QT += quick CONFIG += c++11 TARGET = ebike # The following define makes your compiler emit warnings if you use # any feature of Qt which as been marked deprecated (the exact warnings # depend on your compiler). Please consult the documentation of the # deprecated API in order to know how to port your code away from it. DEFINES += QT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS # You can also make your code fail to compile if you use deprecated APIs. # In order to do so, uncomment the following line. # You can also select to disable deprecated APIs only up to a certain version of Qt. #DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0 include(../shared/shared.pri) b2qtdemo_deploy_defaults() content.files = \ qtquickcontrols2.conf \ main.qml \ NaviPage.qml \ StatsPage.qml \ MainPage.qml \ SpeedView.qml \ StatsBox.qml \ NaviBox.qml \ LightsBox.qml \ ModeBox.qml \ ClockView.qml \ MusicPlayer.qml \ ConfigurationDrawer.qml \ IconifiedTabButton.qml \ GeneralTab.qml \ ColumnSpacer.qml \ BikeInfoTab.qml \ TripChart.qml \ FpsItem.qml \ NaviGuide.qml \ NaviTripInfo.qml \ ViewTab.qml \ moment.js \ StatsRow.qml \ ConfigurationItem.qml \ NaviButton.qml \ ToggleSwitch.qml \ mostrecent.bson content.path = $$DESTPATH style.files = \ BikeStyle/Colors.qml \ BikeStyle/qmldir \ BikeStyle/UILayout.qml images.files = \ images/lights_off.png \ images/lights_on.png \ images/map-marker.png \ images/trip.png \ images/calories.png \ images/nextsong.png \ images/nextsong_pressed.png \ images/play.png \ images/play_pressed.png \ images/prevsong.png \ images/prevsong_pressed.png \ images/speed.png \ images/battery.png \ images/assist.png \ images/arrow_left.png \ images/top_curtain_drag.png \ images/spinner.png \ images/checkmark.png \ images/nav_left.png \ images/nav_right.png \ images/nav_straight.png \ images/small_speedometer_arrow.png \ images/map_locate.png \ images/map_zoomin.png \ images/map_zoomout.png \ images/info.png \ images/info_selected.png \ images/list.png \ images/list_selected.png \ images/settings.png \ images/settings_selected.png \ images/curtain_up_arrow.png \ images/search.png \ images/search_cancel.png \ images/fps_icon.png \ images/arrow_right.png \ images/curtain_shadow_handle.png \ images/map_btn_shadow.png \ images/map_destination.png \ images/map_location_arrow.png \ images/small_speedometer_shadow.png \ images/navigation_widget_shadow.png \ images/small_input_box_shadow.png \ images/nav_bear_l.png \ images/nav_bear_r.png \ images/nav_hard_l.png \ images/nav_hard_r.png \ images/nav_light_left.png \ images/nav_light_right.png \ images/nav_nodir.png \ images/nav_uturn_l.png \ images/nav_uturn_r.png \ images/pause.png \ images/pause_pressed.png \ images/ok.png \ images/warning.png \ images/bike-battery.png \ images/bike-brakes.png \ images/bike-chain.png \ images/bike-frontwheel.png \ images/bike-gears.png \ images/bike-rearwheel.png \ images/bike-light.png \ images/blue_circle_gps_area.png OTHER_FILES += $${images.files} INSTALLS += images images.path = $$DESTPATH/images export(images.files) export(images.path) OTHER_FILES += $${style.files} INSTALLS += style style.path = $$DESTPATH/BikeStyle export(style.files) export(style.path) export(OTHER_FILES) export(INSTALLS) OTHER_FILES += $${content.files} INSTALLS += target content