diff options
authorSven Kroemeke <skroemeke@luxoft.com>2019-02-06 10:29:35 +0100
committerBramastyo Harimukti Santoso <bramastyo.harimukti.santoso@pelagicore.com>2019-02-18 06:33:30 +0000
commit82d732323330e6b2d57ca4edc752d78eaf0748b3 (patch)
parent219bd36553288045b0c6c31ea8f1de3b7c18c151 (diff)
[doc] added squish documentation
The initial commit for Squish integration documentation. It covers some basics yet, how to run and setup using IDE and a target. Task-number: AUTOSUITE-744 Change-Id: I1e7e8c269c9269cdbcad5c206367aa5c809ce36d Reviewed-by: Kavindra Palaraja <kpalaraja@luxoft.com> Reviewed-by: Bramastyo Harimukti Santoso <bramastyo.harimukti.santoso@pelagicore.com>
3 files changed, 277 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/src/neptune3ui-external-pages.qdoc b/doc/src/neptune3ui-external-pages.qdoc
index 1b3e1892..c65a7674 100644
--- a/doc/src/neptune3ui-external-pages.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/neptune3ui-external-pages.qdoc
@@ -145,3 +145,23 @@
\externalpage https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qt3d-index.html
\title Qt 3D
+ \externalpage https://www.yoctoproject.org/
+ \title Yocto
+ \externalpage https://www.froglogic.com/
+ \title Froglogic
+ \externalpage https://www.froglogic.com/squish/
+ \title Squish
+ \externalpage https://doc.qt.io/QtQmlLive/index.html
+ \title Qt QmlLive
diff --git a/doc/src/neptune3ui-testing-squish.qdoc b/doc/src/neptune3ui-testing-squish.qdoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..102714d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/src/neptune3ui-testing-squish.qdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2019 Luxoft Sweden AB
+** This file is part of the Neptune 3 IVI UI.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt Automotive Suite licenses may use
+** this file in accordance with the commercial license agreement provided
+** with the Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms
+** contained in a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For
+** licensing terms and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions.
+** For further information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us.
+** GNU Free Documentation License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free
+** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of
+** this file. Please review the following information to ensure
+** the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 requirements
+** will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl-1.3.html.
+ \page neptune3ui-testing-squish.html
+ \title Neptune 3 UI - Squish Automated UI testing
+ \brief How to use Squish within Neptune 3 UI
+ \l{Squish} is a commercial product from \l{Froglogic}
+ which is used for automated GUI testing.
+ The goals of tests and their setup are:
+ \list
+ \li Provide a basic set of scripts for \l{Neptune 3 UI}, \l{Qt QmlLive}, and
+ \l{Qt Application Manager} for \e{smoke testing} on a CI.
+ \li Document any specifics in \l{Qt Automotive Suite}, especially the multi-processing
+ aspect of it, a user should pay attention to when it comes to automated
+ UI testing with Squish.
+ \li Provide reference scripts as a part of Neptune 3 UI.
+ \li Enable developers working with UI, in the \l{Qt Automotive Suite}, to
+ write their own tests if needed.
+ \endlist
+ The basic prerequisite to use the tests provided are:
+ \list
+ \li \l{Qt Automotive Suite}
+ \li Squish installed on the test machine
+ \endlist
+ \note Squish and the accompanying license must be obtained from \l{Froglogic}.
+ \section1 Set Up Your Test Environment
+ Squish can be either run within an IDE or
+ as a service. The IDE is available on most developers' platforms, the service program
+ called \c squishserver is either distributed with the IDE or it can be adapted
+ from an embedded source package, which can run on
+ different platforms and is also provided as download from \l{Froglogic}.
+ The \e{target} referenced embedded system is a \l{Yocto} Linux x64 build
+ which can be installed within the Qt Automotive Suite as "Intel NUC".
+ Tests are provided in \c squishtest sub folder in Neptune 3 UI and can be imported
+ as suite directly into Squish IDE.
+ \section2 Application(s) Under Test (AUTs)
+ Whether you use the Squish IDE or \e squishserver, you must define all
+ of the AUTs, which also includes all sub processes that are called from
+ within the Neptune3 UI application. For multi-process each of the Neptune3
+ apps (see \l{Neptune 3 UI - Application Development}) run as a
+ \e{appman-launcher-qml} process (\l{Qt Application Manager}). To distinguish
+ and attach to these processes you need to use the \e{Squish hook plugin}
+ that extends Squish's attachable AUT feature. The \c server.ini file has
+ to be adapted to point to where the Neptune3 UI and other AUTs are located.
+ Because in multi-process all Neptune3 apps must be connected via the attachable
+ AUT feature of Squish,
+ they must be defined as attachable AUTs with a corresponding port number.
+ For each Neptune3 app (as attachable AUT) the port in the \c server.ini has
+ to match the port defined in its \c{info.yaml} manifest file as \e{squishPort} property
+ (the Neptune3 apps and their manifest files are located in \c {neptune3/apps}).
+ To run the tests directly from the IDE it is possible and
+ recommended to change and add AUTs and attachable AUTs with port number from
+ inside the IDE.
+ For more details, see \l{https://doc.froglogic.com/squish/latest/rg-ini-files.html}{Squish
+ Initialization Files}.
+ \badcode
+AUT/NeptuneControlApp = "/home/user/install/neptune3"
+AUT/RemoteSettingsServer = "/home/user/install/neptune3"
+AUT/appman = "/home/user/qt/bin"
+AUT/appman-launcher-qml = "/home/user/qt/bin"
+AUT/neptune3-ui = "/home/user/install/neptune3"
+ApplicationPaths = "/home/user/qt/bin,"
+attachableAUT/RemoteSettingsServer = "localhost:5985"
+attachableAUT/neptune3-ui = "localhost:3334"
+attachableAUT/appman = "localhost:7777"
+attachableAUT/app_appstore = "localhost:7720"
+attachableAUT/app_calendar = "localhost:7721"
+attachableAUT/app_climate = "localhost:7722"
+attachableAUT/app_cluster = "localhost:7723"
+attachableAUT/app_downloads = "localhost:7724"
+attachableAUT/app_hud = "localhost:7725"
+attachableAUT/app_map = "localhost:7726"
+attachableAUT/app_music = "localhost:7727"
+attachableAUT/app_phone = "localhost:7728"
+attachableAUT/app_settings = "localhost:7729"
+attachableAUT/app_sheets = "localhost:7730"
+attachableAUT/app_tuner = "localhost:7731"
+attachableAUT/app_vehicle = "localhost:7732"
+ \endcode
+ \note Different Qt versions
+ If the Qt version for Squish release differs from the Qt version
+ used in Neptune3 UI (currently 5.12), when the tests start, you may notice a warning
+ in the logs from \c squishserver indicating that: \br
+ "\c{Loaded Qt version 5.xx differs from Squish/Qt expected version 5.yy,
+ automating this AUT may not work.}"\br
+ In this case, you need to copy the following Qt libraries from your
+ installation folder to Squish's installation library folder:
+ \e{libQt5Widgets.so}, \e{libQt5QuickWidgets.so}
+ \section2 D-BUS
+ Neptune 3 UI needs a D-Bus session, on Linux this can be achieved by running
+ \badcode
+export $(dbus-launch)
+ \endcode
+ before starting the IDE. In case of a target installation this should already be
+ included during the boot process.
+ \section1 Squish from Command Line or on Target
+ After setting up the test environment there is the option to run tests via IDE,
+ command line, or as a service such as a \c systemd service (recommended)
+ for the target \l{Yocto} environment.
+ Remember to use a D-Bus session beforehand, this is how Neptune 3 UI communicates
+ with its sub processes.
+ For simple cases, normally, you can use a server, \c squishserver, to run the
+ tests and a client, \c squishrunner, that can request the server to run these
+ test cases and return their results.
+ The AUT is on the server side, the test cases are transmitted from \c squishrunner
+ to \c squishserver, they need not be stored on the testing machine.
+ In the IDE case when performing tests, both (\c squishserver and
+ \c squishrunner) are executed seamlessly on the same machine.
+ When you use the the command line, start the server first before the clients.
+ Ensure that all IP addresses for \c squishrunner are able to connect to
+ \c squishserver. On the \c squishserver, this is stored in
+ \c $SQUISH_DIR/etc/squishserverrc. Make sure that the IP ranges match,
+ \e{localhost} is always valid.
+ The server starts with (\c squishserver also has a default port)
+ \badcode
+$SQUISH_DIR/bin/squishserver --port 3333
+ \endcode
+ Change directory to the \c squishtest path in your Neptune 3 UI installation,
+ and run a single test case by
+ \badcode
+$SQUISH_DIR/bin/squishrunner --host SQUISH_SERVER_IP --port 3333 --testsuite suite_neptune3 --testcase tst_popup_climate
+ \endcode
+ The test cases / suites on a client are executed and the results returned.
+ \section1 Squish on Target (Yocto) Environment
+ You can add a test environment on target hardware with Neptune 3 UI installed.
+ As mentioned before, for a Yocto environment a custom \c squishserver needs to be created using
+ the Yocto SDK, and a squish-embedded source package can also be downloaded
+ from \l{Froglogic} website. A binary desktop Squish
+ installation is also needed to use the \c squishidl command yet.
+ \section2 Creating a Custom (Yocto) Squishserver
+ The Yocto environment is a x64 Linux but unlike a standard ubuntu x64 version,
+ libraries in Yocto are stored in \c /lib64 versus \c /lib .
+ Download and install Yocto SDK separately or use it from your Qt Automotive Suite installation
+ (Qt Automotive Suite, Intel NUC).
+ Then download squish-embedded source package \c squish-x.x.x-qt-embedded-src.tar.gz from
+ the \l{Froglogic} website.
+ To enable cross compiling do
+ \badcode
+source <SDK-install-location>/environment-setup-corei7-64-poky-linux
+ \endcode
+ and then change directory to where the squish-embedded source package is (\c SQUISH_DIR is where the
+ installation of the binary desktop edition is stored):
+ \badcode
+mkdir -p yocto/build && cd yocto/build
+ \endcode
+ then run
+ \badcode
+../../configure --with-qmake=<SDK-install-location>/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/bin/qmake --enable-qmake-config --with-squishidl=$SQUISH_DIR/bin/squishidl --disable-all --enable-qt --enable-server
+ \endcode
+ followed by
+ \badcode
+ \endcode
+ create a destination dir
+ \badcode
+mkdir ../install
+ \endcode
+ build install into it, and create an archive to be better transferable and storable (use same version as squish)
+ \badcode
+./build install DESTDIR=../install && tar cfz ../squish-x.x.x-qt-yocto.tgz ../install
+ \endcode
+ \section2 Install and Set Up Custom Yocto Squishserver on Target Hardware
+ The affected directory structure on the Neptune 3 target is
+ \badcode
+ \endcode
+ \list
+ \li \c squish.x.x.x-qt.yocto.tgz should be unpacked into \c /opt/squish-for-qt-x.x.x
+ Adapt version, this is \c $SQUISH_DIR .
+ \li edit \c $SQUISH_DIR/etc/squishserverrc to match your network arrangements.
+ \li put your license key into \c /home/root
+ \li transfer the \c $USER\.squish configuration files from your working, such as created from the IDE, and adapt the
+ paths to Neptune 3 UI installation (\c /opt/ ).
+ Files covered are: \c server.ini and \c paths.ini in sub folder \c .squish/ver1/ , also look again at
+ \l{https://doc.froglogic.com/squish/latest/rg-ini-files.html}{Squish initialization files}.
+ \endlist
+ \note Tests cannot be performed while Neptune 3 UI is running. You need to make
+ sure that the \c neptune3-ui process is terminated, prior to running the tests.
+ Also note that before you start \c squishserver you
+ need to get a D-Bus session by running either
+ \badcode
+export $(dbus-launch)
+ \endcode
+ on the console, or for an automatic start-up to use a D-Bus enabled
+ \c systemd \c squishserver service.
diff --git a/doc/src/neptune3ui-topics.qdocinc b/doc/src/neptune3ui-topics.qdocinc
index f84e219e..1ca7dab5 100644
--- a/doc/src/neptune3ui-topics.qdocinc
+++ b/doc/src/neptune3ui-topics.qdocinc
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
\li \l {Neptune 3 UI - System UI}{System UI}
\li \l {Neptune 3 UI - System Dialog}{System Dialog}
\li \l {Neptune 3 UI - Remote Settings Server}{Remote Settings Server}
+ \li \l {Neptune 3 UI - Squish Automated UI testing}{Squish Automated UI testing}
\section2 Application Insights