VERSION = 5.15.1 TARGET = neptune-companion-app DESTDIR = $$BUILD_DIR QT += quick ivicore ivimedia CONFIG += c++11 macos: CONFIG -= app_bundle include($$SOURCE_DIR/config.pri) load(gitUtils.prf) DEFINES *= "NEPTUNE_COMPANION_APP_VERSION=$$VERSION" DEFINES *= NEPTUNE_GIT_REVISION=\""\\\"$$currentGitRevision()\\\""\" LIBS += -L$$LIB_DESTDIR -l$$qtLibraryTarget(remotesettings) INCLUDEPATH += $$OUT_PWD/../frontend SOURCES += main.cpp \ client.cpp RESOURCES += qml.qrc \ app.qrc target.path = $$INSTALL_PREFIX/neptune3 INSTALLS += target win32 { wrapper.files = neptune-companion-app_wrapper.bat wrapper.path = $$INSTALL_PREFIX/neptune3 INSTALLS += wrapper } QMAKE_RPATHDIR += $$QMAKE_REL_RPATH_BASE/$$relative_path($$INSTALL_PREFIX/neptune3/lib, $$INSTALL_PREFIX/neptune3/) #needed for the android deployment to include additional qml plugins QML_IMPORT_PATH += $$BUILD_DIR/imports_shared_cpp android: QT += remoteobjects HEADERS += \ client.h