import QtQuick 2.0 Column { id: root width: parent.width spacing: engine.smallFontSize() Title { id: title text: "Boot to Qt" } ContentText { id: brief width: parent.width text: '

Boot to Qt is the working name for a light-weight UI stack for embedded linux, based on the Qt Framework by Digia. Boot to Qt places Qt on top of an Android kernel/baselayer and offers an elegant means of developing beautiful and performant embedded devices.

Boot to Qt is a commercial-only SDK offering which includes a ready-made stack with full Qt Creator integration. The SDK allows building and running on device with just a button. Embedded development has never been this easy!' } Column { id: diagram spacing: 1 width: parent.width * 0.5 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter Box { text: "Application"; accentColor: "coral" } Box { text: "Qt Framework"; accentColor: Qt.rgba(0.64, 0.82, 0.15) } Box { text: "Android Baselayer"; accentColor: "steelblue" } Box { text: "Embedded Hardware"; accentColor: "steelblue"} } ContentText { id: description width: parent.width text: '

Boot to Qt runs on top of Android 4.0 based kernels and has been tested and verified on a number of different hardware configurations, including:

Rough minimal requirements for running Boot to Qt are: ' } }