This project contains quick tour of Qt 5.0, primarily focusing on its graphical capabilities. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Requirements: - Qt 5, including QtDeclarative, QtGraphicalEffects and QtMultimedia. Commercial URL: Open Source URL: - The QML Presentation System: URL: git: git clone - A movie file called '' in the same directory as the main.qml file. The demo will run without, but the Video slide will not show anything. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running: To run the demo, start it using the Qt Quick 2.0 'qmlscene' tool. > qmlscene main.qml The demo includes a slightly fancy fullscreen gradient and a rather computationally intensive drop shadow which can be too much for low-end GPUs. On these systems, one could try to use the 'lofi' launcher instead. > qmlscene main_lofi.qml It is possible to tweak the parameters of the main file also. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Troubleshooting: For a -developer-build of Qt, the webkit plugin and QtWebProcess will be located inside the qtwebkit module, rather than inside QtBase, the plugin must be added to the QML import path and the path to QtWebProcess must be added to PATH for the demo to run. The slides have been written for the resolution 1280x720. When resized some of the spacing and content will look a bit odd. Any patches to fix this will be welcomed :)