TEMPLATE = lib TARGET = qmldatasources QT += qml quick sql CONFIG += qt plugin # Add a long padded rpath, so the installer can replace it with a relative rpath QMAKE_RPATHDIR += "$$INSTALL_PREFIX/long_padding/long_padding/long_padding/long_padding/long_padding\ long_padding/long_padding/long_padding/long_padding/long_padding/long_padding/" TARGET = $$qtLibraryTarget($$TARGET) uri = com.pelagicore.datasource # Input SOURCES += \ sqlquerydatasource.cpp \ plugin.cpp \ sqlquerymodel.cpp \ sqltablemodel.cpp \ sqltabledatasource.cpp HEADERS += \ sqlquerydatasource.h \ plugin.h \ sqlquerymodel.h \ sqltablemodel.h \ sqltabledatasource.h OTHER_FILES = qmldir isEmpty(INSTALL_PREFIX) { INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt } !equals(_PRO_FILE_PWD_, $$OUT_PWD) { copy_qmldir.target = $$replace(OUT_PWD, /, $$QMAKE_DIR_SEP)$${QMAKE_DIR_SEP}qmldir copy_qmldir.depends = $$replace(_PRO_FILE_PWD_, /, $$QMAKE_DIR_SEP)$${QMAKE_DIR_SEP}qmldir copy_qmldir.commands = $(COPY_FILE) \"$$copy_qmldir.depends\" \"$$copy_qmldir.target\" QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += copy_qmldir PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$copy_qmldir.target } qmldir.files = qmldir installPath = $$INSTALL_PREFIX/neptune/imports/shared/$$replace(uri, \\., /) qmldir.path = $$installPath target.path = $$installPath INSTALLS += target qmldir