/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2014 Digia Plc ** All rights reserved. ** For any questions to Digia, please use contact form at http://qt.digia.com ** ** This file is part of the QtQuick Enterprise Controls Add-on. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE$ ** Licensees holding valid Qt Commercial licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and Digia. ** ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please use ** contact form at http://qt.digia.com ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ import QtQuick 2.0 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 import QtQuick.Controls 1.0 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.0 import QtQuick.Controls.Private 1.0 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.0 import QtQuick.Enterprise.Controls 1.1 import QtQuick.Enterprise.Controls.Styles 1.1 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0 import QtQuick.Window 2.1 Rectangle { id: root objectName: "window" visible: true width: 480 height: 800 color: "#161616" //title: "QtQuick Enterprise Controls Demo" function toPixels(percentage) { return percentage * Math.min(root.width, root.height); } property bool isScreenPortrait: height > width property color lightFontColor: "#222" property color darkFontColor: "#e7e7e7" readonly property color lightBackgroundColor: "#cccccc" readonly property color darkBackgroundColor: "#161616" property real customizerPropertySpacing: 10 property real colorPickerRowSpacing: 8 property Component circularGauge: CircularGaugeView {} property Component dial: ControlView { darkBackground: false control: Column { id: dialColumn width: controlBounds.width height: controlBounds.height - spacing spacing: root.toPixels(0.05) Column { id: volumeColumn width: parent.width height: (dialColumn.height - dialColumn.spacing) / 2 spacing: height * 0.025 Dial { id: volumeDial width: parent.width height: volumeColumn.height - volumeText.height - volumeColumn.spacing /*! Determines whether the dial animates its rotation to the new value when a single click or touch is received on the dial. */ property bool animate: customizerItem.animate Behavior on value { enabled: volumeDial.animate && !volumeDial.pressed NumberAnimation { duration: 300 easing.type: Easing.OutSine } } } ControlLabel { id: volumeText text: "Volume" anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } } Column { id: trebleColumn width: parent.width height: (dialColumn.height - dialColumn.spacing) / 2 spacing: height * 0.025 Dial { id: dial2 width: parent.width height: trebleColumn.height - trebleText.height - trebleColumn.spacing stepSize: 1 maximumValue: 10 style: DialStyle { labelInset: outerRadius * 0 } } ControlLabel { id: trebleText text: "Treble" anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } } } customizer: Column { spacing: customizerPropertySpacing property alias animate: animateCheckBox.checked CustomizerLabel { text: "Animate" } CustomizerSwitch { id: animateCheckBox } } } property Component delayButton: ControlView { darkBackground: false control: DelayButton { text: "Alarm" anchors.centerIn: parent width: toPixels(0.3) height: width } } property Component gauge: ControlView { id: gaugeView control: Gauge { id: gauge width: orientation === Qt.Vertical ? gaugeView.controlBounds.height * 0.3 : gaugeView.controlBounds.width height: orientation === Qt.Vertical ? gaugeView.controlBounds.height : gaugeView.controlBounds.height * 0.3 anchors.centerIn: parent minimumValue: 0 value: customizerItem.value maximumValue: 100 orientation: customizerItem.orientationFlag ? Qt.Vertical : Qt.Horizontal tickmarkAlignment: orientation === Qt.Vertical ? (customizerItem.alignFlag ? Qt.AlignLeft : Qt.AlignRight) : (customizerItem.alignFlag ? Qt.AlignTop : Qt.AlignBottom) } customizer: Column { spacing: customizerPropertySpacing property alias value: valueSlider.value property alias orientationFlag: orientationCheckBox.checked property alias alignFlag: alignCheckBox.checked CustomizerLabel { text: "Value" } CustomizerSlider { id: valueSlider minimumValue: 0 value: 50 maximumValue: 100 } CustomizerLabel { text: "Vertical orientation" } CustomizerSwitch { id: orientationCheckBox checked: true } CustomizerLabel { text: controlItem.orientation === Qt.Vertical ? "Left align" : "Top align" } CustomizerSwitch { id: alignCheckBox checked: true } } } property Component toggleButton: ControlView { darkBackground: false control: ToggleButton { text: checked ? "On" : "Off" width: toPixels(0.3) height: width anchors.centerIn: parent } } property Component pieMenu: PieMenuControlView {} property Component statusIndicator: ControlView { id: statusIndicatorView darkBackground: false Timer { id: recordingFlashTimer running: true repeat: true interval: 1000 } ColumnLayout { id: indicatorLayout width: statusIndicatorView.controlBounds.width * 0.25 height: statusIndicatorView.controlBounds.height * 0.75 anchors.centerIn: parent Repeater { model: ListModel { id: indicatorModel ListElement { name: "Power" indicatorColor: "green" } ListElement { name: "Recording" indicatorColor: "red" } } ColumnLayout { Layout.preferredWidth: indicatorLayout.width // Layout.preferredHeight: indicatorLayout.height * 0.25 spacing: 0 StatusIndicator { id: indicator color: indicatorColor Layout.preferredWidth: statusIndicatorView.controlBounds.width * 0.07 Layout.preferredHeight: Layout.preferredWidth Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter on: true Connections { target: recordingFlashTimer onTriggered: if (name == "Recording") indicator.on = !indicator.on } } ControlLabel { id: indicatorLabel text: name // elide: Text.ElideRight Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter Layout.maximumWidth: parent.width horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter } } } } } FontLoader { id: openSans Component.onCompleted: { // QTBUG-35909 if (Qt.platform.os === "ios") name = "Open Sans" else source = "fonts/OpenSans-Regular.ttf" } } property var componentMap: { "CircularGauge": circularGauge, "DelayButton": delayButton, "Dial": dial, "Gauge": gauge, "PieMenu": pieMenu, "StatusIndicator": statusIndicator, "ToggleButton": toggleButton } StackView { id: stackView anchors.fill: parent initialItem: ListView { model: ListModel { ListElement { title: "CircularGauge" } ListElement { title: "DelayButton" } ListElement { title: "Dial" } ListElement { title: "Gauge" } // ListElement { // title: "PieMenu" // } ListElement { title: "StatusIndicator" } ListElement { title: "ToggleButton" } } delegate: Button { width: stackView.width height: root.height * 0.125 text: title Image { source: "images/icon-go.png" anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: 30 } style: BlackButtonStyle { fontColor: root.darkFontColor } onClicked: { if (stackView.depth == 1) { // Only push the control view if we haven't already pushed it... stackView.push({item: componentMap[title]}); stackView.currentItem.forceActiveFocus(); } } } } } }