requires(linux:!android|win32|osx) requires(!winrt) TEMPLATE = subdirs include(config.pri) SUBDIRS += plugins SUBDIRS += doc copydata.file = copydata.depends = plugins # HACK: CI does not have appman in dependency list, which is why # we are not building the executable to avoid failing integration tests. qtHaveModule(appman_main-private) { have_appman="found" SUBDIRS += src copydata.depends += src } else { have_appman="not found (custom executable will not be built)") } log("$$escape_expand(\\n)Checking for QtApplicationManager: $$have_appman $$escape_expand(\\n\\n)") SUBDIRS += copydata # Install all required files qml.files = apps imports sysui examples styles am-config.yaml Main.qml qml.path = $$INSTALL_PREFIX/neptune-ui INSTALLS += qml OTHER_FILES += $$files($$PWD/*.qml, true) OTHER_FILES += $$PWD/ PLUGINS_DIR = $$OUT_PWD/qml QMAKE_SUBSTITUTES += $$PWD/