include(qmllive.pri) !minQtVersion(5, 1, 1):error("You need at least Qt 5.1.1 to build this application") TEMPLATE = subdirs SUBDIRS += \ src \ # tests exists($(QTDIR)/bin/qdoc3) { exists($(QTDIR)/bin/qhelpgenerator) { message ("Using qdoc/qhelpgenerator in QTDIR for generating docs") QDOC = $(QTDIR)/bin/qdoc3 QHELPGENERATOR = $(QTDIR)/bin/qhelpgenerator } else { message ("Trying to use system qdoc/qhelpgenerator for generating docs") QDOC = qdoc3 QHELPGENERATOR = qhelpgenerator } } else { message ("Trying to use system qdoc/qhelpgenerator for generating docs") QDOC = qdoc3 QHELPGENERATOR = qhelpgenerator } html-docs.files = $$PWD/doc/html html-docs.commands = $$QDOC $$PWD/doc/qmllive.qdocconf html-docs.files = $$PWD/doc/html qch-docs.commands = $$QHELPGENERATOR $$PWD/doc/html/qmllive.qhp -o $$PWD/doc/html/qmllive.qch qch-docs.files = $$PWD/docs/qch qch-docs.CONFIG += no_check_exist directory docs.depends = html-docs qch-docs QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += html-docs qch-docs docs