requires(linux|android|macos|win32:!winrt) QT_FOR_CONFIG += ivicore !qtHaveModule(ivicore)|!qtConfig(ivigenerator) { log("$$escape_expand(\\n\\n) *** No ivigenerator available: Make sure QtIvi is installed and configured correctly ***$$escape_expand(\\n\\n)") CONFIG += no_ivigenerator_available } requires(!no_ivigenerator_available) requires(qtHaveModule(appman_main-private)) !qtHaveModule(qtsaferenderer)|load(qtsaferenderer-tools):!qtsaferenderer-tools-available { log("$$escape_expand(\\n\\n) *** The qtsaferenderer module or tools are not available: Make sure that QtSafeRenderer is installed and configured correctly ***$$escape_expand(\\n\\n)") } !qtHaveModule(studio3d){ log("$$escape_expand(\\n\\n)[Warning] The studio3d optional module is not available. $$escape_expand(\\n)[Warning] Neptune 3 UI can't show some 3D content made with Qt 3D Studio without this module.$$escape_expand(\\n)[Warning] To show this content install the ogl-runtime.$$escape_expand(\\n\\n)") } enable-examples { NEPTUNE3-UI_BUILD_PARTS = $$QT_BUILD_PARTS NEPTUNE3-UI_BUILD_PARTS *= examples } enable-tests { NEPTUNE3-UI_BUILD_PARTS = $$QT_BUILD_PARTS NEPTUNE3-UI_BUILD_PARTS *= tests } load(qt_parts) include(config.pri) SUBDIRS += plugins SUBDIRS += doc copydata.file = copydata.depends += sub_src copydata.depends += plugins SUBDIRS += copydata android: INSTALL_PATH = $$INSTALL_PREFIX else: INSTALL_PATH = $$INSTALL_PREFIX/neptune3 # Install all required files qml.files = apps dev/apps imports_shared imports_system sysui styles Main.qml \ am-config-neptune.yaml am-config-lucee.yaml am-config-android.yaml qml.path = $$INSTALL_PATH INSTALLS += qml win32: server.files = win32/server.conf else: server.files = server.conf server.path = $$INSTALL_PATH INSTALLS += server OTHER_FILES += $$files($$PWD/*.qml, true) OTHER_FILES += $$files($$PWD/*.qmldir, true) OTHER_FILES += .qmake.conf OTHER_FILES += $$files($$PWD/squishtests/*, true) OTHER_FILES += $$files($$PWD/qmake-features/*, true) # mainly a hint for Qt Creator QML_IMPORT_PATH += imports_shared imports_system sysui