path: root/basicsuite/Media Player/ControlBar.qml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'basicsuite/Media Player/ControlBar.qml')
-rwxr-xr-xbasicsuite/Media Player/ControlBar.qml285
1 files changed, 285 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/basicsuite/Media Player/ControlBar.qml b/basicsuite/Media Player/ControlBar.qml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1778728
--- /dev/null
+++ b/basicsuite/Media Player/ControlBar.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+import QtQuick 2.0
+import QtMultimedia 5.0
+Rectangle {
+ id: controlBar
+ height: 150
+ color: "#88333333"
+ property MediaPlayer mediaPlayer: null
+ property bool isMouseAbove: false
+ signal openFile()
+ signal openCamera()
+ signal openURL()
+ signal openFX()
+ signal toggleFullScreen()
+ state: "VISIBLE"
+ onMediaPlayerChanged: {
+ if (mediaPlayer === null)
+ return;
+ volumeControl.volume = mediaPlayer.volume;
+ }
+// MouseArea {
+// anchors.fill: controlBar
+// hoverEnabled: true
+// onEntered: controlBar.isMouseAbove = true;
+// onExited: controlBar.isMouseAbove = false;
+// }
+ function statusString(stat)
+ {
+ if (stat === MediaPlayer.NoMedia)
+ return "No Media";
+ else if (stat === MediaPlayer.Loading)
+ return "Loading";
+ else if (stat === MediaPlayer.Loaded)
+ return "Loaded";
+ else if (stat === MediaPlayer.Buffering)
+ return "Buffering";
+ else if (stat === MediaPlayer.Stalled)
+ return "Stalled";
+ else if (stat === MediaPlayer.Buffered)
+ return "Buffered";
+ else if (stat === MediaPlayer.EndOfMedia)
+ return "EndOfMedia";
+ else if (stat === MediaPlayer.InvalidMedia)
+ return "InvalidMedia";
+ else if (stat === MediaPlayer.UnknownStatus)
+ return "UnknownStatus";
+ }
+// Text {
+// id: statusText
+// anchors.left: parent.left
+// anchors.bottom:
+// anchors.bottomMargin: 12
+// font.pixelSize: 18
+// color: "white"
+// text: "Status: " + statusString(mediaPlayer.status)
+// }
+// Text {
+// anchors.verticalCenter: statusText.verticalCenter
+// anchors.left: statusText.right
+// anchors.leftMargin: 16
+// font.pixelSize: 18
+// color: "white"
+// text: Math.round(mediaPlayer.bufferProgress * 100.0) + "%"
+// }
+ VolumeControl {
+ id: volumeControl
+ anchors.verticalCenter: playbackControl.verticalCenter
+ anchors.left: controlBar.left
+ anchors.leftMargin: 15
+ onVolumeChanged: mediaPlayer.volume = volume
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ volumeControl.volume = 0.5;
+ }
+ Connections {
+ target: mediaPlayer
+ onVolumeChanged: volumeControl.volume = mediaPlayer.volume
+ }
+ }
+ //Playback Controls
+ PlaybackControl {
+ id: playbackControl
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: controlBar.horizontalCenter
+ anchors.bottom:
+ anchors.bottomMargin: 20
+ onPlayButtonPressed: {
+ if (isPlaying) {
+ mediaPlayer.pause();
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ onReverseButtonPressed: {
+ if (mediaPlayer.seekable) {
+ //Subtract 10 seconds
+ * 0.1)));
+ }
+ }
+ onForwardButtonPressed: {
+ if (mediaPlayer.seekable) {
+ //Add 10 seconds
+ * 0.1)));
+ }
+ }
+ onStopButtonPressed: mediaPlayer.stop();
+ }
+ //Toolbar Controls
+ Row {
+ id: toolbarMenuButtons
+ anchors.right: controlBar.right
+ anchors.rightMargin: 15
+ anchors.verticalCenter: playbackControl.verticalCenter
+ spacing: 22
+ ImageButton {
+ id: fxButton
+ imageSource: "images/FXButton.png"
+ checkable: true
+ checked: effectSelectionPanel.visible
+ onClicked: {
+ openFX();
+ }
+ }
+ ImageButton {
+ id: fileButton
+ imageSource: "images/FileButton.png"
+ onClicked: {
+ openFile();
+ }
+ }
+ ImageButton {
+ id: urlButton
+ imageSource: "images/UrlButton.png"
+ onClicked: {
+ openURL();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// ImageButton {
+// id: fullscreenButton
+// imageSource: "images/FullscreenButton.png"
+// onClicked: {
+// //Toggle fullscreen
+// toggleFullScreen();
+// }
+// checkable: true
+// checked: applicationWindow.isFullScreen
+// anchors.right: controlBar.right
+// anchors.rightMargin: 15
+// anchors.topMargin: 15
+// }
+ //Seek controls
+ SeekControl {
+ id: seekControl
+ anchors.bottom: controlBar.bottom
+ anchors.bottomMargin: 10
+ anchors.right: controlBar.right
+ anchors.left: controlBar.left
+ anchors.rightMargin: 15
+ anchors.leftMargin: 15
+ enabled: playbackControl.isPlaybackEnabled
+ duration: mediaPlayer.duration
+ onSeekValueChanged: {
+ position = mediaPlayer.position;
+ }
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ seekable = mediaPlayer.seekable;
+ }
+ }
+ Connections {
+ target: mediaPlayer
+ onPositionChanged: {
+ if (!seekControl.pressed) seekControl.position = mediaPlayer.position;
+ }
+ onStatusChanged: {
+ if ((mediaPlayer.status == MediaPlayer.Loaded) || (mediaPlayer.status == MediaPlayer.Buffered) || mediaPlayer.status === MediaPlayer.Buffering || mediaPlayer.status === MediaPlayer.EndOfMedia)
+ playbackControl.isPlaybackEnabled = true;
+ else
+ playbackControl.isPlaybackEnabled = false;
+ }
+ onPlaybackStateChanged: {
+ if (mediaPlayer.playbackState === MediaPlayer.PlayingState) {
+ playbackControl.isPlaying = true;
+ applicationWindow.resetTimer();
+ } else {
+ show();
+ playbackControl.isPlaying = false;
+ }
+ }
+ onSeekableChanged: {
+ // console.log("seekableChanged: " + mediaPlayer.seekable);
+ seekControl.seekable = mediaPlayer.seekable;
+ }
+ }
+ function hide() {
+ controlBar.state = "HIDDEN";
+ }
+ function show() {
+ controlBar.state = "VISIBLE";
+ }
+ //Usage: give the value you wish to modify position,
+ //returns a value between 0 and duration
+ function normalizeSeek(value) {
+ var newPosition = mediaPlayer.position + value;
+ if (newPosition < 0)
+ newPosition = 0;
+ else if (newPosition > mediaPlayer.duration)
+ newPosition = mediaPlayer.duration;
+ return newPosition;
+ }
+ states: [
+ State {
+ name: "HIDDEN"
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: controlBar
+ opacity: 0.0
+ }
+ },
+ State {
+ name: "VISIBLE"
+ PropertyChanges {
+ target: controlBar
+ opacity: 0.95
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ transitions: [
+ Transition {
+ from: "HIDDEN"
+ to: "VISIBLE"
+ NumberAnimation {
+ id: showAnimation
+ target: controlBar
+ properties: "opacity"
+ from: 0.0
+ to: 1.0
+ duration: 200
+ }
+ },
+ Transition {
+ from: "VISIBLE"
+ to: "HIDDEN"
+ NumberAnimation {
+ id: hideAnimation
+ target: controlBar
+ properties: "opacity"
+ from: 0.95
+ to: 0.0
+ duration: 200
+ }
+ }
+ ]