnessControllerLoader; source: "BrightnessController.qml" }
Loader { id: networkControllerLoader; source: "NetworkController.qml" }
- Loader { id: wifiControllerLoader; source: "WifiController.qml" }
Flickable {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- anchors.margins: 10
- anchors.topMargin: 50
+ anchors.topMargin:
height: parent.height
width: parent.width
- contentHeight: mainLayout.height + 100
+ contentHeight: mainLayout.height + engine.centimeter(2)
contentWidth: mainLayout.width
flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick
- leftMargin: (width - contentWidth) / 2
+ leftMargin: (width - contentWidth) * 0.5
ColumnLayout {
id: mainLayout
- // can not use size of "root" here, it will shrink UI when virtual keyboard is open
- width: Math.min(Screen.width, Screen.height)
+ width: Math.min(engine.screenWidth(), engine.screenHeight())
height: implicitHeight
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
+ spacing:
GroupBox {
id: powerOptions
title: "Power"
Layout.fillWidth: true
- style: groupBoxStyle
+ style: SettingsGroupBoxStyle {}
implicitWidth: 0
+ height: implicitHeight
RowLayout {
- id: powerButtonRow
anchors.fill: parent
Button {
- style: buttonStyle
+ style: SettingsButtonStyle {}
text: "Shut Down"
Layout.fillWidth: true
action: poweroffActionLoader.item;
enabled: action != undefined
Button {
- style: buttonStyle
+ style: SettingsButtonStyle {}
text: "Reboot"
Layout.fillWidth: true
action: rebootActionLoader.item;
enabled: action != undefined
GroupBox {
id: displayOptions
title: "Display"
- style: groupBoxStyle
+ style: SettingsGroupBoxStyle {}
Layout.fillWidth: true
implicitWidth: 0
+ height: implicitHeight
GridLayout {
- id: displayGrid
rows: 2
flow: GridLayout.TopToBottom
anchors.fill: parent
- Label { text: "Brightness: "; font.pixelSize: 18; color: "white" }
- Label { text: "Display FPS: "; font.pixelSize: 18; color: "white" }
+ Label {
+ text: "Brightness: "
+ font.pixelSize: engine.smallFontSize() * 0.8
+ color: "white"
+ }
+ Label {
+ text: "Display FPS: "
+ font.pixelSize: engine.smallFontSize() * 0.8
+ color: "white"
+ }
Slider {
maximumValue: 255
@@ -254,9 +137,20 @@ Rectangle {
+ style: SliderStyle {
+ handle: Rectangle {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ color: "white"
+ border.color: "gray"
+ border.width: 2
+ width:
+ height:
+ radius: 20
+ }
+ }
CheckBox {
- style: checkboxStyle
+ style: SettingsCheckBoxStyle {}
checked: engine.fpsEnabled
onCheckedChanged: engine.fpsEnabled = checked
@@ -266,27 +160,26 @@ Rectangle {
GroupBox {
id: vkbOptions
title: "Virtual Keyboard Style"
- style: groupBoxStyle
+ style: SettingsGroupBoxStyle {}
Layout.fillWidth: true
- implicitWidth: 0
function updateVKBStyle(styleRadioButton) {
VirtualKeyboardSettings.styleName = styleRadioButton.text.toLowerCase()
Row {
- spacing: 30
+ spacing:
ExclusiveGroup { id: vkbStyleGroup }
RadioButton {
id: defaultStyle
- style: radioButtonStyle
+ style: SettingsRadioButtonStyle {}
text: "Default"
exclusiveGroup: vkbStyleGroup
onClicked: vkbOptions.updateVKBStyle(defaultStyle)
RadioButton {
id: retroStyle
- style: radioButtonStyle
+ style: SettingsRadioButtonStyle {}
text: "Retro"
exclusiveGroup: vkbStyleGroup
onClicked: vkbOptions.updateVKBStyle(retroStyle)
@@ -304,41 +197,48 @@ Rectangle {
GroupBox {
id: networkOptions
title: "Network"
- style: groupBoxStyle
+ style: SettingsGroupBoxStyle {}
Layout.fillWidth: true
implicitWidth: 0
+ height: implicitHeight
GridLayout {
- id: networkGrid
rows: 2
columns: 3
flow: GridLayout.TopToBottom
anchors.fill: parent
- Label { text: "Hostname: "; font.pixelSize: 18; color: "white" }
- Label { text: "IP address: "; font.pixelSize: 18; color: "white"}
+ Label {
+ text: "Hostname: "
+ font.pixelSize: engine.smallFontSize() * 0.8
+ color: "white"
+ }
+ Label {
+ text: "IP address: "
+ font.pixelSize: engine.smallFontSize() * 0.8
+ color: "white"
+ }
TextField {
id: hostname
- implicitHeight: hostnameButton.height - 8
text: if (networkControllerLoader.item != undefined) { networkControllerLoader.item.getHostname(); }
- font.pixelSize: 18
+ font.pixelSize: engine.smallFontSize()
Layout.fillWidth: true
+ Layout.preferredHeight: font.pixelSize * 2.4
Label {
text: if (networkControllerLoader.item != undefined) { networkControllerLoader.item.getIPAddress(); }
- font.pixelSize: 18
+ font.pixelSize: engine.smallFontSize()
color: "white"
Layout.columnSpan: 2
Button {
id: hostnameButton
- style: buttonStyle
+ style: SettingsButtonStyle {}
text: "Change hostname"
- implicitWidth: 260
onClicked: networkControllerLoader.item.setHostname(hostname.text);
enabled: networkControllerLoader.item != undefined
@@ -349,15 +249,23 @@ Rectangle {
GroupBox {
id: wifiOptions
title: "Wifi"
- style: groupBoxStyle
+ style: SettingsGroupBoxStyle {}
Layout.fillWidth: true
- }
+ visible: false
+ function createWifiGroupBox()
+ {
+ if (Wifi.Interface.wifiSupported()) {
+ var component = Qt.createComponent("WifiGroupBox.qml")
+ var wifi = component.createObject(wifiOptions.contentItem)
+ if (wifi)
+ wifiOptions.visible = true
+ else
+ print("Error creating WifiGroupBox")
+ }
+ }
- Component.onCompleted: {
- if (wifiControllerLoader.item != undefined)
- wifiControllerLoader.item.createWifiGroupBox()
- else
- wifiOptions.visible = false
+ Component.onCompleted: wifiOptions.createWifiGroupBox()