TEMPLATE = app QT += \ bluetooth \ core \ charts \ gui \ network \ qml \ quick \ widgets CONFIG += c++11 DEFINES += QT_NO_FOREACH # Specify UI layout to use: UI_SMALL or UI_WATCH DEFINES += UI_SMALL # To overcome the bug QTBUG-58648, uncomment this define # Needed at least for RPi3 and iMX #CONFIG += DEPLOY_TO_FS win32|linux|android:!qnx { CONFIG += BLUETOOTH_HOST } else { message(Unsupported target platform) } # For using MQTT upload enable this config. # This enables both, host and client mode CONFIG += UPDATE_TO_MQTT_BROKER # For using Azure cloud connectivity enable # this config. This enabled both, host and # client mode # CONFIG += UPDATE_TO_AZURE win32:!contains(CONFIG, UPDATE_TO_MQTT_BROKER) { WASTORAGE_PATH = $$(WASTORAGE_LOCATION) isEmpty(WASTORAGE_PATH): message("Location for Azure Storage libs unknown. Please specify WASTORAGE_LOCATION") CPPRESTSDK_PATH = $$(CPPRESTSDK_LOCATION) isEmpty(CPPRESTSDK_PATH): message("Location for CppRest library unknown. Please specify CPPREST_LOCATION") INCLUDEPATH += $$WASTORAGE_PATH/build/native/include \ $$WASTORAGE_PATH/build/native/include/was \ $$WASTORAGE_PATH/build/native/include/wascore \ $$CPPRESTSDK_PATH/build/native/include LIBS += -L$$WASTORAGE_PATH/lib/native/v140/Win32/Release } SOURCES += main.cpp \ mockdataprovider.cpp \ sensortagdataprovider.cpp \ clouddataprovider.cpp \ dataproviderpool.cpp \ clouddataproviderpool.cpp \ seriesstorage.cpp \ mockdataproviderpool.cpp HEADERS += \ sensortagdataprovider.h \ mockdataprovider.h \ clouddataprovider.h \ cloudservice.h \ dataproviderpool.h \ clouddataproviderpool.h \ bluetoothapiconstants.h \ seriesstorage.h \ mockdataproviderpool.h BLUETOOTH_HOST { DEFINES += RUNS_AS_HOST SOURCES += \ sensortagdataproviderpool.cpp \ bluetoothdataprovider.cpp \ demodataproviderpool.cpp \ serviceinfo.cpp \ bluetoothdevice.cpp HEADERS += \ sensortagdataproviderpool.h \ bluetoothdataprovider.h \ demodataproviderpool.h \ serviceinfo.h \ bluetoothdevice.h } UPDATE_TO_MQTT_BROKER { CONFIG -= UPDATE_TO_AZURE !qtHaveModule(mqtt): error("Could not find MQTT module for Qt version") QT += mqtt DEFINES += MQTT_UPLOAD SOURCES += mqttupdate.cpp \ mqttdataproviderpool.cpp \ mqttdataprovider.cpp HEADERS += mqttupdate.h \ mqttdataproviderpool.h \ mqttdataprovider.h } UPDATE_TO_AZURE { SOURCES += cloudupdate.cpp HEADERS += cloudupdate.h DEFINES += AZURE_UPLOAD # For Azure libs win32 { LIBS += -lwastorage } else { LIBS += -lboost_system -lcrypto -lssl -lcpprest -lazurestorage QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fpermissive QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fexceptions } QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_EXCEPTIONS_OFF = } RESOURCES += base.qrc android: ANDROID_PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR = $$PWD/android-sources contains(DEFINES, UI_SMALL) { !DEPLOY_TO_FS: RESOURCES += uismall.qrc uiVariant.files = resources/small } else:contains(DEFINES, UI_WATCH) { !DEPLOY_TO_FS: RESOURCES += uiwatch.qrc uiVariant.files = resources/watch } else: error("No layout specified") uiVariant.path = /opt/$${TARGET}/resources # Additional import path used to resolve QML modules in Qt Creator's code model QML_IMPORT_PATH = # Default rules for deployment. qnx: target.path = /tmp/$${TARGET}/bin else: unix:!android: target.path = /opt/$${TARGET} !isEmpty(target.path): INSTALLS += target DISTFILES += \ android-sources/AndroidManifest.xml DEPLOY_TO_FS { message("Files will be deployed to the file system") DEFINES += DEPLOY_TO_FS baseFiles.files = resources/base baseFiles.path = /opt/$${TARGET}/resources INSTALLS += baseFiles uiVariant }