TEMPLATE = aux # On a debug_and_release configuration, do the copying in the meta Makefile, not in the respective debug and release Makefiles if(!debug_and_release | !build_pass) { # Copy all QML files during the build time DIRECTORIES = apps dev/apps imports_shared imports_system sysui styles FILES = am-config-neptune.yaml am-config-lucee.yaml Main.qml server.conf for (d , DIRECTORIES) { win32: do_copydata.commands += $(COPY_DIR) $$shell_path($$PWD/$${d}) $$shell_path($$OUT_PWD/$${d}) $$escape_expand(\n\t) else: do_copydata.commands += $(COPY_DIR) $$shell_path($$PWD/$${d}) $$shell_path($$OUT_PWD) $$escape_expand(\n\t) } for (f , FILES) { do_copydata.commands += $(COPY) $$shell_path($$PWD/$${f}) $$shell_path($$OUT_PWD/$${f}) $$escape_expand(\n\t) } first.depends = do_copydata !equals(PWD, $$OUT_PWD):QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += first do_copydata }