
Haskell Support for Qt Creator

This Qt Creator plugin adds basic support for the Haskell programming language.


  • Syntax highlighting
  • Basic .cabal project support
  • Basic build configuration
  • Basic run configuration

Other editing features like code completion and navigation are provided via haskell-ide-engine and Qt Creator's Language Server Protocol client.



The plugin currently only supports projects using Haskell Stack.

  • The plugin looks for the stack executable in the default installation directory of the Haskell Stack installers. If this is not correct for you, adapt the path in Options > Haskell.

Linux: Note that Haskell Stack from the Ubuntu distribution and probably others is hopelessly outdated. Use the installers provided by the Haskell Stack project.


Install haskell-ide-engine for the GHC version that your project uses and configure it in Qt Creator's language client:

  • Open Options > Language Client
  • Add a new server
  • Set Language to the MIME types text/x-haskell, text/x-haskell-project and text/x-literate-haskell
  • Set Startup behavior to Start Server per Project
  • Set Executable to hie-wrapper, for example to /home/myself/.local/bin/hie-wrapper
  • Set Arguments to -lsp

Note that HIE compiles your project before providing any information, so it might take some time.